LOG: I Love You.

Sep 14, 2009 13:32

Date: Day 28, Month 9, Turn 20
Location: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and Milani talk wings and tithes, and then venture into more personal admissions that have probably been a very long time coming.

Implied sex, but well and truly non-explicit.

K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Rank certainly has its privileges; among them are amply appointed apartments. Two chambers connect to form a large weyr, the outer cavern larger and better decorated. Here are impersonal furnishings: a seating arrangement of sofa and chairs in front of a large, tiled fireplace with a blue-and-black rug before it; an antique-looking desk, dinged and dented in a few places but polished and well-kept for its obvious age; a tall cupboard with tack-hooks beside it, gear for dragonriding neatly arranged inside. Two tapestries hung from the high walls depict overdone splendor for High Reaches Weyr, one a long view of the snow-covered bowl, and the other a hazy impressionist piece of dragons flaming over a springtime countryside.

The inner weyr, a sleeping cavern and a bathing area, is smaller and cozier and less ostentatious. A double-sized wooden bed in good condition, made up with sheets, pillows and comforter in varying shades of navy blue, light blue and bronze fills much of the area, as well as a nightstand covered in books, a wardrobe. A folding screen mostly shields the bathtub and toilet, with a towel usually slung over it, and a small collection of toiletries in easy reach.

There are signs of life within both parts of the weyr: an oil lamp on the desk, alongside papers and books and pens, often untidily stacked; a jacket on the back of the desk chair, the occasional empty mug or bottle of beer.

It's not quite nightfall, but Milani's already over, sprawled on the couch flipping through a book with her heels kicked up behind her. She's dressed down, off-duty stuff, but boyish almost, loose trousers, oversized shirt. Her hair is pulled over one shoulder out of the way and she hums a little off-key as she reads. It's tithe season and it's been busy days lately, but maybe today wasn't so bad that she's already off and here, apparently for the night.

Given the misadventures of last tithe season, perhaps it's no wonder that K'del has been keeping a close eye on the tithes, making any number of visits to the holds to reassure and confirm - even if last turn's perpetrators have been dealt with. It's still not quite nightfall, though, when the sound of Cadejoth's talons scrabbling against the ledge outside carries into the weyr, followed in short order by K'del's footsteps - and the sound of a boot being kicked off. Then: "Millie!" He draws closer, leaning over the back of the couch. "Done for the day, then?"

The sound of talons and booted feet bring a grin to the headwoman's face and she flips her book closed, starts to swing her legs around to sit up. "Hi!" she says brightly and nods a few times, energetically. "Whatever you're doing to keep things rolling in? Keep doing it," she teases him a little, then holds both hands out his way. "Come flop with me for a little bit? Rub my feet and I'll rub your back? I've been on my feet all day."

K'del's other boot gets taken off with less-- projectileness, if you like, abandoned around the back of the couch before he grabs for her hands, hoisting himself over the back of the couch rather than walking all the very long way around. "Reckon what I'm doing is a fat lot of nothing, ultimately, except that maybe it makes people feel safer. Still... guess that can't hurt." Before settling down, he leans over to plant a kiss on her cheek; then, shifting to the other end of the couch, he reaches for Milani's foot. "One footrub coming up. So all things tithe are all good at this end?"

Hands clasp and Milani laughs a little. "Well isn't that a big part of the job?" She tilts her cheek up for that kiss, beaming and she scoots around to wiggle socked feet into his lap. "So far so good. It's only just the end of month nine, so we'll see through the rest of this month." She leans back against the arm of the couch, eyes on his face. "Everything else going well?"

"Suppose so," agrees K'del, albeit with a laugh. "Convincing them they're safe, that we're useful, that they want to keep giving us tithes-- talk, talk, talk." His hands close around her foot, peeling away the sock so that his fingers can really work at it. "Fingers crossed, anyway, that it all continues like this." His gaze lifts to meet hers at that last question, and without missing a beat, he nods: "Reckon so. Can't complain."

"Just goes to show that talk /isn't/ cheap?" Milani says with a grin and then lets out an audible sigh. "Ohhhh ... that's good." Her smile widens and she nods, sinking down just that much more into the couch. "Good. I was saying that you know, the Reaches deserves to have a good turn, the other day."

