I am super ready for this to be over.

Sep 11, 2008 20:36

EDIT I got talked into deleting what I had here previously. Short version: the drama's been brought to everyone's favorite cosplayer internet tabloid board and I still feel like shit. And now have Anonymous calling me a slut, which is pretty great.

I goddamn give up.

However, I'm going to leave the second half of my entry as it was. So, this.


I don't think I ever actually wrote about this on livejournal, but. Drama between me and Val/thrives/ainotorikomi/ex-girlfriend-chan-with-whom-I've-had-drama-for-a-year has FINALLY SUBSIDED. For now GOOD. FOR GOOD. @_@

Anyway, yeah. She showed up at Otakon out of goddamn nowhere (originally scaring the SHIT out of me, haha) but then Saturday night became Reconciling Exes Con and in states of drunken happiness, we made up. We hugged it out and hung out with mutual friends again and it was amazing.

Since then we've exhanged several pleasant and civil emails, most recently one I sent today involving "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUTTHEAD" written in rainbow letters. I don't think either of us have much of a desire to extend our civilities into things like adding each other back on lj or facebook or whatever, but honestly, I'm completely content with a friendly email once in a while.

So, at least there's that.

I'd like to go back to making strictly happy livejournal entries now, please. I'm sorry you dudes who have no idea what's going on have to keep reading this crap.

I would also like for this cold/flu/whatever the fuck to go away now as well. It can escort the drama out. That'd be great.

relationships, internet, 4chan, mai laifu, dramu, friends, val

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