they're taking the Hobbits to Isengard, g-g-g-gard.

Oct 24, 2009 04:24

Holy balls, livejournal, I am so bad at you, I'm sorry. I apologize every time, but I really do mean it!!!

♥♥ My birthday was pretty sweet! Spent with really fantastic humans, thank you so much to everyone that helped make it so! I got seriously the best haul of birthday mail I've ever gotten in my life and you guys have no idea how happy it made me. ♥ I'm afraid that if I give thank-you shout-outs individually I'll forgot someone or something, but just let it be known I'm saving all your addresses for holiday cards, if not something sooner. >:3 Seriously, thank you bbs so much. ;; w;; ♥

Being 21 is pretty cool I guess, I bought a ton of booze for the party and the guys at the liquor store in town teased me because it was ~my first time~ and it was pretty adorable, actually. Except now I can't find my passport which is my only form of photo ID so I can't do anything else 21-related until I find it ahahaha fml.

After my birthday, I was lucky enough to have tsunami, orgato2 and Steve stick around for a bit... we went on a lovely fall adventure to pick out pumpkins, Dylan baked us delicious pie, Amy made us amazing apple cider, and Steve, Ame and I painted Pokemon on pumpkins. ♥

The plush Pumpkinchu was my prize for winning last year's pkmncollectors Halloween contest~ Ame painted Wailmer, I painted Growlithe, orgato2 sketched Cubone and Pichu for him and Amy, then Steve painted Cubone, Pichu and Koffing for himself. Love my Pokefamily. ♥

♥♥ I went home the weekend after my birthday. Ame wasn't able to come because of work so it was pretty much our first extended period of time apart since she moved out here and... you'd think there'd be some sort of relief or something but we mostly just missed each other. XD;

But it was nice to spend time with my parents (and I have a couple hilarious videos of my father that will be saved for another post) and I hung out with blindkijin on Saturday for the first time in... idk, months? I'm really glad things are okay with us again. Cole is a weiner but I missed him, so. Then on Sundaaay I a) came down with something b) went into the city for Meet The Breeds aka Puppykittycon with happy_riceball! We got to pet so many puppies and kitties and ahhhh it was the best! And I got to see bluucircles for a little too for some quick snuggling so that was also wonderful.

Katelyn snuggling with our super friendly Pointer friends! There was a whole pen of them and they were just... ridiculously cuddly and wonderful. Few people appreciate how crazy I am about animals, but it was lovely to share the day with someone who did! ♥

♥♥ That "something" I came down with on Sunday turned out to be the flu! Which may or may not have been swine flu! Apparently they don't test for swine flu specifically anymore, they just assume that it might be related. So, that was pretty cool. I was absolutely inconsolably miserable on Monday and just an absolute mess, but as I have idk the world's best girlfriend I was really well cared for. ;; ~;; I've been recovering since, and Ame's picked up a touch of what I had (though fortunately not as bad) so we've just been... really lazy this week.

♥♥ WE HAD A LADYBUG INFESTATION AND IT WAS AWFUL. Ladybugs (and stinkbugs though fortunately not in the same numbers) are migrating and looking for places to hibernate, and apparently our apartment seemed awfully appealing. In one night, we caught about ~30 ladybugs. We released those the next day and caught another dozen. I've since sealed off all the windows with ghetto weatherstripping and now we only have one or two a day, but... it's been an experience. They stop being so cute and charming when there are several dozen of them, not least of all because THEY SMELL because they release some of their terrible-smelling blood (pretty fucking metal, I guess) as a defense mechanism which is why we had to catch them instead of smooshing them (not that I would have been able to anyway.) But yeah, ladybugs. That was a thing.

♥♥ For the past two days, we've been watching the Lord of the Rings movies! It's been yeeeears since I've seen them so it's been an absolute joy. Yesterday we watched The Fellowship of the Ring, and then the special features, and then the commentary which is the entire movie again... today we did the same with The Two Towers... and tomorrow we do Return of the King. 8D God I miss when these movies first came out~ not surprisingly, as our lives are a bizarre parallel of each other, Ame and I were both super into the fandom when it was active. Ah, memories~

btw we're going to be Hobbits when we grow up, you guys should come visit us in our Hobbit hole. (We've named our apartment The Hobbit Hole, btw. And now she calls me her little halfling oh god we are terrible)

♥♥ We didn't leave the house at ALL yesterday because we felt like crap, so we went on a nice walk today. Well, the walk was nice, we still felt like crap when we were on it, but we needed the fresh air (especially since we can't have our windows open anymore because of the goddamn ladybugs.)

My birthday gift from my parents this year was a macro lens for my DSLR which I've been coveting for a couple years now. I... this lens. I am so incredibly in love and I think Ame's concerned she may have competition. I have a long way to go before I'm anywhere near competent with it, but I'm really absolutely adoring it already. Needless to say, it came with us on the walk... I really want to make a separate post for photos I took. We'll see if I get around to it. For now, this one~

For someone who loves her camera as much as I do I admit to being completely reckless when it comes to getting a shot. My camera was so precariously balanced on an adjacent bench it would have made any other photographer have an aneurysm. I really need to remember to bring my mini-tripod when I intend to use self-timer ahahaha. ♥

♥♥ Lately, Kpop has been of interest to us. Ga-in is just... unreasonably attractive. More crushes on Asian popstars are... probably the last thing in the world we need right now but AHAHAHA OH WELL

♥♥ I did a couple memes here have them please take them I don't want them anymore.