That makes K'del laugh. "Right, exactly." Her reaction to his efforts seems to encourage him; his fingers redouble their efforts, his own smile widens. "And so it does. Think we're on track for it. Got a few ideas running through my head, too, particularly after that conversation I had with T'rev the other day. Feels... good. Like we're on top of things, you know?"

"Mmm - if it means on track and less stress for everyone and more foot rubs like that for me, I'm all for it," Milani declares with another happy little sound, toes flexingin his hand. "Ideas? From Fort?" She blinks at him a few times.

"But mostly the foot rubs, right?" teases K'del, with another light laugh. His gaze lifts back towards hers - he's been keeping his eyes on her feet on and off - at her reaction to mention of T'rev; he nods. "He mentioned just... taking crafters to isolated places, to make sure people get their education, or get access to a healer, or whatever. Something for riders to do, you know? Keep them busy, something worthwhile. We can do more of that, now: you know, providing transport, deliveries, all that." He seems really quite enthusiastic about the whole thing.

"Foot rubs, leg rubs, other rubs, whatever you feel up to," Milani teases him gaily then listens, head tilted to the side. "Huh. You know, that's not a bad idea. Don't know if it'll /work/ but ... nice that you're trading thoughts back and forth," she gestures with her hand in a back and forth way. "And it's true you know that people might like to get to places quickly. Though they could get spoiled about it.'

Laughing, as his fingers venture up around her ankle, and then down again, K'del notes, mock-seriously, "I'll keep that in mind." Of the rest, he nods along enthusiastically, though his expression turns thoughtful as she mentions the downsides. "Right. So it needs some... fine-tuning, to try and stop that from being a problem. Reckon they'd be happier to tithe, though, if they were getting more from us, and keeping the riders busy is... important." Beat. "It was good. Talking things over. Guess we all have similar problems: might as well share."

There's a little nudge of Millie's foot, warning as she pushes upright and changes directions to crawl towards him. "Your turn, Weyrleader," she tells him teasingly. "Mm. That's true, things are pretty quiet for riders now. My mother does more weaver things than rider things now."

K'del's hands release her foot on receipt of that nudge, though he doesn't turn away as she approaches - not until he's had another quick kiss. "Right. Which is good: the more people who keep themselves busy with that kind of thing, the better. Keeps people happy, too. But. Not everyone's got that kind of occupation to focus on." Beat. "Probably end up reorganising the wings, too. Allowing for that more formally."

Ooo, kiss. Milani can get in on that on the exuberant side. "Mm. True. Not everyone can be a crafter," she says with a grin and points to herself. "The wings? Really? How?" Hands settle at his shoulders and get to work.

It may have been intended as a relatively light kiss, but given Milani's exuberance, it doesn't stay that way, K'del responding in turn. Afterwards, as he shifts around to let Milani get access to his shoulders, he nods. "Exactly. And mm, yeah. Well. If we end up with people doing completely different things, probably makes sense to group people accordingly."

Once the making out portion of the last few minutes is over, Milani settles in with fingers walking up the back of K'del's neck and back down again, heels of hands trading off with them to work at any tension in his shoulders. "So ... grouped according to what they do? Sort of like craft specialties?"

K'del lets out a little sound as Milani's hands touch on a particularly sensitive spot on his left shoulder, which stops him from answering immediately - but not for long. "Right. Sort of, anyway. Wings for craft-focused people, a heavily-drill focused wing to keep the skills strong, then wings that do more practical things. All flexible, in what they do, but still... just lets people organise their time better, maybe."

Milani keeps up the massage, though she drops her lips down to the side of his neck at some point in there. "Huh. Interesting. Do you think they'll go for it? The riders?" Honest curiosity. This isn't her area of expertise. Stores. Linens. The accounting. No problem.

The sensation of Milani's lips on his neck draws another little breath from K'del, and a very satisfied 'mmm'. But; "Some of them. Probably not all. Plenty, though, are just /bored/, so far as I can tell. Know I would be. But," he hesitates, "Haven't talked it over with anyone, yet. B'sil, Sisha. Or any of the Wingleaders in general. Got to see what they think, I guess."

