LOG: You Don't Have To Leave Me Alone.

Nov 17, 2009 15:28

Date: Day 24, Month 3, Turn 21
Location: Records Room, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and Teris sort of reach a truce. If that's the right word for it.

Records Room, High Reaches Weyr
Books. Scrolls. Bound hides. Maps. If it's a record pertaining to the Weyr, it's likely to be in this roughly oval room with its floor-to-ceiling cherrywood shelves, its multitude of slots for scrolls, and its wide drawers for materials that shouldn't be rolled up or folded. A scribe is usually on duty at the tall desk up front with its good view of the room, and is able to help visitors find what they're looking for via the big bound index on its rotating stand. Past the desk, several tables stand in neat rows for note-taking, each stocked with glowbaskets, scrap hide, paper and pencils. Additional lighting is provided by a many-armed wrought-iron light fixture, its glows gleaming through luxurious glass containers in fluted shapes instead of baskets.
To one side of the room, a gap between two sets of shelves outlines where another set once stood, now replaced by a tapestry-covered aperture. Peeking behind the tapestry reveals another cavern, this one likewise full of shelves, but occupied by only a few boxes of older records and a somewhat musty air of disuse. As well, two narrow but solid doors are locked when the room is unattended and a discreet staircase provides direct access from the Weyrleaders' weyrs.

It's nearing onto dinner time but Teris is here in the records room not looking as though she has any intention of leaving in the foreseeable future. She has a schedule, some hides and, well, just paperwork in general that she appears to be trying to sort out. And she's probably gained a bit of ground already since she's been here.

It's an interesting question, really, exactly why K'del, upon noticing Teris, alters his course in order to head towards her. He's just made his way down the stairs from the Weyrleaders' Weyrs, holding a stack of books under one arm, apparently cheerful enough. "Avoiding dinner?" he asks, as he nears that particular table, still more or less smiling. "Too many people at this time of day?" Also: hi, but he doesn't actually /say/ that.

"Dinner," Teris repeats the word like it's foreign and her attention shifts up toward the young Weyrleader. She watches him but as she does so her somewhat relaxed expression closes down back into it's usual coolness before her attention returns to her work. "What time is it?" she asks anyway.

K'del's reply is patient. "Dinner time," he says, with just the faintest note of humour to it. "Near enough, anyway. Most of the place has cleared out." Which is also true: they're almost alone amidst the records. He angles himself so as to rest against the back of a chair, watching Teris work with apparently no intention of moving on just yet, whatever her attitude.

Teris looks back up at him pointedly, not so humored by the comment. "I was hoping for something a little more specific. But never mind." She glances around the rest of the records and a very faint frown pulls at her lips before it's gone. The blonde sits up a little straighter and returns to her work, no intentions of heading to dinner for now. "Can I help you with something, Weyrleader?" she asks while she finds her place again.

Still patient: "Six. It's six o'clock, or just about that." K'del still looks amused, too, regardless of Teris' reaction - and still apparently inclined to stay where he is. "No," he adds, then. "Not specifically. Just... You're working for my Weyrwoman, now." His shoulders shrug. "Seems like we ought to be at least on vague speaking terms. Friendly. Not friends, necessarily, but /friendly/."

This time Teris smiles when her eyes flicker up to him and she says, "Thank you." But it kind of sounds more like, 'was that really so hard?' There's a small sigh and she glances over what she's doing once more then noticeably turns her full attention onto him. She even sets everything down and clasps her hands together. "You could say I've always worked for the Weyrwoman." Not his. The. "Just more directly now. And I am being friendly, sir." She even smiles again.

"'K'del'," corrects the Weyrleader, instantly, the moment she says 'sir'. "You can call me by my name, you know." Beat. He sighs, scrubbing at his face with his free hand before he says, "Whatever. Just... Oh, never mind. You don't want to like people do you, Teris? Not anyone. Just want to find fault, and sit there all imperiously." His head shakes; "No wonder you're sitting all alone at dinner time." He sounds more sad and frustrated that annoyed.

"Yes," she says, "You've mentioned as much before." Maybe Teris just likes watching him get all bent about people not using his name. Who knows! The rest, however, is obviously making her think. Enough to make her worry at the inside of her cheek before she breathes a quick breath through her nose. "I could be sitting with people. I have friend--" Pause. "It's not really any of your business anyway." Her next words come out almost as though she's trying to dismiss him, "I hope you're not running late for dinner on my account."

