two partially full orange juice bottles, three cups, a bowl, a spoon, a water bottle..

May 07, 2009 02:49

You know it's 3 in the morning when you've just taken off your underwear to change into pajama pants and you look over and see THIS FACE on the spine of a VHS and you become simultaneously terrified, amused and embarrassed:

Zunko I love you but you are making me very uncomfortable when you look at me like that.

Hi livejoural! I have not updated in a really long time! That's pretty weird! April is probably the most sparsely updated month of livejournaling I've like.. ever had.

I'm doing better than I was in my last post, emotionally. Schoolwork, however, is absolutely destroying me. I am balancing an insane amount of work with desperate attempts to squeeze every possible moment of social interaction out of my final days of the semester. It's quite a balancing act that has involved several hours spent in "homework parties" with friends that have yielded very little actual productivity. (Did get a bunch of shit done tonight, though!)

Though I have no finals, I have like 30 pages worth of papers to be done before I leave for home in a week. Four days after I get home, I leave for California. Three days after I get to SoCal, we leave for Fanime. The Monday after Fanime, I leave for Japan. I return to California on the 8th, where I'll be until the 14th.

I am absolutely hilariously stressed! But managing to keep a decent outlook, given the circumstances. I just want to get my shit done. If I can get a lot done tomorrow and Friday during the day, I fully intend to pack a retarded amount of partying and last hurrah-ing into this weekend.

It's a strange feeling, to be burning with the desire to be DONE DONE DONE with classes and schoolwork but at the same time, dreading actually LEAVING because it will mean saying goodbyes I'm really not ready for. Fuck friends graduating.

I really need to take better care of myself. My sleep schedule is retarded and if I am not careful I am going to catch Swine Flu and bring it to Japan with me and then have the entire country hate me more than they're already bound to! I'd like to not do that.

You guys haven't missed a great deal in my life.. my hair is at a perfect length, the rats are doing pretty well, we threw a phenomenal blacklight party in my apartment this past weekend wherein there was a lot of dancing and drankin' and naked. Oh my god, was there ever a lot of naked. Cool party, bros.

Oh, and I signed the lease on the apartment for next year. sugar_and_synth and I are seriously for reals living together. While we're both still positive this is what we want, we're kinda stressing about it right now because it's a big thing and things are going to be scary for a while. Also, I really suck at helping someone feel better when they are stressed. This is what I'm learning. I would like to get better about this. Growing up is scary. Have I mentioned that?

This entry is all over the place because I am loopy with sleepy (I don't understand why, it's only 3 and I haven't been to sleep before 4am in.. I don't know how long) soooo I'm going to go finish this paper and then crash.

There's a lot of other stuff I'd like to update about! (LIKE SAKURACON, I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN, AUGH.) I'll get to it when I have more time. Hope all you guys are doing well~ ♥

futurepartment, ame, college, japan, friends, travel, mai laifu, california

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