LOG: Must've Been a Shock

Sep 12, 2009 17:10

Date: Day 22, Month 9, Turn 20
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Audria joins the chat on the patio and the topics shift to lighter fare.

Log and summary from trevannc except for the last couple of poses. Some swearing.

"Yeah, transport's like, one of things that only dragons can do that fast and they can carry a fair bit too. It's not glamorous and dangerous like fighting Thread gets a rep for, but hey, it's a living, right? And visible. And something that people could /rely/ on dragonriders for, see the value in, because it affects them personally." Another head bob from T'rev. "Yeah, well, I didn't have any particular ambitions either 'til I took the trip up to the Weyr and decided I wanted to be a trader instead of taking over the cothold from my step-father. And then I did impress ... and I finally met my real father and it turned out he was the former Master-fucking-harper of Pern," T'rev says with humor plain in his voice and a certain measure of 'still don't believe it'. "He's been trainin' me up since we found each other and well, I like it. Friend of mine had this idea too, of pairin' up riders and harpers to educate Pern better. You know, all the little places up in the hills and the like, so you don't wind up with kids like me as could barely read when I got to the Weyr." Two Weyrleaders, a pitcher of beer, a hell of a lot of greasy food on the table, late in the afternoon on a sunny, pleasant fall day.

"And potentially /interesting/ for the right kind of person," muses K'del. "I mean, meeting all kinds of people, getting to feel useful. Not glamorous, but... reckon some people'd really like it. And I /really/ like the idea of pairing up the riders and harpers. Shells, and healers, too, for that matter: just being able to check up on people, make sure things are okay, and people know how to look after things." The idea has lit up K'del's expression, though he then backtracks - after a mouthful of deep-fried onion - to add, "Must've been a shock, finding that out. About your father, I mean." And maybe he's a little impressed. Maybe. A little.

Audria steps out from the bar area onto the patio. The young woman has a mug of a hot cider in her hands as she freezes just outside to look around. K'del is spotted, and Audria steps his way before she pauses again. After all, he's with someone this time, not spending his time watching the giggling girls.

"Yeah, I could get into it for instance. I like talking to people," T'rev tells K'del sunnily. "Yeah, totally, make sure everyone's gettin' their checkups when they should, or you know, women in labor, getting the right kind of healer if the shit hits the fan so to speak, yeah?" Chewing. T'rev's got a mouthful of barfood now too and his head bobs up and down a few times. Swallow. "Hell yeah, I mean, shells, you grow up one way, thinking you're you know, nothing and then -- that ... I mean, how the hell to you put that into perspective, huh?" And well, giggling girls giggle and T'rev's gaze slants that way, then catches on Audria and he shoots her a charming, dimpled grin of the devastatingly handsome, come hither type.

Teasingly; "Would never have guessed." K'del leans forward to grab for the pitcher of beer, refilling his glass then offering towards his companion with a tip of the head. "Right, exactly. All of that. Keeping a closer eye on people. And a lot of that... reckon the holds would be much happier to tithe, knowing they had that kind of attention during the interval." His head is shaking, and he laughs, as he says, "Yeah, I hear you. Masterharper of Pern! Crazy." He's so intent on this conversation that he doesn't notice Audria until T'rev's attention turns that way; he has to turn around to see for himself, and as he does, his smile is a warm, encouraging one: "Afternoon, Audria."

Audria is addressed, so that means she must walk over, or at least she does. "Good afternoon." She greets then both with a quick bob of the head. The smile K'del gets turns a bit shyer when she looks to T'rev. "Am I interrupting anything important? Because I can go leave you alone?" The young woman sounds genuinely worried about that.

T'rev laughs at K'del's remark and holds his mug out for that refill. "Exactly, it maintains the relationship, service for support, even trade," the Fortian tells K'del. "Crazy," he echoes and he shoots K'del a brief questioning look as Audria's name is mentioned, but then, the girl's there and he's giving her another chipper grin. "Beer n' greasy food. Help yourself," he gestures to the platter, then wipes his hand hastily on a napkin, the non-beer-holding one and holds it out to her. "T'rev, bronze Mecaith's, Weyrleader of Fort and all that, well met Audria."

K'del fills T'rev's mug again, then sets the pitcher back on the table, reclaiming his own drink as he nods, several times fast, in response to what the other Weyrleader says. That questioning look goes by with a slightly confused raise of the eyebrows, before he turns his attention back towards Audria, expression still warm. "No interruption at all," he promises, his words falling in after T'rev's. "Audria works in the kitchens here," he explains, more quietly. "Not so long arrived from High Reaches Hold."

Audria takes that as an invitation to join them. T'rev's hand is taken with another shy smile. "I, uh, it's nice to meet you, Weyrleader." She states before Audria takes a seat looking at the greasy food for a moment before she just sips from her cider. "Yes, it's nice being here. I like the weyr."

"Thanks," to K'del for the refill and a renewed smile for Audria. "Welcome to Weyrlife then, Audria and kitchens? So you help to make the good stuff that gets eaten around here," Fort's Weyrleader says in good-natured fashion. "And T'rev, just T'rev please. We're just hanging out."
K'del tips his head towards T'rev once more in acceptance of the thanks, turning his attention primarily to his beer, though he keeps half a glance on both of his companions as they issue their introductory statements. Except when he's picking out his next piece of deep fried food, of course, and chewing on it carefully.

"T'rev." Audria says with a bob of her head before she nods. "Well. I help make the food. I hope that what I make is good. Lots of the time I chop things. Well, I make simple dishes, too. And breakfast." She stops there to look drink cider, looking over to K'del as he goes silent, biting her lower lip.

