LOG: I'm Jealous

Jan 13, 2010 07:59

Date: Day 27, Month 9, Turn 21
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Teris explains to K'del what he's doing wrong. He… doesn't take it very well. Then things get complicated.

Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Partly sheltered by the curving stone overhang, partly exposed to the weather, the wide stone patio serves as a balcony for socializing or just plain drinking on a sizable scale. The repurposed ledge might once have let two large dragons land, but now there's too much furniture for that: two rustic tables with attendant chairs, plus a couple more in particularly good weather, and a wrought iron bench situated to make the most of the view of the western bowl and the lake beyond.
Other changes include rough little niches carved out of the stone walls to hold glows in colored bottles at night, the climbing plant that's being trained to grow up along the overhang, and the blue ceramic pots of flowers that dot the edge of the ledge as a colorful reminder not to fall off.
An archway leads to the Snowasis itself, housed in the ledge's former weyr, while a few wide steps descend along the wall to the bowl.
A layer of gray clouds covers the sky. The air feels cool and damp, but there is no rainfall today.

Despite the dampness of the air, there are a few people hanging out on the Ledge this afternoon, enjoying the relative warmth while they still can: winter is not, after all, so very far away. K'del's amongst them, though perhaps better described as 'off to one side', sitting on his own and nursing a mug of something hot, the steam drifting upwards towards his face, which he holds close above it.

As usual Teris has interpreted taking some time away from work to eat as take your work to eat with you. A folder is tucked under one arm as she makes her way outside, a bowl of soup in one hand and a mug of something warm in the other. It might be overkill on the liquid front but, really, she doesn't look like she eats much more than that anyway. "K'del," she says almost cheerfully as she comes upon him and helps herself to a seat across the table.

K'del's eyes shift upwards at the sound of Teris' voice, and observe her silently as she sits. It's not until after she's done that that he draws his face away from his mug, leans back in his chair and says, "Teris. Does one dare hope that, having found company, you'll tear your nose away from your work for a little while?" If he's half teasing - and he probably is - it shows only faintly in his otherwise unremarkable expression. "What's she got you working on, anyway?"

"I might be able to for a few moments," Teris returns with a wry turn of her lips that suggests she suspects he's teasing and her words are on a similar vein. "Whatever needs working on, more or less. Pretty much anything she doesn't want to work on herself. Boring stuff." Except, perhaps, Teris doesn't find it so boring. "What are you brooding over?" Because that's apparently what it looked like he was doing. What it looks like he still might be doing, even.

"A few moments! I count myself honoured indeed." More teasing. Definitely more teasing, and this time, at least, there's an actual amused smile to prove it. K'del glances at his mug, then sets it down, stretching out his legs as he adds, "The boring stuff. That sounds about right. Between you and Ezalea… guess she pretty much gets to pick and choose what she's interested in, and dump the rest." Draping his hands over his middle, he flicks his gaze up towards the sky. "Just thinking. Usual stuff. Nothing /too/ serious."

Stirring her soup absently, Teris lifts her gaze to the bronzerider with a very slight arch in one brow. "You don't do the same? Give the boring stuff to your wingleaders or whatever?" Teris? Not quite so well-versed in the rider-y aspects of the Weyr. "Ah, nothing /too/ serious. Something moderately serious, then? You aren't moping about that baby, are you?" She gives him a scolding sort of look even at her own thought of it, then takes a small spoonful of her soup.

The scolding look results in K'del's head ducking awkwardly, though his head shakes hurriedly. "Not-- really? I mean. It is what it is. Glad Millie and the baby are okay, and all that. But that-- wasn't what I was thinking about." Much. Because it's not exactly hard to miss that, yeah, okay, it's still a little weird for him, his girlfriend and a baby and… not his. "Mostly, I guess, I'm just trying to figure out what next. How to get myself… I don't know, back in people's good books. Make myself less of a joke." Beat. "And I guess maybe I offload some of the boring stuff, but not really. It's a little different, what I do. Can't offload a lot of it."

