LOG: Standing, Instead.

Mar 25, 2010 11:03

Date: Er? Backdated. Sometime before the hatching.
Location: Lake shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Cadejoth finds another candidate.

The weather has been warmer, recently - not /warm/, as such, but warmer than it has been, and enough, it seems, to start breaking up the ice that covered the weyr's lake throughout much of the winter. Cadejoth is far too big to walk on the ice even in the middle of winter, of course, but this afternoon, the bronze seems to find it fascinating nonetheless: he stands by the edge, nosing down at the bobbing pieces of ice with exaggerated gentleness. His rider, wrapped up against the still-chill wind, wanders back and forth beside him, his expression one part affectionate, and one part determinedly annoyed. "Just ice, Cadejoth," says the Weyrleader. "Can we go in, now?"

Apparently, the ice has melted enough that someone's sent Tancred to get some /cold/ water from the lake. A pail swings from the lanky youth's hand as he trots along down towards the lake with that gangly awkwardness of someone who's still growing into too-long arms and legs. If he ever grows into it, he might look impressive, but at the moment, the best someone could call him was a touch comical. He purses his lips to blow upwards, rustling strands of red hair away from his brow, pointedly /not/ looking up to where the winter sun glares all-too-bright for his tastes at the moment. Catching sight of the weyrleader and the bronze, his eyes widen a bit, and he moves to circle around towards a different part of the lake without drawing too much attention.

Naturally, this is when he trips on a fragment of rock and goes sprawling, pail clattering loudly against stone. "Shardit--"

K'del and Cadejoth both look up at the sound of the clattering pail, and the rest that accompanies it. The young Weyrleader has to banish a smile from his face as he steps away from his bronze to approach the boy, offering him a hand up once he's close enough. "Careful," is his remark, less admonishment than friendly greeting: by now, he's managed to make his smile less laughing, too. "So used to worrying about not slipping on ice, guess it's easy to forget how slippery it can /always/ be out here," he adds, then, in his lazy, faintly Tillekian accent. Cadejoth watches, shuffling around so that his tail explores the ice instead, while he concentrates on his rider and Tancred.

The expression on the youth's face is easy to read as Tancred looks up to see the offered hand and the face behind it - ohshardsitstheweyrleaderI'msuchadimglowclutz - and he grimaces a bit, reaching up to accept the offered hand and hauling himself up to his feet before reaching down to brush his knees clean. "Ah, sorry, Weyrleader. I wasn't watching where I was going, I guess," he admits, nose wrinkling, and he steps over to reach down and grab up his pail, "Feet get away from me sometimes."

K'del's expression is sympathetic, and more than a little awkward; there's no doubt he's seen that grimace, and worked out the cause. His response - "Know how it is," - is equally sympathetic, though his added, "Still remember," has just enough tone to it to imply that it was longer ago than, in actual fact, it really was. He's still, after all, not even twenty. Rubbing his hand on his trousers, now that he's let go, he adds, "So no need to apologise or anything. /Truly/."

Tancred turns the pail over to make sure it's not dented, scrupulous in making sure he hasn't hurt anything save his own pride, and then he looks back to K'del a bit sideways, as if looking directly at the Weyrleader would be somehow rude. Despite being only a few years younger than him, that rank leaves him wary in any case. "Yes, well..." Suddenly a grin, "...I still made a racket and disturbed your thinking. Guess we can all use a bit of shaking out of thought sometimes, though."

'Thinking' makes K'del grin, matching Tancred's own; he looks positively mirthful as he says, once he's finished, "/Thinking/. Hah. Attempting to get Cadejoth to stop playing with the ice, mostly... you'd think he'd never seen it before! Guess he doesn't remember what it was like last turn, but /still/. Keeps going on about how much he thinks Iovniath would like it." Fond exasperation seeps all the way through his tone; the bronze in question sends his tail thumping against the ice, splintering it noisily. This seems to delight him all the more.

"What... the ice?" Tancred's free hand comes up to rake back through his hair, scratching at the nape of his neck as he turns a dubious look in the direction of the ice, a smile tugging a bit up at one corner as that heavy tail shatters through the upper layers, fragments of ice splintering everywhere, "I mean, it's good for keeping things cool, but... well. I guess a dragon might find it interesting." He squints up at the bronze, offering helpfully, "Maybe he could bring some to her?"