Her smile presses into the side of his neck next and Milani rests her chin atop his shoulder while her hands wander lower along his back. "Mm. So not bored would be better and doing things that will keep holders happy would be good too." Her hands trail around from his back to his front, palms pressing against his chest. "Yeah, probably a good idea so you can make sure they're going to back you."

As her palm presses up against his chest, K'del reaches up to touch it, fingers tracing over hers, each in turn. "Right. On all of those counts. Not going to do anything unless we're in agreement on it. Could be things I haven't thought of, that they'll know more about. Being more experienced and all."

Milani's head tilts her cheek down to rest atop his shoulder and she smiles around at him, fingers flexing a little under that touch. "You're getting better and better at this Weyrleader thing," she tells him quietly and her hands wander a little, toy with plucking the buttons up the front of his shirt loose.

K'del's gaze twists so that he can look at her, returning that smile. "Would hope so," he teases. "Don't want to get worse and worse." But even as he says that, he's nodding, and then, more seriously: "Hope so. Feeling better about it, more and more." As her hands go wandering, his slide behind him, to trace lightly down her legs.

"Someone sometime probably was that unlucky," Milani murmurs thoughtfully and hey, look button, free. And slowly, slowly her hands work their way down his placket, freeing his shirt for easy removal and the tracing of palms up his bare chest. Her face turns into his neck again and she breathes him in, sighs softly. "I'm -- I'm proud of you, you know?"

"Probably. Poor person." K'del manages to sound genuinely sympathetic for this unknown, unnamed person, except, of course, that this shirt-removal and hands-on-skin thing is definitely at least a little distracting. Possibly now, however, as distracting as what Milani says last. There's a pause, and then, sounding-- pleased. Distinctly pleased. "You are?" And, quietly: "Means a lot."

Hand wander up his chest, peel shirt off shoulders, then drop again to trace his skin with gentle fingertips. "Yes," Millie answers straightforwardly and then tightens her arms around him burrows her face into his shoulder. "You mean a lot. To me."

Perhaps it's a good thing that from this position, she can't see K'del's face when she makes that last statement, because there's definite deer-in-the-headlightsness in his expression for a moment, though it's followed quickly by something more like determination. Resolve, perhaps. Whatever it is, it's enough to make him move, probably dislodging her briefly from his shoulder as he twists around, arms reaching out to draw her close against his chest. A breath - a deep one - and then, "You mean a lot to me, too. Know that, right?"

She might not see the look on his face, but there's that stillness for a moment and Milani's lips press to his neck, reassurance offered. He moves though, draws her around and she re-settles in his lap, curled up against his chest, one arm wound around his neck. "I do," Millie murmurs softly, fingers wandering through the little curls at the nape of his neck. "We're always here for each other," she says quietly after another set of heartbeats thump against her ear.

Teenage boys, feelings. Even given K'del's maturity in so many other ways, it's an awkward combination. But; "Course we are." His arms meet around her middle, holding her securely against him as he leans back against the edge of the couch. His tone is jovial, as he adds, "And going to stay that way, too. Not going to let that change."

She smiles again, more felt against his chest likely, somewhere near that telltale heartbeat. "Me neither," Milani assures and her chin tips upward, bringing her eyes into view and that smile. She leans upward just a little, to brush her lips to the edge of his jaw, makes her way back to his ear, cheek pressed to cheek and whispers it there, very softly. "I love you."

It's patently obvious that those three little words were the ones K'del was both anticipating-- and dreading. It takes him one very long deep breath before he can manage a response, though surely, by now, it can't be too unexpected. Freeing one hand (distinctly moist) from around her, he lifts it to gently nudge her cheek back far enough that he can meet her gaze as he says, "I know. And--" Swallow. Breath. "I think I love you, too."

"You don't have to --" Milani starts as he takes that breath, but then he's nudging her cheek back and she blinks up at him surprised. For a moment, she's out of words then her face splits into one of the biggest smiles ever and she plants one doozy of a kiss on him.

The surprise is contagious, then, because /her/ reaction seems to leave him almost equally at a loss (though may it be said that this doesn't stop him from responding to that kiss with enthusiasm). When it finally ends, though, lips drawing apart, he's apparently without words, watching her with an awkward, perhaps even embarrassed expression.