Again, K'del scrubs at his face: this is clearly not going as hoped. As planned, even. "No, I was going to eat lat-- shells. Never mind." He even stands, pushing himself away from the table. "Sorry for interrupting you, Teris. Since you obviously have no interest in talking to me, I'll go. Wasn't actually intending to insult you or anything, just... seems sad. The way you're never with people. But I accept that not everyone's like me, so, whatever, I'll go mind my own business." Despite his words, he hasn't /actually/ walked away yet: he's clearly waiting for a response. Expecting she'll recant? Hoping she will? Who knows.

"Oh, for shard's sake, just sit down." Teris, frustrated, stares at him expectantly to do so. She continues whether he does or not, "What exactly would you like to talk about, K'del?" Some emphasis on that last word there. "I've seen what you're like. Oogling whatever pretty girl crosses your path. I'm definitely not like that. And just because I'm not like that doesn't mean I'm... sad. Pathetic. Whatever you're trying to get at." There's actually a hint of emotion there, hurt, but quickly swallowed and hidden away.

K'del's surprised enough that he does sit, whether or not he intended to, sinking into the nearest chair, dropping his books onto the table in front of him. His mouth opens to argue before she gets much further, but he doesn't get anything out until she's finished. "That's /not/ what I was implying," he insists, earnest, and maybe a little hurt at the implication. "Don't think you're pathetic. Shells." He breaks off, ultimately simply staring at her with big eyes and an uncertain expression. "You don't make it easy, Teris. To be nice. Or friendly. Or anything." Beat. "Will it help if I promise not to try and sleep with you? Is that the problem?"

"No," Teris returns quickly, leaning forward enough to rest her elbows on the table and lifting her hands to rub at her face. "I don't really care if you want to or not." Though the look she gives him might suggest she finds it hard to believe it's even worth bringing up. The whole pushing people away thing isn't just coincidence. "I just... don't do that. And this is just the way I am. So." So she's not really sure what else to say about it but it's kind of almost sort of an apology. Maybe.

The candor is enough to push K'del into a firm nod of the head: understood. The apology - if that's what it is - draws a longer, more uncertain pause out of him. He exhales, lengthily. "All right," he says, finally. "Do you want me to just leave you alone?" Another breath. "Have to explain: this is the way I am, too. Hate not being friendly with people. Hate... well." His shoulders shrug expressively. "Hate the idea of people not being okay with me. So. Want me to just leave you alone entirely?"

It takes thought, which probably isn't the best sign ever. Teris studies the young man with something that's almost curiosity. "No," she begins. "You don't have to leave me alone." She reconsiders that for a moment and goes so far as to say, "I don't /want/ you to leave me alone. Entirely. I can try to be friendly and whatever." She flips a hand gesture to emphasize her point and there's even a smile pulling at the corners of her lips.

K'del tilts his gaze across towards Teris, encouraging the curiosity: /his/ expression is placid, now, and open enough. "You don't want me to leave you alone," he repeats, neither incredulous nor surprised; ultimately, he nods. "Right. Okay. So... I won't push you too much, and I promise, I won't imply you're... you know. And you can tell me to fuck off if I'm too much. So. We're okay? We're good?" Now, his gaze is inquiring, his brows raised hopefully.

She continues studying him since he doesn't seem to mind. "Good," Teris says. "I think we're good. For now." She smiles then as if to seal this... truce or whatever someone would call it. "Good," she repeats once more, finally stirring back into returning her attention to her work. "And if you need a hand with anything, let me know." So generous, her offering her very limited time to stuff he already has other people doing no doubt.

He returns the smile, though by now, this studying may be beginning to get a bit much. On the other hand, though, does he ever complain about pretty girls looking at him? So maybe not. Either way, he doesn't show it. The way she stirs, though, draws him back towards his feet again. "Thank you, Teris," he says, genuinely, with a bob of his head, as he reaches to gather up his books. "Ought to return these, get back to my stuff. But-- thanks. Appreciate it."

"Thank you, too, K'del," Teris says with polite warmth but her attention is on what he came across her doing in the first place again and as soon as he rises, he may as well not even be in the same room for all the attention she offers afterward. It's probably not personal, though, not after that. Just focusing on her work.

This time, though, K'del doesn't seem to much mind: after a beat more, he turns away, reshelving his books without another word. It doesn't take him long, but he doesn't stop again on his way back across the room, leaving Teris to her work in peace as he heads back up those stairs and disappears.

|k'del, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, teris

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