LOG: Hatching! Part 2.

Mar 22, 2010 19:19

Date: Day 13, Month 4, Turn 22
Location: Hatching Sands, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: The eggs hatch!

The Gold Egg has had enough! With a loud cracking noise, the egg splits asunder through the force exerted of the occupant. What was within is now out; and the scrawny, bristly creature that is Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold is certainly here to terroriz--er, make an impression.

Silarra doesn't worried about Saliqa's look to her. "Well, she's already pissed at him about this whole standing thing, so might as well take it all the way. So long as I don't get in the way of all Auntie's fury." Her eyes don't even move to the other candidates, just continuing to look out at all the hatchlings and cracking shells. "I like exactly how I am." Gets aimed at Inviere, though.

>---< Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold >-------------------------<
Though tiny, a thin and sinuous beast, there's only fire in this brilliant gold, from the tip of a pointed, scorched muzzle to the whipping tail behind her. Her headknobs steal the yatagan's distinctive recurve, swooping over a crooked outcrop of spiky neckridges that look quite inhospitable to riding, their tips seared as though by living sparks. Along her narrow sides, her color may brighten to treasure's true gold, but those ruddy touches show up again on otherwise white-hot wingspars and tiny paws that always look like they've been playing in blood. Everything about her is sharpened into daggers, from the lethal array of charcoal talons on every foot to the bony wings edged in ichor-green. With a proud arch to her neck and eyes like embers, she's a fearsome creature, less regal queen than simply awful.
Ivana waves a hand at Xeo's partner, and gives him a comforting wink. It seems to help her too. "A brown? In th'stands?" She turns again to see the guard leave the galleries. "Oh, he's hurt. Hope he'll be all right. Hey.. isn't another one comin' over there?" she points.

Zarenya eyes the green as she chooses the former healer over there and lets her eye by caught by the little brown wandering around toward the galleries, her eyes widening. More with a stare than anything happy for the man. "Uh, yeah," she mutters to Vy. "Our former guard just got a brown. And Taikrin, too."

King of Improv Blue Hatchling is about done with this skit. It was amusing, of course, for the duration. But the show's ending, and he'll not be caught improvising for the credits without a partner! He scrutinizes a nearby arc of girls in white with a regard that's just this side of dubious. Only then he swings about rather suddenly, as if hearing someone calling his name, and he's crossing the sands with purpose, heading for the local joker: a familiar stranger, as it were. At which point the King of Improv declares the dark-headed ex-nanny the *perfect* person for finishing drinking songs with -- and his own.

K'del's silence, his hand tightening on Cadejoth's side, is perhaps the most remarkable part of his reaction to the hatching of High Reaches' newest queen. Cadejoth has no such qualms: he /trumpets/. A smile, after a moment, blossoms for his rider: "She's--" Pause. "/Something/. More like her dad than her mother, though, hm?" That's for Tiriana.

The sandy bronze that rolls out of the Quick, Guess What It Is! Egg spends a few moments examining some beefy convicts - much to the dismay of many of the nearby candidates - before wandering off again. His actual destination is a local boy standing nearby, who spares only a brief look of triumph before he leads his new lifemate off the sands.

Xeoshen nods as he watches the pair in the stands head off. "Hey, I tjhink he was one of the guards." He says. But, his attention has to go back to the sands, and so it does. "I see him." He says to Ivana about the blue, and then looks up as the gold egg hatches next. "Whoa." He takes a step back a moment, before his eyes go back to the blue.

Inviere goes quite still when, tearing her gaze away from the galleries, she spots the newly hatched queen. Without a deity to evoke, she manages only to stare for a long litany of seconds. She drops a wondering gaze down at Saliqa: are you /seeing/ this?

Saliqa looks exactly when she's commanded, which means she's already missed the event everyone was gasping about. She jerks a glance over her shoulder, though, to Warucori, too. "What? What's look and ohmygoodness about it?" Clearly, Silarra gets to just be with that one, as things have become hectic enough. It takes her several more seconds to really register the next stare-worthy moment. Um. That gold.