That awkwardness on his face just earns a softening of Milani's and her fingers brush at the corners of his mouth, thumbs tracing upward like she'd erase it from his face. "Kas ... what's that look for?" she asks, head cocked to the side a little, the expression in her eyes warm, fond, just that little bit beyond fond.

The tracing of her thumbs does something to shift K'del expression, though it doesn't - yet - disappear entirely. The question, and her own expression, draws him to take in another deep breath. Finally, "I-- I don't know. Just-- strange, a bit. This." Another breath. "Getting used to it. After-- And it surprised you."

"That's okay ... no rush," Milani says and then her palm cradles his cheek gently. "I didn't expect you to /say/ it back, Kas," she explains with a fond little smile and then she throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tight. "But I'm glad. So glad."

A moment after Milani's arms reach around him for that hug, K'del's are drawn up to do likewise, squeezing warmly as he lowers his head to her neck to press a brief kiss there. Then, one hand tangling itself within her hair, he admits, "Considered not saying it. Just... working my way up to it. Later. Maybe it'd feel easier. Except that I'd worry that you'd think I was only doing it because I felt bad, or something. And it isn't that." His expression is earnest, so's his voice, though a smile creeps in there, too.

Milani can't help but laugh a little even as her fingers slide upward likewise through his curls. "You worry too much, Kas," she accuses him lightly, teasingly and turns her head to kiss his cheek. "I don't know when things changed exactly, but they did," she says after a moment of thought. "And I haven't wanted to scare you with it, but it's been a little while," she tells him, winding a finger through a curl thoughtfully. "But it doesn't have to change anything you know, from a practical standpoint."

K'del's expression shifts yet again at her accusation: guilty, guilty. It doesn't stay that way for long, fading out towards thoughtfulness - smiling, contented thoughtfulness, at that. "Not sure when, either," he agrees. "Think it was kind of gradual." His breath after her last statement is shorter than those earlier ones, distinctly less as though he's relieved, or concerned, or awkward about it, and more just thinking. "Right. Good. Still on the same page, then. Good."

"Yes," Milani says laughingly and leans back to look him in the face and then she kisses him again. "So. I think ... that you should, you know, show me just how you feel instead of telling me," she says next with a little minx look on her face as her hand goes diving beneath his waistband in a way that is so far from innocent it's not even funny.

Not funny at /all/. But, well, let's just say it's a very direct way to get an initial show-and-tell moment out of the way, followed fairly directly by a very detailed illustration, starting with another kiss and ending with a floor stewn with clothes and a pair of tangled, tired bodies. Lazily; "How's that? Convinced, or do you need another demonstration, just to be sure?"

Laughter bubbles up from deep within Milani's chest as her fingers comb lazily through his hair. "Mmmm... pretty well convinced ... maybe just enough doubts though that I think I might need a little more convincing in a little bit. You know, just to be /really/ really sure," she teases him, turns to press a kiss to his forehead.

K'del, maturely, sticks his tongue out. "You women," he teases. "Five seconds gone, and here you are, doubting me already." Definitely teasing; there's his grin to prove it, even if his voice didn't already. "But. In a little bit. Definitely. Time to catch our breath, first." His expression is fond.

Laughing again, Milani winds her arms and legs that much more around him and she noses into his neck happily. "I've never doubted you," she murmurs into his ear though and relaxes back into the couch, still playing with his hair.

K'del unconsciously echoes that hair-playing, as if he's only vaguely aware of Milani's hands in his, as his hands curl through hers. "I know," he murmurs back, lazily, grabbing a pillow to adjust beneath them. "I know."

Milani only smiles at that and curls that much more into him. There'll probably be more 'proof' in a little while and she'll murmur the words again to him as they drift off in bed later. Otherwise, in spite of three little words shared, it really doesn't change all that much from day to day, except for the way she looks at him.

The second round of 'proof' is just as enthusiastic as the last, and K'del is prompter, easier, with returning those words, later; he'll fall asleep smiling, as though it's a great load off his mind. Perhaps it is. That life really doesn't change is obviously something of a relief, as it goes on - and eventually, he'll probably even start sharing those words of his own volition, and not just in response to hers. Eventually.

|k'del, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, $t'rev, milani

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