LOG: Something about shiny rocks, Crom, and that fence /you/ promised that asshole Browden

Nov 18, 2009 09:28

Date: Day 24, Month 3, Turn 21 (after the scene with P'ax, just before the one with Teris)
Location: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Tiriana drops in to yell at K'del. It goes okay, though. Except, possibly, for W'chek, Z'yi and K'ndro. And Browden.

K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Rank certainly has its privileges, and among them are amply appointed apartments. The short flight of stairs from the Weyrleader's Complex opens up into the larger of two chambers, formally decorated and clearly designed to cater as much to important guests as the occupant's personal living. Old, but obviously expensive, llama wool rugs dyed blue-and-black cover the stone floor, leading towards the second chamber, the stairs, and the rush-filled dragon couch and ledge beyond it. A formal seating arrangement - a sofa and chairs, all blue-and-black - sits around a large, tiled fireplace, whilst along the other wall, a finely made, if now somewhat antique, desk sits between a bookshelf and a tall cupboard to which tack-hooks have been attached, riding gear arranged neatly inside. Two tapestries hung from the high walls depict overdone splendour for High Reaches Weyr, one a long view of the snow-covered bowl, and the other a hazy impressionist piece of dragons flaming over a springtime countryside.

The inner weyr, made up of a sleeping cavern and a private bathing area, is smaller and cosier and distinctly less ostentatious. An oversized wooden sleigh bed fills much of the space, the mattress piled high with overstuffed down pillows and comforter, their covers dyed in varying shades of navy blue, light blue and bronze. There's a nightstand on either side, both with reading lamps, and against one of the other walls, a tall, heavy wardrobe made from a dark wood that matches the bed. The bathing area is part of the same cavern, a folding screen shielding the toilet and slightly raised, double-sized bathtub built into the stone, and a small shelf holding toiletries, shaving equipment, and clean towels.

Not so long before dinner, and K'del is sitting in the middle of his floor with an empty mug of klah and his straps-- though by this point, he seems to be more intent upon making sure his repair work is sound than actually doing any more of it. He's clearly in quite a good mood, too, despite the effort of the straps, humming the occasional snatches of something to himself.

Her Weyrleader, in a good mood? It must be some sort of sixth sense that draws Tiriana to him on this particular evening, at this particular time. She strides into his weyr without knocking, and stops with her hands on her hips a couple of feet from him. "You," she accuses.

Not even that - not even Tiriana, in accusatory mode - seems to be able to dent K'del's good mood (yet). He must be aware of her presence before she actually speaks, but he doesn't look up until she does; his response is easy enough, unconcerned. "Me! What've I done this time, Tiriana? Spit it out; things to do, tonight."

"I just met with a miner," Tiriana doesn't beat around the bush, at least. Her arms cross her chest as she eyes him, mouth pursed. "And P'ax. Something about shiny rocks, Crom, and that fence /you/ promised that asshole Browden? When exactly was I supposed to hear about this?"

Slowly, K'del sets down his straps, and uses the back of his desk chair to pull himself up off the floor, which at least means Tiriana doesn't get to tower over him. "At the moment, Tiriana, it's hard to know what you /do/ and /don't/ know. But you want to know? Fine." He leans up against of that chair, and explains. "W'chek opened his big fat mouth and said we'd help Browden out if he needed it; he's calling that in now to get our rocks, possibly because he's figured out that they're worth something? I don't know. The rocks are going to the Miners, though, as originally planned, and Browden gets a /different/ fence. Wall. Whatever. It's all worked out, all sorted. Promise."

"See, that's where you lose me," Tiriana continues, her frown deepening. "Because unless something's drastically changed the last couple of months, the last time I checked W'chek was just another bronzerider with his head up his ass. Not, y'know, qualified to give away our rocks--worth something or not. You can tell /him/ he's building that fence all by himself. That will sort /him/ out, at least."