Teris is losing just a bit of her composure, probably even missing that hand she was holding not so long ago. Browns flinging themselves toward the galleries, dragons hatching and Impressing all over the place. Her attention is drawn toward the clutch's centerpiece when the gold hatches but then she's glancing at Gustav again.

There's a large and shiny chunk of her former egg that catches her attention almost as soon as Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold is out of it. She pounces at it, sitting on it first. Hers. Only then does her attention shift to the Candidates, surveying them all with a proprietary eye. Also hers. The lot of 'em. Eyes whirling like anxious flame, she cannot linger, but she doesn't want to leave the piece of shell behind. She starts to pick it up in her mouth, then spits it out. Distasteful. At last, she leaves it to head off after the attendees clad in white. Perhaps they're even better.

Gustav keeps looking up into the galleries. "Hey, who the fuck is that with my sister?" He suddenly asks out loud. He doesn't sound like he's particularly impressed with this person. "Hey, hey! This is a public event! What do you think you're doing? Get your tong-" He's interrupted in the middle of trying to ruin his family member's good time from the sands by the blue that comes to a stop in front of him. The waving hand freezes in mid-air and he brings back to his face. Pinching the bridge of his nose like he's just been flashed by a bright camera. "Teivoth?" Dumbfounded. He can only stare at the blue in front of him before laughing, a short surprised noise. "You'll eat when I feed you, damnit." He reaches out, almost hesitantly to touch the hatchling. And whenever help arrives, he'll allow himself to be led off the sands. No complaints here.

Meara is the help G'stav is after, arriving a few seconds after his reaction; she looks amused. Again. "He'll eat when he's hungry," is her mock-chide, as she beckons him forward. "C'mon-- G'stav, is it? We'll get you secured away, you and Teivoth."

Extravagant Action Green circles around a trio of girls who look, for a moment, excited and hopeful, under the weight of her gaze. But none of them are for her, it seems, because she angles off into a different direction, this time to consider a mixed group standing nearby. But they aren't right either, and by now, her discontent with this situation is beginning to make itself heard, a wilfully unhappy sound escaping as she sends more sand flying in her continued search.

Teivoth may, in fact, accidentally trip G'stav with his tail after that remark, thank you very much. But hey, check out all the faces on all the girls with that looker sister of his. D'ya see that? Oh wait. Food!

Warucori gives a point towards the stands and flaps her hand, "A little dragon...I didn't hear his name, a brown. He climbed up there. I thought that was only in stories." That, apparently, is where her attention is. Gustav's voice at impressing draws her attention back to the more local sands and she gapes, "oh! Teivoth is a good name. Isn't it?"

Vyshani takes her eyes off what's happening on the Sands long enough to goggle at Zarenya. "Where? When? I missed it!" Pout! Bounce bounce goes the Bollian lass again, looking hither and yon far too fast to actually focus on anything properly. "There was another blue, did you see? And a green. Where did the-- ooh!" Attention arrests and swivels back. Uncertainly, "She's, um. Very uh." A sidelong look at her companion, "She'll be prettier when she grows up, maybe?"

Saliqa points somewhat incredulously to the stands when they're indicated, but her gesturing is generally slack. "Who's Teivoth...?" Cue another head-swivel that has her missing Gustav entirely and noting Teris, instead. "No, that's Teris."

Teris watches this whole exchange between Gustav and the galleries and then with that dragon and her mouth falls open slightly. Speechless would be a good word for it since there's no talking to speak of as she watches the pair head off with a weyrlingmaster.

Inviere lets out a small noise at the gold's display of wanton violence. "Well." Is that a smile -- nay, a /grin/ -- on her lips? Surely not. She's too engrossed to actually see G'stav's Impression, but the sound of disgusted groans from nearby girls clues her in. She rolls her eyes dramatically.

Xeoshen blinks. "Gustav impressed? The guy that was too 'manly' ta take a piece of pink cloth?" He asks Ivana. "Well, good fer him." He says, and looks back to the eggs, and hatchlings, oh look, a gold. "She's a shiny one." He says, captain obvious here, yep. The green is eyed as well, there's so much to watch out here!