[01] Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to?
Not nearly as often anymore.

[02] Have you ever been given roses?

[03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
Wall-E. No joke.

[04] How many times have you honestly fallen in love?
Three times. The first was when I was 13, but I honestly loved her with the full capacity of my 13-year-old heart. :c

[05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
I think there's a pretty decent chance I've happened upon mine, but I've never put very much into the idea of soulmates. So no, not really.

[06] What's your current problem, relationship-wise?
It's 3am and we've only just finished the first disc of the LotR Two Towers commentary. Do we watch the second disc tonight, or wait to watch it tomorrow, which is supposed to be reserved for Return of the King? Serious problem, here.

[07] Have you ever had your heart broken?
Very much so.

[08] Had a long distance relationship?
All of my relationships have had some degree of distance... I've never dated anyone who lived in the same town as me or went to the same school or anything. But obviously Ame is the most significant of those, seeing as we were 3000 miles away for the first 15 months of our relationship.

[10] Do you believe the statement, once a cheater always a cheater?
There's truth to it, though I think that different relationships can have different definitions of what constitutes cheating. Meh.

[11] How many kids do you want to have?
1, please.

[12] What's your favorite color(s)?
Purple. And rainbow ♥

[13] Are you currently single?
Last time I checked, nope!

[14] Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don't know about love, but absolutely attraction at first site.

[15] Would you kiss your ex(es)?

[16] At what age did you start noticing the preferred gender(s)?
7th grade was when I found a name for it, I suppose, though I think I had attractions to girls before that without really realizing it. As for boys, I starting having crushes in like, Kindergarten. :| MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A QUEST FOR ROMANCE

[17] Are you happy with your love situation?
Happy is not a strong enough word for how completely and absolutely elated I am to be in the situation I am in now.

[18] Do you know someone who likes you?
Other than this lady, I doubt it. XD

[19] Do you like anyone?
We might have a couple crushes. Wait what?

[20] Do they know you like them?

[21] If you're in a relationship, do you know your bf/gf's ex's?
Her most recent, yes. We were, ah, friends before dating happend. .__.;;

[22] If you're not in a relationship, do you want to be?

[23] How old were you when you had your first real relationship?
I dated a boy for 9 months from 5th into 6th grade. ...He is also gay now. Then I was ~in internet love~ with blazeblast in 8th grade but we were never ~*OFFICIAL*~ sooo... 10th grade with Richard, I guess?

[24] Do you still talk to your first bf/gf?
Once in a while! He met Ame summer before last and it was the cutest thing ever (Chris that is, not Richard.)

[25] How many relationships have you been in?
Five legitimate ones, though one was open and she was never really my girlfriend and lol I don't really know what that was.

[26] What base have you gotten to with the opposite sex?

[27] With the same sex?

[28] Do you regret dating anyone you've dated?

[29] Would you ever date someone of your own gender?
Ew, gay.


Spell your name with some of your favorite songs.
(doing Kasai 'cause it's a little more interesting)

K - Kaishou [Kasamatsu Kouji]
A - All These Things That I've Done [The Killers]
S - Sugar Bomb Baby [Industrial Salt]
A - Amor Imenso [Eiffel 65]
I - Italian Radio [Blue October]

- Name: → Liz.
- Birth date: → 10/10/88.
- Nickname: → Kasai.
- Eye Color: → brown.
- Hair Color: → brown with red undertones and the occasional tiny pink or purple spot that shows through. ♥
- Zodiac Sign: → Libra, Dragon.

- The shoes you wore today: → my ratty old ones.
- Your weakness(es): → short-haired Asian women. NOODLECHASER
- Your fear(s): → death. My own and people I love.
- Your perfect pizza: → everything pizza from Turvino's, with no onions or mushrooms~
- Goal you’d like to achieve: → not being a shitty student. :|

- Your best physical feature? → ffflblfbl
- Your bedtime? → way later than a normal human.
- Most missed memory? → tons, man. Mostly involving people I don't see anymore, for whatever reasons...

This Or That…
- Pepsi or Coke? → Coke.
- McDonald’s or Burger King: → McDonald's.
- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: → meh
- Chocolate or Vanilla: → both~
- Cappuccino or coffee: → coffee I guess

Do You…
- Curse: → quite a lot.
- Sing: → not well.
- Dance: → REALLY not well.
- Take a shower everyday: → most days.
- Have a crush: → heh.
- Do you think you’ve been in love?: → I should say so.
- Want to go to college: → hellooooo
- Like(d) high school: → it was certainly a time. I miss parts of it a lot... and other parts, not so much.
- Want to get married: → sure do, hope I'm legally able to in the future~
- Get motion sickness: → a bit, yeah.
- Think you’re attractive: → not particularly, no.
- Think you’re a health freak: → ahahaha
- Get along with your parents: → quite well in recent years, actually.