"Chopping things is helpful," T'rev points out with a grin, takes a sip of his beer, nabs another cheesy something or other from the platter. "How much chopping did you do as a candidate, K'del? Sometimes I thought my wrist was going to fall clear off from it when I was."

K'del's smile is instantly encouraging as Auria bites her lip, his head shaking just lightly, as though intended as encouragement. "Oh, shells, the /chopping/. Endless. My mother never let me into the kitchen, so it was all kind of new, but... Shells." He grins, glancing from T'rev to Audria and then back. "And then I Impressed, and I was chopping meat all the time. Felt like I'd never escape! Which is why it's so important we have people like Audria around, right?"

Audria lets out a giggle of laugh as K'del describes it. "So that's why there are people like me working in the kitchen? So that you won't have to chop food anymore?" Audria asks jokingly before she shakes her head. "I bet a lot of the candidates can't cut /well/ though. With even, neat pieces. And things diced quickly into little chunks when those are needed."

"Yeahhh, totally endless and then all that butchering, shells," T'rev agrees with K'del emphatically and grins over at Audria again. "Well someone's got to do the chopping, there's not candidates around all the time and dragons take a heck of a long time to oil," the Fortian Weyrleader points out, good humored. "Mm, suppose to learn how while you're on duty when you're a candidate."

"Believe me," puts in K'del. "There will /always/ be employment for people like you. But - yeah, don't have candidates for all that long, over all. Little while, every couple of turns. Not useful, when we all got to eat every day." He pauses as he takes another long drink from his mug, eventually grinning. "Not sure I /really/ got much better at the vegetable chopping, anyway. You, T'rev?"

Audria considers that for a moment before she laughs again. "It would be really hard to only feed the weyr food that involves chopped ingredients when there are candidates. You'd be eating a lot of whole vegetables and roasted meat most of the time." Audria decides. "Maybe you need more practice?" Audria asks towards K'del, teasing lightly.

"Well enough, I guess," T'rev says with a little pull of his mouth to the side. "Good enough for cutting up meat for Mecaith anyway," he grins over at Audria though. "Isn't that what Weyrs eat most of the time though? Easiest to prepare?" Then he laughs as the kitchen girl teases Reaches' Weyrleader, still good-natured though and concentrates on finishing off the food in his hand and the beer in his mug.

"No more practice, thank you," grins K'del, laughing, as he drains the last of his beer. "Mm, certainly always managed with feeding Cadejoth, but never got particularly adept with the fine chopping required in the kitchens, sometimes." He's silent again, after that, wiping his hands upon his trousers again before he adds, "Easy to prepare food is good. But. Food is good. In general."

"Food /is/ good in general," T'rev agrees, smile still bright. "And I ain't one to turn down a good stew or soup on a cold day, nope. Silly Nerat blood's still thin," the Fortian Weyrleader claims and takes a last swallow from his mug, sets it down empty. "It's all settled up at the bar, K'del," he tells Reaches' Weyrleader and reaches behind him to pull his jacket on. "I'm going to swing by and chat Rev up, see if I can catch Leova, before I head out. I've got something for her," he tells the other man. "Been nice talkin' to you Audria, maybe I'll see you around sometime."

K'del's gaze slides off towards the bowl as he nods; "Getting towards that time of turn, isn't it? Will do, Audria, will do. But..." Laughing. "Don't count on it." T'rev's words draw his attention back to the other Weyrleader and he inclines his head rapidly: "Been a pleasure, T'rev. Thanks for the beer, and the company. Been-- interesting. Have a nice visit with folks, sure I'll see you around soon."

Audria nods her head to T'rev with a quick smile. "It was nice to meet you, Weyr... er, T'rev." Audria says before she nods over to K'del. "It gets to be that time of turn pretty quickly around here. We get lots of soup months in High Reaches."

"Likewise, K'del," T'rev says with friendly warmth. "Come down Fort-way sometime. I'll buy you dinner at the Fountain," Fort's Weyrleader offers and his head bobs too. "Clear skies then, both of you." T'rev gives a last wave and heads down the stairs, half-skipping a couple of them and heads off across the Bowl singing a snatch of song that, if you listen carefully is actually a bawdy.

K'del's lips twitch wryly as he catches the sound of the bawdy, fading off into the distance. "Never lets me pay for /anything/," he complains, all but under his breath, but it doesn't linger - and, anyway, he's smiling. "Yeah, no kidding," he agrees, then, focusing his attention back on Audria. "But the summers are beautiful, so that helps."

Audria blushes a bright color as she catches the bawdy song as well. Instead of commenting on it, she just giggles. "You say that like it's a bad thing." Audria states about the payment before she adds. "They are. Nice and warm. I love summer. I really like the start of winter though, with snow and crisp cold. Eventually though, it gets old."

"It's nice to be able to pay one's own way. Besides," K'del grins, pushing his mug idly with the fingers of one hand, "Fair's fair. He buys some, I buy some. Not as though either of us is really short of a mark." He nods his head quickly to the rest of what she has to say, agreeing, "It is nice. Everything seems fresh. But later... Ugh. Still, can't complain /too/ much."

"That does sound fair." Audria admits before she sits back in her chair. "Anyway, I like having lots of different seasons. I don't think I'd like having only summer. Or only winter. Maybe only spring."

"/True/." K'del's firm about this one. "Ista's beautiful, but the idea of never having any real changes? Ugh. Not for me." He wipes his hands upon his trousers again, then sighs. "Ought to get back to my work. Stayed out here longer than intended. Nice to see you again, Audria. Hope you're still settling in well."

"It was nice to see you again, too. I think I'm still settling in well." Audria states. "At least, I mean, I haven't gone running back to the Hold. So that must mean something." She finishes off her cider and stands as well. "I should see if they need me again. Good luck with your work."

|k'del, t'rev, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, audria

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