Flakes of color fall to the sands from the Rainbow Lattice egg, bright child's toys abandoned on the ground as the whole stack of sticks comes tumbling down. Leaving a spectrum of litter behind him, a solidly built blue dragonet goes careening forth, wings half-stretched to explore the world.

>---< Make Me A Match Blue >--------------------------------<
He leads with his chin, a dynamic tension threading his sleek, solid frame even when ostensibly standing still, his hide an effortless blue that will show every scar. It's as yet unmarred by so much as a pattern, though, no freckles, no patches: the gem-like clarity of summer sunlight, refracted through unbroken glass. That refraction does lend shifts of shade, but subtly so: hints of color along his neckridges when seen out of the corner of an eye, shadows lurking beneath his wingsails, a glossy grace note to the tail that always seems to want to curl. For a dragon so large and densely built, he's balanced both in physique and in motion, a vibrance that carries through to the eager lift of his head and the light in wide-set, gleaming eyes.
Ivana turns to see G'stav and his blue leave the sands, and one hand reaches out for Xeoshen's. "Y'r tall, just let me know if ah'm in a good place, Xeo, all right?" she asks, eyes scanning the crowd anxiously now.

Extravagant Action Green Hatchling diverts her path towards a group of candidates, her wings fluttering at her sides as she leans forward to examine each in turn. No... no... /yes/. Her enthusiasm is palpable, impossible to ignore, as she lunges into her chosen candidate, inclining her head upwards to allow whirling blue eyes to meet Silarra's smokey-blue gaze. Impression? Well - that's a certainty.

Meara heads in from a tunnel off to the side.

Silarra looks over to the gold and winces. "Not a very pretty one, is she?" The girl comments. She opens her mouth to say something more then find a pair of blue eyes looking into her own. "Bestest friends?" There's a slight hint of doubt there before Silarra reaches out to rest her hand against the green's gooey hide where the head is nudging her. "Of course. Food. Right. That much we can definitely do." And she's willing to be led out as soon as the weyrling staff get to her.

Zarenya's clear green eyes flash one way and then the other, like a cat watching a bird fly to and fro juuuust on the other side of a pane of glass, though the bright little reflection that is the gold dragon widen her eyes, her mouth dropping open. "Uh. Um. ..Sure. Whatever you say, Vy."

Make Me A Match Blue bounds away from the ruins of his egg and promptly plants a foot in a bit of broken shell from one of his clutchmates' eggs. Huh what? Eyes down. Egg. Goo. Paw up! Shake-shake-shake! And an experimental lick for good measure then he's off again, galloping through the remaining eggs and flirting with the tip of another dragonet's tail before he moves on to explore the circle of candidates.

Inviere sighs noisily as she bears witness to Silarra's Impression. "Great," she pushes through clenched teeth. "Silarra and Gaber-- G'brion on sharding dragons. That's just... /perfect/." She jerks Saliqa's hand around in her annoyed gesticulations.

A shuddering thump sends the Nothing But A Winner Egg into a more active, sparkling dance, as pieces of shell begin to break free and scatter to the ground like a shower of somewhat sticky glitter. For now, the shell retains integrity, but it can't be too much longer-- the hatchling within is clearly increasingly eager for freedom. The Second Biggest Ever Egg twitches where it sits, patient as the day is long. This egg offers no insult, no insight; no mentions of nose-picking or diaper-wearing. It offers a single ripple, nearly dreamy, as if the occupant daydreams within.

Teris doesn't look anymore composed now that Gus is gone. She's trying, though. Trying with that lift of her chin and deep breath. The girl that was beside her isn't so much beside her anymore but the blonde doesn't seem to have noticed.

Xeoshen blinks as his hand is grabbed, and the kid on his other side decides Ivana's got a great idea, so his other hand is grabbed as well, when did he become the anchor in this? Not that he's complaining. "Right, if any come chargin' at us, I'll yank ya out of the way." He tells Ivana, and the boy, his eyes scanning the sands. "Another blue hatched, over there." He says, using one of his held hands to point. "And..." Blink. "Silarra impressed. Congrats Silarra!"