In the past month…
- Gone to the mall: → for Halloween fabric.
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: → hahaha with Ame, yeah.
- Eaten Sushi: → yuuup.
- Been on stage: → no.
- Gone skating: → I found my old rollerblades when I was home last weekend and rolled around my kitchen, so sure.
- Made homemade cookies: → no, but we had croissants for breakfast this morning >_>
- Gone skinny dipping: → it is like 50 degrees what are you smoking
- Stolen anything: → never. except a hackey-sack once that I still feel guilty about years later.

- Played a game that required removal of clothing: → we played Strip Never Have I Ever at a party we threw in our apartment last year. Every... everyone was naked. Everyone was so very naked.
- If so, was it mixed company: → there were balls on my furniture and I was really upset.
- Flashed anyone: → not since like middle school when I was cRaAaAZy and rAAAaanDoM
- Been beaten up: → nope.
- Shoplifted: → see hackey-sack anecdote.

- Age you hope to be married: → dunno, in the next 5 years or so?
- Numbers of Children: → 1.
- Describe your Dream Wedding: → bright colors and wonderful music and lots of friends and good food and flowers and no religious influence and... not that we've I've given this any thought or anything

In a boyfriend/girlfriend...
- Best eye color?: → it doesn't really matter much to me but I particularly enjoy not-brown 'cause it's nice to look into eyes that don't look like mine ♥
- Best hair color?: → pink.
- Short hair or long hair?: → short.
- Height: → I've dated taller and shorter, don't have a preference either way though it has affected the dynamic in my experience.

- Number of people I could trust with my life: → maybe 5?
- Number of CDs that I own: → I bought the new Muse album a couple weeks ago...
- Number of tattoos: → none yet.
- Number of piercings: → 8.

Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? → Ame.
What woke you up this morning? → Ame.
Where are you? → In our apartment on our pull-out couch being fat.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? → it's looking to be mostly uneventful and consisting of make-up homework and housework, sooooo idk!
Do you like anybody? → we might. what?

Ever thrown up in public? → aaiuioehgj lkjelkjfe kdjls jd one of my biggest fears I am not joking.
Passed out because of alcohol? → nope.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? → can't breathe through my nose got so much homework should be doing homework doing meme instead can't breathe through my nose

What kind of home would you like? → a Hobbit hole.
What do you want to be when you grow up? → a Hobbit.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? → hopefully with this kid next to me on the couch somewhere.

Do you like candy necklaces? → I SURE DID IN MIDDLE SCHOOL
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? → like... all the time. I'm falling over and running into things right now.
Do you still go trick or treating? → I swear to god I would if it were socially acceptable for a person of my age to, I would.
What was the last thing you ate? → string cheese.
Whats your favorite type of soda? → Diet Coke.
Have you ever moved? → mhmm.
Have you ever won an award? → nothing of significance.
Are you listening to music right now? → Brain Box by Ferry Corsten.
How long ’till your birthday? → uhhhh 352 days?
When were you the saddest in your whole life? → freshman year of college.
What time is it? 3:48am
Do you use ebay to buy or sell? → yeah, both.
Have you ever heard a song written about you? → no, but several poems.
Something you want to happen in 2010? → ffhhhh I dunno, a lot of things.
Summer 2010? → Disney plz plz plz plz plz
Honestly, do you miss 2008? → not particularly.

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? → blue with polka-dots.
2. Honestly, whats on your mind? → all my homework fblfbfl.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? → procrastinating.
4. Honestly, have you done something bad today? → like not doing all my make-up work? sure.
5. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? → mom.
6. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? → why would I be?
7. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? → stupid things.
8. Honestly, do you bite your nails? → nope.
9. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? → nope.
10. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? → there are a lot of people I'd like to see!
11. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? → a little?
12. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? → hahaaaaa
13. Honestly, what was the last text message you received? → personal stuff, sorry.
14. Honestly, are you in denial? → about...?
15. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night? → very rarely.
16. Honestly, do you like anyone? → how about you ask a third time!
17. Honestly, does anyone like you? → yeah I dunno maybe a little ♥

1. What do you do when you’re mad? → vent to Ame.
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? → lol former self-harmer what's up middle school
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? → idk?
4. Do you swear when you’re mad? → maybe a bit more than usual?

1. When was the last time you actually cried? → the /cgl/ bawww thread made me sob, though LotR has extracted several tears from me so far.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? → not for some time, but yeah
3. Do certain songs make you cry? → hahaaaaaa yeah
4. What usually makes you cry? → music.

1. Are you usually a happy person? → I hope so!
2. What makes you the happiest? → My friends.
3. What song makes you always happy? → like a million songs
4. Do you believe in yourself? → nnnot often!
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? → sure why not

♥♥ It's been kind of a stressful night due to worrying about a friend and now... it's 5am so that's pretty cool I guess. I have an inordinate amount of makeup homework to do and the thought of it makes me want to smash my head against something soooo I'm going to sleep now so I don't have to think about it anymore tonight BYYYYYE

ame, family, friends, animals, illness, photos, love, life recap, birthday

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