
Sep 20, 2010 14:07

Hello, internet! Yesterday I spent like an hour and a half working on a post about new Pokemon, and then lj was shitty and logged me out without saving the entry, so I ragequitted and gave up. Perhaps this evening I will try again. For now, other things!

Like my classes this semester! I'm really enjoying all of them even if I managed to have a That Guy in almost every one of my classes. How does that even happen. Anyway, it's looking like this:

Intro to Japanese Religions - what it sounds like. We have a horrific That Guy in this one, complete with anime keychains on his backpack (those rubbery flat Sailor Moon ones... you KNOW you had at least one, too) a shirt that says "Watch More Anime" and way too frequent comments. It's countered by Nolan, my little come on you have to like dudes bro who's a theater/Japanese doublemajor and therefore in like all my classes, as well as an irrational abundance of cute girls. I'm not talking about this class at all, am I? Ah, well.
Performing Arts of Japan - theater + Japan = my academic focus, so this class is neat. Though it's had a lot of overlap with J-Religions so far (and is held in the same room) which is mildly confusing. However, I am taking this with doorknocker_dog and __kaze__ which makes it 100x better, even though we have Bean-san, the most pathetic and bean-shaped weeaboo, in our class.
Modern Repertory - readin' plays, readin' plays. It is still a novelty to know many people in my class... a novelty that I have been unused to until I finally declared my major.
Scenic Design - I am already loving the hell out of this class. Designing sets and stages and learning about the elements of design and doing creative things and sklgjsklgjsl finally getting into classes that are relevant to my specific theater interests is pretty sweet! Although there is The Spergiest Guy who has seriously already made Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII references (IN A THEATER CLASS WHY WOULD YOU EVEN) and Iiii am really glad I switched out of the other class I had with him, because I don't think I could stand being in a class with this dude every day.
Introduction to Science Fiction - filler class! With a professor recommended by scanningdarkly. Actually seriously digging this so far? Read the play that invented the word "robot" and am now on The Martian Chronicles. One of Ame's coworkers and another friend of ours who are both big science fiction nerds greatly approved of my reading list, so I'm pretty excited.

Aaaand maybe also Japanese Conversation Suite which is apparently a two-credit thing designed for residents of the Thatcher language house to practice speaking skills, but apparently sometimes they make exceptions? I had not even heard of this until today, but I'm thinking I might check it out tonight. Discovering this has given me a bit of hope about not becoming completely useless in Japanese, and stopping by last semester's sensei's office and having her tell me it would probably be alright for me to retake and audit the last level of Japanese that I took next semester (so that I can move on in the fall) was really comforting. Wow that was the longest sentence.

So, feeling less hopeless is good! As it stands now, I am trying my absolute hardest because I'm not ready to give up on the idea of spending a semester abroad, but because of my shitty GPA in my first few semesters here, the odds are kind of against me right now. I'm hoping that maybe if I show great improvement over time, I might be able to work something out. We'll see.

Rushing the last bit of this entry because I definitely forgot my UCard/credit cards at home today and sugar_and_synth is the best waifu and is bringing them to me. TYPOS GO ok ilu guys bye. ♥

university, mai laifu, academics

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