Attention to Candidates is better than attention to bits of eggshell, but Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold is probably supposed to have some interest in girls. And Impressing. Rather than chasing down a couple of crafter boys and, wings spread, rushing at them until they have to back hastily away from her. And then again. She cries sharp-edged glee. The one who didn't run is regarded with appraising eye... but nothing happens. Screeching, she launches furiously at him until he does have to duck out of the way.

With a final, triumphant roll, the Nothing But A Winner Egg shatters, marshalling onto the sands a diving green who nonetheless manages to keep her balance and end up safely on her own two... well, four feet. Her sequined wings still extended, she scans the sands, blinking at a patch of candidates to clear her eyes before taking another step. Onward!

>---< Sharp-Edged Acrobat Green >--------------------------<
Small, tough, and glittering-eyed, the young green dragon is anything but petite. Something about the way she carries her spangled wings makes them seem larger than they are, her neck longer, the blunt tips to her muzzle and tail more elegant. It's all about showmanship, though the satiny shade of her hide doesn't hurt, a uniform aquamarine that stretches across the promise of springy muscles and pales only at her paws in a soft, chalky dusting. Brighter are her wings, their sails given iridescence by fine waves of turquoise and gilt that, here and there, curl into whorls like so many tiny sequins... or bits of broken glass.
Meara approaches Silarra staunchly, coming to a halt right by the girl and her green. "Food, then? Come on-- right this way, and we'll have something for you in a minute."

Saliqa generally lets her hand get maneuvered, though she makes some firm effort to get fingers to their sides. "Come on, come on," she urges, some sort of encouraging that she isn't going to explain amidst whatever of her own emotional reactions. And the dropping of her jaw at the gold's behavior. "I..." Accusing to Inviere, "Oh, so they don't /look dangerous/, eh?"

Silarra sighs at the green. "Alright, Liniath. Bestest of friends." She's not so out of it that she doesn't stick her tongue out at Inviere on the way past though, leading the green on after Meara towards the food.

Bloodletter's Bonfire Gold tires of teasing the boys, though she still spends a radically long amount of time staring longingly at a tall, dark-haired boy from Crom. Heart attack given to the weyrleaders, she now impatiently paces the line of girls until flinging herself at her chosen person, wrapping herself around a local blonde. Yes, yes, all the terrorizing is all well and good; but now, there's her treasure.

Such a flurry of action eventuates from the Improbably Green Egg, Cold Approach Egg and Unstable Tower Egg that it's all but impossible to determine which dragon comes from which. The trio - brown, blue and green - even head in the same direction, choosing their lifemates from a cluster of candidates standing close together. They're all helped off together, excitement visible all round. The Second Biggest Ever Egg offers a slight stirring, but still nothing big; it rather enjoys where it's at. It's soft here, and safe! Iovniath is only a step or two away, after all.

Warucori asks those around her, "I wonder what they feel like....all slippery and wet. Sticky?" She gapes at what Inviere says and whips her hand back and forth until she spots Silarra, "Oh..." her smile is slow, but still warm, "congratulations to them." Lifting a foot she shakes sand from the sandal.

Vyshani's brows draw together worriedly. "Or maybe not," she decides promptly after all the screeching and what-not. "I thought they were all supposed to be... you know... nice." Shows what she knows, don't it! "Oh, there's too much happening!" she complains again. "I want to see-- oh. Oh. /Look/!" And there she goes, trying to dislocate Zarenya's shoulder again.

Sharp-Edged Acrobat Green might or might not be nice. Or dangerous. What she does do is keep her wings out, only while they're drying all right, those tender muscles can't be used to such extension for long. When they fold, she leaps with vigor, goes still, leaps... and falls short again, nearly falling altogether. So stands there. And looks. And stands there some more. If Impression could happen across the cavern, if she could /see/ properly with egg membrane trailing across her eyes, she'd do it by force of will alone. Maybe, if she just sits there, her future rider will come to her... if she can only wait that long. She glances here and there. A tall one. A short one. The redheaded kid, yes, /that/ one. A bouncy one. A couple boys, still running. Another. She waits, head cocked, like she'd heard a /voice/ amidst all the cacophony. Maybe in the egg?

