LOG: What You've Had To Work With

Jan 08, 2010 09:27

Date: Day 6, Month 9, Turn 21
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: P'ax and K'del catch up, briefly.

It's one of those early autumn days where the weather hasn't yet turned properly cold, though there's still a nip to the air. The afternoon is one of blue skies, and perhaps that's what has brought K'del out here, to recline in one of the chairs with a drink in hand, and no work in sight. He's been hard to find for most of the summer, but evidently autumn is bringing him out once more; he seems, though of course it's hard to tell from only his expression and stance, relatively peaceful.

Up the steps comes P'ax, hands in his pockets, looking thoughtful ... and exhausted. A familliar head catches his eye and he turns that way, wrapping his knuckles on the table. "Hey there, Weyrleader."

Staring off into the distance as K'del is, he starts at the sound of those wrapped knuckles and his title, but any tension those actions bring to his shoulders dissipates fairly quickly. He even smiles, tilting his head back to meet P'ax's gaze easily; "Hey there, Greenrider. If we're being all formal-like. You look... tired?"

P'ax offers the bronzerider a wan smile in return. "E'dre's sick. I've been running around trying to do things for him on top of everything else..." he shakes his head. "He's like...a little kid."

K'del offers one of the nearby seats with a wave of his hand, his expression instantly sympathetic. "Ouch. Sorry, that's got to be difficult." Beat. "But it's going okay, aside from that? You and him. You want a drink or something?"

P'ax sinks into the chair with a long sigh. "Yeah, I'm not good with that kind of...thing." But the question draws a brighter grin from him. "Yeah, we're...doing really good, you know? There's fights and stuff, but nothing most couples don't have."

"You and me both," admits K'del, shaking his head ruefully. "Guess I just don't have much experience of it, mostly. Though Millie's-- you know, about to pop. And my sister's got..." He breaks off rather than finish that thought, and instead attends to P'ax's other comment, as he turns his beer in his hand. "Good. Really good. I'm glad, you know? That you're happy. Really glad. Hope he gets better soon."

P'ax leans his elbows onto the table, supporting his chin on his palm. "Yeah, that's..." he trails off for a moment. "I made something, for the baby, I mean. I'll have to bring it by one of these nights." He watches k'del fiddling with his beer and says, "it's nice to be...to have a little bit at least. Not sure I really deserve it half the time, but it's there just the same." Then. "Are you still worrying about stuff?"

"Did you?" K'del looks pleased, straightening in his chair slightly. "You should. Millie'd be pleased, I think." He sets down his drink finally, giving it a long glance, and then P'ax. "Why shouldn't you deserve it? We all deserve good things. I think." Pushing his drink around with one finger gives him reason to avoid answering the last question, but only for a moment or two. Then, slowly, "Sure. Always. There's always stuff to worry about."

"For what it's worth, I think you're doing pretty good with what you've had to work with." Aww, look, P'ax is K'del's personal cheering squad!

It must be worth something, because it's enough to make K'del hesitate, and then smile. "Appreciate that," he admits, earnestly. "A whole lot. Just hoping that... I don't know, things'll be quieter for a while? Maybe I can get some ground back, before Iovniath goes and rises and replaces me."

P'ax nods his head in understanding, but then his eyebrows raise. "You don't think Cadejoth will win the next one?" It seems to shock him. "I thought Iovniath liked him well enough?"

That makes K'del's lips twist wryly. "No, I don't think she likes him much at all. She didn't intend to be caught by him, and I think she pretty much just puts up with him. And Tiriana... if /she/ has anything to do with it, there's no way we'll get anywhere near." Beat. "Doesn't mean I won't still try, if and when she does go up. Anyway, could be turns away, who knows."

"Would explain why she hasn't tried to take a bite out of Yyth when she's up there getting cozy with him," muses P'ax. "Well, I can't say I'm not secretly wishing to have you back, without the stress and everything else."

"Probably," agrees K'del, with a wry laugh. "I mean, I imagine she's probably not thrilled that her mate is being cuddly with anyone else, but it's not as though she wants him for herself. Least he's forgotten, now, not being allowed to go down onto the sands when the clutch was there." He reaches for his glass again, letting out a low breath. "Kinda look forward to it, myself. Yes and no, anyway. Miss having the /time/." Beat. Wryly; "Miss not being interrupted all the time, too. Shells. B'sil needs to see me, or something. I should go." Beat. "Look after yourself? And E'dre."

P'ax nods and lifts his hand in a wave. "Catch you around, K'del."

!avalanche, @hrw, $e'dre, $iovniath, !weyrleader, $milani, |k'del, p'ax

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