Nov 10, 2007 23:57
Guys guys I have just discovered Never Mind The Buzzcocks ...and fallen in love with Simon Amstell, I'm afraid. Never mind me. Anyway, gotta go now, Absolute Power is starting on BBC Prime. (Someone help me notice that heterosexual males still exist. Thank you.)
I hate television.
I've just flicked through all the channels and there are some we haven't had before, or haven't had in a long time, and there is no BBC Prime. The people responsible for broadcasting service in this town need to DIE. Waaaaah. I have died a little myself. Need to find other means to get daily Fry fix stat.
Anyway, I want to write some things about the rest of my week. On Wednesday I wanted to study sociology but fell asleep. Awoke in the evening, started to study, minutes later Enikő walked in and took me downstairs for the Tarka Beauty Pageant - two of my groupmates, Heni and Dóri got to the final round. They are both lovely and pretty girls, especially Heni with her unsettling sparkly eyes. They had to walk around an ad-hoc catwalk in evening dresses, we, the assembled groupmates kept casting multiple votes, but it wasn't enough. The girls who came 2nd and 3rd were great, bu tthe first? Like a bad cliché, an artificial creature with white-ish yellow hair and deep orange tanning bed skin and shining tons of make-up. I felt mean for a moment and thought I'd post a picture of her, but now I don't feel so mean plus it's a breach of privacy, I guess. Iwiw is such a sick thing. I don't know her anyway, only that she's taking Communication & Media, and, according to some, is not exactly bright (that seems to be a tendency among Comm/Media girls, see also: roomate.) I consider the fake tan/platinum blonde combo to be one of the greatest offences against good taste, but IDK, maybe I'm an aesthetic snob with warped ideas of natural beauty. And maybe she has an enthralling personality and is terrificly popular. I wouldn't know, I'm pretty asocial at the dorm, I'm barely even there to sleep and eat and shower.
Thursday: quite a good Meth class, ugly Sociology midterm exam. In the afternoon I hung out at Ági and Heni and Dóri's room, discussed the Sziget with Ági and copied music from my mp3 player to her iPod. She originally just wanted a few Muse songs she didn't have, but I convinced her she must hear Fiona Apple and whatnot. In the evening we went back to the university building, met up with our instructors (I think it was the first time ever that all four of them were there) and various groupmates, and went to a house party at Enikő's rented flat. This was one of the most brilliant evenings since I started university. Numerous bottles of wine, boiled or otherwise, and a bowl of home-made Baileys (tastiest ever) were involved, but I didn't even get dizzy, it just felt great, huddled together in one of the small bedrooms, passing around a hookah, taking photos, tickling Benyó's feet with my own, telling stories about the creepy security guard at the library, discussing Irish swearwords with Fanny, listening to Bálint's crazy enquiries - he has a completely unique and unsettlingly odd sense of humour.
After a Sociology Midterm - tragicomedy in one scene.
Zsófi: But that was with regard to infants, not children.
Sophie: And it emphashi--emphasish...
Miki: Right, emphashish. That was such a Freudian slip.
Sophie: STFU, there was no underlying sexual subconscious thing, I'm just lispy.
Ákos: Oh, it's probably your repressed longing for the opposite sex parent coming to the surface.
Sophie: Alright, alright. Fact is, my da is hot as hell.
Ákos: Oh and girls envy boys for their weewees, don't they!
Zsófi: Ohgod.
Miki: That's right.
Sophie: Guys. I don't want your penises. Let's go.
his royal fryness and/or his bf hugh