all in all, it's the perfect scene.

Jul 10, 2009 17:04

My life is so weird and so awesome. Today is the most wonderful day I've had in a while.

♥♥ A little while ago, I decided to buy a VHS from someone on the takarazuka community. When I paid yesterday, I got an email that was like "I'm in your zip code, I don't need to send this! We should meet up and I'll refund your shipping!" I was like, blown away. Zuka fan, IN MY TOWN?!

Sure enough, deathaya, who moved here from Hong Kong to study music, is akjflksj IN MY TOWN. WHAT WHAT WHAT.

So today, we met up at the cafe in Whole Foods and.. talked about Takarazuka for like, two hours. SHE WAS SO SWEET and oh my god it was just like, the most fantastic thing. Little makes me as happy as getting to talk about Takarazuka with anyone who will listen, much less someone who actually KNOWS and is IN MY TOWN klajfkldsjgkld. What are the freaking ODDS?! The cosmos works in the most absolutely fantastic ways sometimes. So, so good. ♥

♥♥ Immediately after leaving Whole Foods I ran into Marcus who I have not seen since high school! He gave me a big hug and we got really excited and ajskgjal of COURSE he was carrying Half-Blood Prince with him. This is the boy who secretly wrote terribly graphic Harry/Ron fanfiction in high school even though he was one of the most popular kids in school. Seeing people you haven't seen in forever and having them be pretty much the same in all the right ways is kind of wonderful. ♥

♥♥ And then I walked all the way home talking to sugar_and_synth on the phone. Admittedly things have been a little less smooth than normal between us recently because we're on very different schedules and in very different mindsets (since she's working full-time she's just looking forward to summer being over so she can move out here, but I'm still very much in a summer mindset so our moving in together is still kind of far off in my mind) but fkejlgjoa;gkl she really is.. just the most fantastic girl. She puts up with my crap and loves me for it anyway, and I could not be luckier. ♥

♥♥ Also Iiiii can't stop listening to this song. It is cutesy and cheesy but it's been a long time since Ame and I have found a new Us Song (we have many, but the list hasn't been added to in quite a while.) I'd upload it but I bought it, so. :c Sry. ENJOY CHEESY LYRICS THAT MAKE ME SMILE.

well it's on my mind, I'm heading back in time and when I
think of all the songs we used to play and then I
think of you and it's alright, I
think of you and it's alright.
well it's this sort of thing that gets me to lose my mind
and it's the flash, flashy eyes that make it worthwhile.
and every time when we, we get together, we just fall in love again.

all in all, it's the perfect scene
and there's not anywhere that I'd rather be
and it's now, now or never when we're chasing our dreams
and oh, we're getting close now, don't turn away!

♥♥ Speaking of love that makes me happy, my best friend katze_utsusemi's husband Wyatt is just kjfliejgleijflkaj THE. BEST. DUDE. A conversation we're having on Facebook (he almost always IMs me when I'm on ;~;):

Wyatt: so katherine gets back [from China] in 36 days
Liz: dawww. are you crossing the days off on the calendar? :D
Wyatt: of course :P
>>>>>: i have a countdown at work
>>>>>: sgt davis spouse countdown
>>>>>: im trying to think of things to get her when she gets back
>>>>>: i sent her a package this week full of american goodies the dont have in china
>>>>>: 52 dollars shipping :O
Liz: awwwwww klajflks that is so sweet!
>>>: you are the best husbando.

Seriously I'm dying. He is such a good dude. aieluiglklsjkgsl;kls;g.

♥♥ And speaking of friends finding love.. in an icon post I found the other night, I encountered a handful of icons that, based on recent experiences regarding my friends' quests for love, really hit home. I say this as someone who wants nothing more than to see my friends happy, and I really really really don't mean this in a critical way, it's just based on observations, but.. idk, just give it some thought? 8D;;

Additionally, this is my experience:

[icons from here]

I am going to print these icons out on little post-it notes and safety-pin them to all of your shirts so you don't forget. I know all of you who quest for romance have someone if not several someones out there who are right for you, you just gotta keep an open mind and an open heart so they'll be able to find a way in when they show up! ♥

♥♥ My Otakon costumes are nowhere near done and I should be stressed but I am having a silly, mushy, loving-the-world day which is a pleasant change from the Inexplicably Shitty mood I've been in the past few days! Silly little things make my life better. ; A; Like you guyyyys~~ ♥♥

Okay. Off to errands!

mushy liz is mushy, adventures, love, music, happygoods, takarazuka, friends

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