"First of all," Teris begins. Oh, yes, she's going to give the Weyrleader some advice on not being a joke. "First of all, you need to stop brooding in public. If you're going to look like a sad, injured puppy, people are going to get it in their heads that they can kick you around. It might help if you stopped being so... involved with the Headwoman, too." No apology for that. And none for how she continues. "It's almost pathetic with the baby now. Are you sure she's not just interested because you're the Weyrleader?" Okay, maybe getting off on a tangent there.

K'del is silent, throughout this, his expression initially hard to read - and then, distinctly less content, all smiles gone. His cheeks have turned pink, and he's straightened his posture, too. "You didn't just say that," is what he says, finally, his voice-- stiff. "Milani and I," he continues, in a slow, careful tone, "have been sleeping together since I was a /weyrling/. Why shouldn't I have a relationship? What's so /wrong/ about that, Teris? Or is it just because you can't cope with the idea." There rest of the advice may have been good, but it's forgotten, in the wake of /this/.

Despite the straightened posture and obvious displeasure, Teris remains unapologetic for her words. If anything, she straightens somewhat, too, and gives him a serious look. "Being defensive about such ridiculously trivial things doesn't make you look anymore capable, K'del." At least she doesn't point out that he was at least a bronzerider at that point. "I didn't say you shouldn't have a relationship. But having such an open one with--" she puts down her spoon, "With a woman of her reputation surely isn't an awe-inspiring notion for the various holders you deal with." Which might not be the initial reason this all came out of her mouth. It's her turns to look slightly displeased. "There's no need for /me/ to cope."

K'del's eyes might pop out of his head if this continues; they're certainly bulging already. "Her /reputation/? The fuck, Teris? This is a /weyr/. Just because you're a prude doesn't mean everyone else has to be." He rises, his drink abandoned, and simply stares at her for a few moments more. "Fuck you, Teris. I've had enough of this. I don't get what your problem is, but you can keep it away from me. Believe it or not, my personal life is not any of your business." And he turns to go.

This might be where most people look ashamed of themselves. Teris only sets her jaw, though, and returns the bronzeriders look like it's some sort of challenge that she's not going to lose. It's not until he's turning to go that Teris starts looking less certain of her resolve and she even abandons the table in favor of moving after him. "K'del. Wait. I--" am really bad at apologizing? "Just... I didn't mean it as an insult. Really." Beat. "But that's it, yes. I'm jealous." Which doesn't sound so much like a confession as a statement of fact.

Okay, that last bit? That evidently surprises K'del enough that he stumbles, and has to use the edge of one of the nearby tables to stablise himself, as, slowly, he turns back around. "What?" he says, sounding-- well, to be honest? Absolutely mystified. "/What/?" This may be the point at which other people on the ledge start staring at them.

"I'm jealous," Teris repeats more carefully as though maybe it's just that he didn't hear her right the first time. "I don't like the idea of you with other women. Especially her. And I'm--" she glances around but anyone staring just makes her stand a little taller, more resolved, "And I'm... sorry that I've upset you." She looks at him for another moment, then turns back to the table to gather up her things.

K'del's hand makes a little gesture towards himself, as if to say 'me? You don't like the idea of /me/ with other women'? If he intended to say it, though, the words don't quite get out of his mouth, because for the moment, he's rather too busy gaping. As she turns back to the table, he takes a deep breath and then says, awkward, "It's--" Well. Tries to say, anyway. "I had-- no idea. Um."

"It's fine," Teris says for him or to him or whatever. "Don't worry about it." She's gathered up her soup and mug and that folder is tucked back under her arm. "But if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go try to find somewhere a little more private to sit. Have a good day, Weyrleader." Her tone is terse and slightly distant and, for once, she doesn't look at him before she's moving toward the Snowasis, likely intent on just passing through.

"But--" begins K'del, but-- well, but what? He doesn't seem to exactly have anything else to say, or, at least, anything that is actually made up of words in a structured kind of way. So, instead, he stands there looking flustered and awkward, and watches Teris leave. After she does, he turns and walks away in the other direction, looking utterly bewildered.

!avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, teris, |k'del, $tiriana, $milani, $milani/k'ndro baby, $ezalea

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