Inviere is thus chastized. "Fine, so she's crazy," she acknowledges, eyeing the gold, who-- chooses. Someone else. Her body goes slack, and she gives her head a shake, as if to clear it. "Okay," she says eventually, sotto voce. "Sure."

Make Me A Match Blue has so. much. to. check. out! In fact, what's under that skirt there? Something? Anything? His head vanishes up underneath a candidate's robe for a moment or two, earning an undignified squawk from the lad who looks like he can't quite decide whether to be thrilled, shoo the dragonet away or just hold still since that's usually safest. Right? Ultimately though, the blue's head re-emerges and he moves on. Nope. Not the one.

Teris is watching that gold dragonet somewhat cautiously after all that terrorizing of the other candidates. And then she staggers slightly and looks confused. Very confused. "No!" she says rather loudly, forgetting about everything else and lifting a hand for emphasis. "No. Iskiveth. You can't do that. They're already dead."

K'del's jaw drops fairly conclusively as the gold makes her choice; his reaction, after that, is to just shake his head. Over, and over, and over again. "Guess you'll need another assistant?" he tells Tiriana-- but he's more amused than anything, and probably more than a little pleased.

The Second Biggest Ever Egg splits asunder, and the hatchling within is left looking rather impossibly taken-aback over it all. A bit of shell, much darker blue than the headknobs it cloaks, hangs askew off the top of his head like an ill-fitting pot helmet, donned for questing. The blue hatchling wearing it doesn't look as if he'll be wandering far, though, with a daydream already taking his eyes far away from the locale in which he finds himself.

>---< Errant Knight Blue >---------------------------------<
There's courtliness in the long lines of this blue's face, clearly inherited from his dam; it's just too bad the rest of him has yet to catch up to that first dignified impression. His gleamingly pale hide of silvered blue is stretched too thin over a stringy, sway-backed form, here and there scuffed darker in a way that only accentuates the scrawniness of hip and shoulder. And look! There at the joints, he even looks rusted, orange-brown stains touching the points of his elbows and toes. It's a wonder he doesn't creak when he walks, his movements stiff like his suit doesn't have quite enough give to it. Wide dreamer's eyes are his best feature, closely followed by the thin wings flapping gallantly behind him: jauntily unaware of the comical figure he makes.
The Inappropriate Bits of Brown Egg shudders and rolls, knocking hard into the Through The Eyes Of Egg beside it. A moment later, both collapse into a flurry of shards, leaving behind a pair of matched greens who launch off in different directions. They find their partners without dramatics, the two newest weyrlings led from the sands with beaming grins.

Saliqa focuses quite a bit of her attention on watching for Inviere's reaction rather than the gold Impression that caused it; though the girl might find her fingers being slowly strangled to death. Now there's absolutely no head-turning whatsoever for the stands. In fact, she seems to have lost the ability to turn her head at all.

Meara heads in from a tunnel off to the side.

Ivana takes a deep breath and tries to see what's happening in the knot of women up ahead. "Too much noise!" she says to Xeoshen. "It's at times like these ah wish ah were taller." And the wry look she gives him is full of laughter. "Is that Teris, up there.. with th'.. with th'gold?" Maybe she doesn't have to be tall at all.

Errant Knight Blue finally creaks to his broad paws, though the dreaminess is yet to leave his expression. Expression is obscured as helmet-like eggshard tilts forwards, jostled at his movement. There is a moment of valiant struggle, which looks more like a comedy skit than actual jousting, and finally Errant Knight Blue Hatchling is free'd from such evil confinement! Much to the dismay of close-by candidates, he starts a grand quest to the far side of the sands, ignoring every white-cloaked candidate as if they are mere honor guard.

Warucori's face twists in disapointment at who the gold picks. She looks from the gold and the new weyrling and then over to Inviere with bafflement. "But....but...." she frowns, "this just doesn't make any sense at all." The girl decides and crosses her arms over her chest. "and I thought that big egg had a bronze it in too. This guessing thing is too hard."