K'del's good mood is not /quite/ defeated, yet, but it's definitely on the wane. He reaches up to scrub at his eyes with one hand, and sighs. "Yeah. Look, that was a mistake. Was trying to-- I don't know. He spoke out of turn, made a huge hash of things. He's being dealt with. But," after a moment more, he bobs his head. "Good idea. He can build the wall." Beat. "Get Z'yi and K'ndro to help him, since they /also/ screwed up with Browden... can't trust any of them outside the weyr, apparently." Which just comes out sounding tired.

Tiriana snaps off, "Apparently not." But making the three stooges do all the work seems to do a little to mollify her; enough that she steps over to lean against the desk's edge to do her grumping. "Here I thought I could leave this whole farming thing to you. It's easy, right? You go, you plant things, you have food," says the non-farmbred one. "And now I have to figure out how to distract some idiot holder long enough to swap /rocks/ on him."

K'del takes a deep breath, obviously with the intention of saying something immediately after her 'apparently not', but the mollifying draws him to break that off before anything comes out. Instead, he waits until she's finished talking before he says, calmly, ignoring the most of it, "Shouldn't be too hard. Most of the rocks are all packed up now, ready for transport... do it at night, maybe. Get out ours, bring in the 'fake' ones, make the wall the next morning." He lets out a breath. "And once that's done, we really /can/ just get down to farming. It'll be fine."

Tiriana shakes her head, and while there's less accusation in her tone, she still doesn't seemhappy with this idea at all. "And when he catches us? Because you know we have that kind of luck. Or that kind of idiots working for us, anyway," she points out. "I'm going to get stuck going to talk to him and telling him to sit down and shut up about it. Should have done that from the start, really."

"Maybe," he says of telling Browden to shut up; K'del makes a face, adding, then, "He's a pain in the ass, so. But. Why shouldn't we be allowed to honour the deal we'd made with the Mine craft? We're still giving him the wall he wants." The Weyrleader stretches out his shoulders, then uses his free hand to position himself so that he can crack his back. "Complaining about /which/ rocks we used to build his wall makes it look as though he wants /our/ rocks for a reason, because of what's in them. Can't imagine he'll be quite that obvious." He hopes.

Another moment, and then a decisive nod on Tiriana's part. "Fine, then," she announces. "We switch the rocks out one night--when the moons are dark? K'ndro, Z'yi, and W'chek, the idiots, fix the wall the next day. And if Browden says one more word, I am going to kick his ass all over Crom for him."

Is that relief, in K'del's expression? Even if it isn't, there is more of a smile back again, his mood on the rise once more. "First cloudy night, or the next one when the moons are dark. I'll check, have the teams ready to do the moving. P'ax said he had a plan for getting the rocks from his-- whatever it is. The new ones." His hand waves, vaguely; that part of the plan will get sorted with people who know more about it. "And if Browden does? You've my blessing."

"Gee, thanks. I was really hoping you'd grant me your approval," Tiriana drawls off an answer to that. She straightens and turns for the door, then, to stalk out the way she came. Except, one more thing: "You fuck this up, too, and Faranth help me, I will bury you inside that wall."

"Always a pleasure to discuss business with you," returns K'del, apparently ignoring the bulk of what Tiriana has to say. He takes half a step forward, opens his mouth to say something more, and then shrugs. "It's going to be fine, Tiriana. You'll see. Have a nice evening. It's..." Beat. "Good to have you back."

That bit-back comment of K'del's earns a long look from Tiriana, her eyes narrowing slightly. That it all ends so inauspiciously doesn't seem to sit well with her, so on her way out, she pauses to eye his leathers and gesture toward one section. "You missed a spot." Whether he really did or not is up to him to discover, as she seems content with the one last spiteful rejoinder before she does indeed return to her own quarters.

$zahriel, !avalanche, @hrw, $browden, $crom, !weyrleader, $k'ndro, $z'yi, tiriana, |k'del, $p'ax, $w'chek, $shad

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