"Not most dragons," says K'del, rueful, but still amused. "Just mine. Well. Exaggerating, but still, you know?" Whether or not Tancred does, the bronzerider continues easily, turning his head to glance at the bronze in question, who is aiming for another swing with his tail. "Not sure she'd appreciate it, even if he could get it to her without melting... pretty sure she prefers /actual/ ice, not the melting kind. All cold and white, that's what he says she's like." Beat. "Think he just likes being helpful. His eggs and all. Their eggs." Turning his attention back to Tancred, he adds, "Not sure if I know your name?"

"Oh, um, I imagine not, I'm just..." Tancred waves vaguely in the direction of the caverns' nearest entrance, "...I mean, I mostly work down there, I mostly help hunting the tunnelsnakes and rocksnakes, setting traps and everything..." Oh, wait. He didn't answer the question. Trailing off, he winces a little, then flashes a rueful smile back to K'del, "Tancred, sir."

K'del's eyes light at mention of hunting tunnelsnakes, and he notes, "Enjoyed that chore, when I was a candidate." It seems to amuse him, somehow, though not enough that he can't add, "Tancred. Well met, then. Just-- like knowing people's names, if I can. Always feel weird that, all these turns, and I still don't know all these people." Clearing his throat, he says, then, glancing at Cadejoth, and then back again, "Er. Intend to hunt tunnelsnakes forever?"

Tancred's brow furrows in slight lines at the question, hesitating a bit before answering. "Well, er. I mean. Probably not," he admits reluctantly, "I mean, eventually I'll probably be too big to fit in all the tight spots and all, I'm sure that they'll find something else for me to do. I'm not really talented at anything to go into the Crafts, but, there's always work to do around the weyr." A wry smile, head shaking, "Someone's got to support you 'riders, after all."

Nose wrinkling, K'del glances Tancred up and down; finally, he nods. "Sucks, to know you'll outgrow something like that..." Then, almost lazily, "Want to try Standing, instead? Even if we do need people to support us riders." Cadejoth has stopped playing with the ice to focus his gaze on the two young men, instead, eyes whirling with rapid, eager interest. "Can't promise anything of it... Cadejoth's never really searched much, before this clutch. But. If you want."

"Yeah, well... I'm sure I'll find something else I'm good at," Tancred replies with a resigned shrug, and a resigned smile, then gives the Weyrleader a bemused sort of look, "...but I /am/ standing? I mean, now that I got..." Give him a moment for that to sink in. Trailing off, he blinks - twice - and then looks up at the bronze staring with whirling eyes, blinks back to K'del, "M-me? But I'm not, I mean, I'm not anybody..."

Tancred's reaction seems to visibly amuse K'del, who has to bite back his smile to make it something less than overwhelmingly broad. "Neither was I, when I got searched," he points out, then, easily. "Some kid from Tillek. S'the thing with it. Don't /have/ to be anyone, first. You up for it?" Cadejoth takes a few steps closer, tail twitching and twisting on the ground as he moves.

Tancred's complexion seems to war between growing paler and flushing for a bit, finally settling as a rosy hint to the cheeks of the pale ginger lad, biting his lower lip and chewing on it for a moment. A clearing of his throat, then, looking up to Cadejoth, then down, then back up to K'del before saying, "If... he really thinks I'm worth it, sir, then-- hah." A grin cracks his expression, "I can always go back to hunting tunnelsnakes if he's wrong, I guess. I'd, um, I'd be honored."

Cadejoth lets his pleasure at this decision be known with a cheerful rumble; K'del looks equally pleased, his smile outright genuine. "Right? Figure... there's never any point /not/ giving something a try, if you can just go back to other stuff afterwards." He glances at his lifemate, shakes his head, and then tips his head towards the weyr. "C'mon, I'll show you to the barracks, then you can go tell your supervisor."

Tancred is still looking a bit stunned--glancing back up to the bronze now and then as if to make sure the dragon's really there, and K'del as though worried this were some sort of prank that was being pulled on him. "Alright, let's go..." A glance back to Cadejoth again, "...really?" A shake of his head, and he rakes a hand back through his hair, "Lead the way, sir."

"/Really/," says K'del, grinning. "Really, truly." And Cadejoth rumbles again, watching after the pair as his rider begins to trek across the bowl to the caverns, chatting amiably the whole way.

|k'del, tancred, cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, $iovniath, !weyrleader

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