Xeoshen has his eyes on the terrorizing gold, tense, and ready to yank his little group /out of the way/ if she comes this way. Fortunately he's saved that duty, for now. "Aye, it is, it's Teris." He tells Ivana. "And, there's another blue too." He says.

Inviere is fixated on Teris and the queen, though as the new weyrling pronounces her lifemate's name, she looks down to her feet, to the stands, to anything that doesn't have eyes. "No, I mean, it makes sense, though," she insists. She watches the Bits of Brown egg spasm and burst. "It does."

Bounding forward eagerly, the Make Me A Match Blue Hatchling seems to have gotten wind of what he really wants, and speeds onward as unerringly as an arrow shot from Cupid's bow. A tanned young woman with ash blonde curls is the one he seems to be after; he careens up to her eagerly, head tipped back to meet her gaze with the adoration of any newly-made couple. His triumphant croon of delight confirms: she's the one that he wants!

Meara takes careful steps across the sands towards Teris and her dragon-- she takes a deep breath. Then: "Come on, Teris. Follow me, and we'll get-- Iskiveth? Some food."

"My /arm/!" Zarenya squawks at Vyshani with a bit of a glare at the shorter woman and brings a hand to rub at her offended appendage with a grumble. She does have the forethought to glance over what's being indicated, and she does a doubletake. "Whoa." Teris Impressed.

Errant Knight Blue slows his questing to finally take notice of a line of white-robed candidates. It does not take long to see what has attracted his attention; every single one he considers is a lady - or a girlchild, at the least. He pulls himself up selfconciously, nevernomind the creaking movement of his legs. A knight with lordly standards, he! and never one to forget, though t'is obvious he's struggling with making this particular choice.

It's certainly not that the Sharp-Edged Acrobat Green gives up, so much as that she's reached... a different part of her routine. Yes. This one's choreography needs some work, for all that she accomplishes individual movements well: it's the way they're connected. One paw, the other paw. The third, the first, the fourth. There was that voice. /There/. She follows it towards a pair, no, a trio holding hands. Sure, one's tall, but apparently no, they don't have to be.

Vyshani starts to shift from foot to foot, less bouncy and more anxious-seeming now. "Sorry." Contritely. Not that that subdues her for long. "I've completely lost track. How many are left, Ren?" Though the Sands are certainly a lot emptier than they were, and she begins to chew on her lower lip as she looks around. "Do you--" but no, she doesn't finish that one.

Teris is only shaking her head down at the creature wrapped about her. She can't even think of anything to say except, "No." Then Meara's caught her attention and she tries to move so that they can head toward the tunnel. "Some food, yes." Because Teris is looking a little worried otherwise.

Errant Knight Blue Hatchling reaches the end of his courtly steps, tiring by the ever-slowing placement of broad paws. Though chivalrous, his yearning glances to the ladies on the Sands seem wistful rather than with any intention, and it seems to surprise the blue himself when he finds himself in front of one of the male convicts. Surprise fades to jovial camaraderie, and he's butting his head into the boy's chest in the next heartbeat: though with his luck, he'll likely knock his new lifemate over!

She doesn't have the flair she'll have when she's older, but there's a trace of it already in the way she moves, even in the way she stops, her blunt muzzle elongated by the clean line of her neck. The Sharp-Edged Acrobat green is done with cursory glances, at looking anywhere at all but the redheaded sailor-girl before her. It's all over now, and it's just begun.

The Inevitable Failure Egg does eventually fail, the very last to do so, its shell cracking under the strain of an internal assault. For a moment it shudders, and then a curvy little green pushes her head out through one particular patch of magenta. Body follows and from the start, she knows this game and she's gonna play it. She heads straight for a skinny redheaded boy from the Weyr who cries in an improbably deep voice: "No, of course I'm never gonna give you up!" And then... it's all over.

Warucori hms and she gives a little toss of her head suddenly as the arms that were at her chest suddenly loosen and her hands slide up to her neck and....in a high-pitched, utterly girlish manner she squeals, "OOoohhmygoshshsh!!!" She bends forward, falling onto one knee to get closer to the blue, "Zaxameth! Ohmygosh! Yes! Of course. Everything." She assures the blue. Of course there's tears for the occation as well as she flings herself at the young dragon. Goo and all.

