my last entry did the not-showing-up-n-people's-flists again. Since I have the friends cut still future-dated, I have to check "Date out of order" in order to post any newer entries, then go back and edit it and uncheck that so that it shows up on flists again. Which I forgot. Which is mildly upsetting 'cause I was kind of proud of that entry. >:[
Anyway. Today is a day that I greatly regret forgetting my scarf. Good LORD it is miserably cold out. ; 4; The wind chill is like negative 9000. So basically, it's BELOW NINE THOUSAAAAND.
I had a lot of really upsetting dreams last night. I think I had them some time after I woke up in the middle of the night basically on fire and feeling like I was going to puke.
The first chunk of dreams involved me being heavily stalked (which may have been related to the V-chan thing, I think) but like.. hardcore. By these couple of really fucking sketchy middle-aged guys. I just remember being terrified and desperately trying to cover every window with black paper so they couldn't see in, but when I looked out the last window before I covered it, I saw them out there with a giant TV that was connected to a camera that was filming me. I remember like, having a breakdown and just freaking the fuck out and crying and screaming at them to leave me alone and being so disgusted that they could sexually objectify a teenage girl like that.. it was just basically bads. If I had to analyze it I'd imagine it could be attributed to my regret about the V-chan escapades in addition to my hesitance to trust men, I guess.
The second chunk is hard to explain, but there was a really unhappy aura throughout all of it. Something about my mother dying and my dad and I becoming CSIs, which would normally be pretty cool but it was like.. just pretty much terrifying because when investigating the crime scene where someone died (possibly Mom? I don't know) trying to figure out how they were killed, instead of just like, post-mortem remains I kept seeing scenes and flashes of the actual killings, like I was being haunted by the ghosts of those involved. Basically like that show Medium (which is actually pretty good.) It was freaky as hell.
Though I do remember being proud of myself because I definitely came up with a Grissom-esque one-liner and was like "NOW I'M A REAL CSI." Lolz.
But yeah, though my dreams were not fun,
cimmonym said she had a dream about me and Cody last night.. and that's pretty nice. ♥
So yeah. I got a 10/10 on my first hiragana quiz which makes me happy. And now I have to go read Astro Boy for animu class. Ok.