Heeee. So, today so far has been cleaningssss and then lazyingssss and then meeting up with
dearangelogata for dins and then picking up
genkitozuku and heading back to Mina's dorm for funtimes.
Addy styled my Edgey wig for me which was wonderful and it looks SWEET and thank you again! ;w; Pix later. After wigstyling I showed them
downskutsuou (because Addy likes Gank too which is yay) and much lulz were had. We need to make Mina watch soon. Then overloaded on UglyOverload and CuteOverload and I realized that I DO YES WANT a hamster like right now. And I think I might name it Teaspoon instead of Tikki Tikki Kuush Kuush. Or perhaps, fullname: Teaspoon Tikktikki-Kuushkuush? Either way, WANT HAMHAMS NAO.
Then I came back to my dorm to find more people I enjoy (the same basic crew from last night, plus another of Katie's friends) in addition to Tobias (again, doll-kun) with one hand in his pants and another hand behind his head. What is it with non-doll people and fascination with dollpeens once they find out they have them?
So yeah. They're being a little drinky again but no one's drunk. My drink of choice of the evening is Airborne, because I feel like I'm getting a little sicky. :[ Do not wants.
...Something about my childhood stuffed animal (Blizzard, my plush husky that I've slept with sn;~;) being handled makes me mildly uncomfortable. Kathleen and Daniel are on my bed and were like "WHAT'S HIS NAME?" ;A;
Also I'm totally jealous because Val is off at
kayla_kagome's with
sailormoon and
deadstar and
seebamskate and people and having funs and I WANNA BE THERE. ;O; But I think
the_sea_goddess is coming up next week which is when I'm visiting Val so hopefully good times will be replicated? PS, my 'Ruka ok. >:O
So yeah. I like having friends and I like being social. I have not yet been able to find friends like I have at home whom I miss terribly as always (AlexJuliLisaNickNickCole and AllieKatzeMariaIvanaGabby in particular) and I don't imagine I will humans as wonderful as the ones I am already blessed with, but this is already a vast improvement to last semester and I'm still quite happy. :3
Ok, off to be social now and/or reclaim my own bed.
Edit Heeehee I just got a cute drunk dial from Val (and Ender+Lori+Kayla+Travis) and it was cutes and I can't wait to play with them next weekend and I guess I'm probably going to end up cosplaying Saturn as once planned since they claimed Val as their Uranus! Oh, Kous. Oh, drunkies. Also I can't wait to see Val ajshklfksl. ♥