Meara leaves Teris to it, as soon as she can, hurrying across to collect Warucori, grinning. "Enthusiastic, much?" is her quiet remark, but-- no, she's definitely pleased. "Why don't you and Zaxameth come with me, and we'll get him some food, mm?"

Zaxameth surges forward into the embrace of Warucori's arms, croooooning for all he's worth. His wings flutter, lift and partially return that 'hug'. He might need some ... further encouraging to draw him away.

Warucori giggles and blinks up at Meara, "I'm sorry....sorry." She even tells the little blue, "Sorry. Ok....ohno!" It's a huge effort not to topple over but she manages to untangle ithout too much trouble and carefully leads Zaxameth along with her and Meara, grinning from ear to ear.

Ivana lets go of Xeoshen's hand slowly, and sinks to her knees. Why? Because there's a green dragonet who insists on her attention, and the redheaded girl can't see anything else. "Kynith," she says, as if it's the most wonderful name in the whole world. "We'll get y'food, right away, Kynith." And she's up on her feet again, with new purpose.

K'del swallows, heavily, as the last hatchling Impresses, and there's nothing left on the sands but eggshells and-- candidates. Tiriana, predictably, leaves the next bit to him. He has to clear his throat several times before; "I hope you all realise that we wouldn't've asked you to Stand if you didn't have a chance. I'm sorry your dragons weren't on the sands today... Maybe you'll get another chance. Hope so. Can give you lifts back to your homes, if you like, or you're welcome to stay. In the meantime, do hope you'll stay for the feast." He swallows again, looking awkward, then hurriedly bobs his head as if to say 'yes, yes, I'm done, you can go'. /Awkward/.

Saliqa takes advantage of what is this oddly quiet moment to take stock of what's going on around her. She does so carefully and with glances only exactly where she wants to look, no drifting around, just incase. "That... that's it, right? We don't need to do anything else, we just go..." Which is moments after confirmed by the familiar awkward that is K'del. Swiveling on her heels, she gives some kind of odd head-bob to Inviere before wordlessly excusing herself.

X'en looks about, damn, there's so much to watch at once, how were theby supposed to manage this? "Warucori impressed." He tells Ivana, and then he's suddently being head butted by a blue, and he winds up with his rear on the hot sands, the boy next to him quick enough to let go in time, and scramble back. "Baly-Balyeroth?" He blinks confused for a moment, and then nods. " Um, feast, right, I...think we can find it Balyeroth." He says, pulling himself back to his feet, to place a hand on the blues head. He doesn't notice Icvana's impressed.

Two for the price of one: Leova's already hurrying over for the newly-made bluerider, when she has to duck out of the green's way. She waits, looking less patient than she might be what with bobbing from foot to foot in the heat, until she can guide both X'en and Ivana off the sands. As it is, J'vain and the youngest green on Pern make it out before they do. Not to mention the redhead. "This way," she says, not loudly but firm. "Come with me."

Inviere looks -- diminished, for all her height, and releases Saliqa's hand numbly while K'del does his thing. And then, after long minutes, she trots quietly after Saliqa, and freedom of a sort.

"Ren?" Vyshani looks a little lost as she blinks at the young woman she's been clinging to this entire time. "Maybe we should... should go get baths. And food. There'll be food." Though the Bollian doesn't look particularly hungry as she turns to wander away, seemingly unconcerned if Zarenya follows her or not.

"Huh?" Zarenya must be in a daze, since she stares blankly at Vyshani and finally blinks out of it. "But I already bathed.." Speaking of, she touches her hair and makes a sound of disgust as it seems the heat from the sands has frizzed up her hair considerably. "Damn it. Wait up." And off she flees from the heat.

cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, inviere, suireh, riahla, |k'del, zarenya, xeoshen, saliqa, shad, anvori, gustav, warucori, !weyrleader, taikrin, teris, vyshani, ivana, silarra, yuliye

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