LOG: Don't Call Me Kid

Oct 08, 2008 14:30

Date: Day after the tithe festival
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: Candidates meet Anvori. Kasadel does not join in on attempting to get a tale of Satiet from the other man.

Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Partly sheltered by the curving stone overhang, partly exposed to the weather, the wide stone patio serves as a balcony for socializing or just plain drinking on a sizable scale. The repurposed ledge might once have let two large dragons land, but now there's too much furniture for that: two rustic tables with attendant chairs, plus a couple more in particularly good weather, and a wrought iron bench situated to make the most of the view of the western bowl and the lake beyond.
Other changes include rough little niches carved out of the stone walls to hold glows in colored bottles at night, the climbing plant that's being trained to grow up along the overhang, and the blue ceramic pots of flowers that dot the edge of the ledge as a colorful reminder not to fall off.
An archway leads to the Snowasis itself, housed in the ledge's former weyr, while a few wide steps descend along the wall to the bowl.

During the day, the clouds hung low and heavy - no rain or snow, just sun-blocking shadows - but now that the sun has set, the wind has blown them away, revealing the stars and moons above. It's cold, of course, but the clear night has drawn people outside all the same. One of these is Kasadel, sitting with one long leg curled beneath him, a glass of something amber-coloured in one hand, the other dug deep into his pocket for warmth. He's staring off into the distance - or just at the group of lower caverns girls at the next table? Hard to tell.

Another such person drawn out by the clear night would be Sunniva, although she heads toward the ledge in pursuit of a quiet place to enjoy her cider and one of the currently kerchief-wrapped pastries she acquired from the kitchens. The candidate glances around when she's there proper, seeking out familiar faces ... or perhaps just a table that's not likely to be used much.

Hali has her eyes trained on the sky as she walks across the ledge from Snowasis. She's got a particularly colorful drink in her hand, bright red and orange with little bubblies forming at the top. As is normal for this candidate, she's got one eye on the stars and one on her path-- which unfortunately means she's not got the best depth perception. A few chairs manage to jump otu in front of her on the way, and she spills a few drops of drink as she heads to stand near the edge of the patio.

Empty spot here! Alone on the iron wrought bench sits Anvori, his hazel eyes trained similar to Kasadel's gaze, though in the Tillekian's case there is no doubt that his fixation is the group of lower caverns girls. Bundled in a dapper fur-trimmed jacket, a jaunty maroon hat perched on his head, he leans back, hands shoved in pockets, shoulders rising in his seated stretch. Soon, though, even girl-watching is something to get tired of, and he glances about to the growing crowds, flicking his look past Sunniva to Kasadel, grin deepening and a passing shot called, "Careful, kid, you'll bore holes into the backs of their heads and then they might not be so pretty to look at," then quick to look to the commotion of chairs meeting candidate legs.

Kasadel's glass is halfway to his mouth, an idle gesture done as if without conscious thought, when Anvori speaks. His eyes immediately flick up and across, his eyebrows lifting and dropping in a motion almost as fluid as his hand's, a sip taken from his glass before he responds. "Wasn't their /heads/ I was looking at," he-- smirks? But, he, too, has been distracted by the sound of legs against chairs, his gaze shifting immediately from the Tillekian to the other girl: "Careful, Hali! Dropping alcohol - that /is/ alcoholic, isn't it? - is... blasphemy."

"Oh!" Sunniva glances over at the source of the noise, her grip on her cider tightening. "Oh, Hali, are you alright?" is wondered, brow creasing with evident concern. Others are noted in a peripheral sense, though those green eyes do slide just so to focus on Kasadel a bit more acutely than on the unfamiliar Anvori. Back to Hali then, even as she's rushing forward to pull a chair out from a convenient table for the other young woman to protect her from further furniture-related assaults. "Here."

Hali is distracted from her stargazing as Sunniva pulls the next chair from her path, and she offers a rather lopsided grin. "Sorry, I thought I could manage, but I had a few drinks in there and apparently I don't have the coordination anymore." She puts her colorful drink up to her lips as she turns towards Kasadel. Without actually taking a drink, she replies, "Yes, it is. But not very. I had my very alcoholic beverages in the bar." The woman sits down in Sunniva's proffered chair. "Thanks."

A guffaw sounds from behind Anvori's bundled-up-ness and the amiable twinkle of his gaze returns in a quick swerve from Hali's predicament to Kasadel. Approving; for the judicious girl watching or what he says? Does it matter -- in the end he doesn't stand at immediate attention or swoop to Hali's rescue like he probably should and it isn't until Sunniva's rushing to the other girl's side that chagrin seems to score thin lines across his forehead. An opportunity missed. "You ok over there? Bartender cut you off yet?"

Kasadel's expression is hard to read, but if anything, he probably looks pleased with Anvori's guffaw, clearly noted, even if his attention hasn't wavered from Hali. Well: she's a girl, after all. "I'll walk you home, later, if you need me to," he tells Hali, inclining his head forward. "And you, too, Sunniva." His smile is more gentlemanly than outright flirtatious, though he adds, "So there's even less need to spill it, right?" Leaning back in his chair, he takes another sip of his ale, savouring it in his mouth for a few seconds before he swallows.

"Tsk, tsk." The chastisement comes with a smile to soften it, transmute it into a friendly thing. Sunniva places her cider on the table, the kerchief-wrapped bundle of treats being extricated from a jacket pocket and placed nearby. "You are welcome. Do be careful, though; I would rather not like to have to explain to Milani if we have to carry you back to the barracks." Ah, but then a glance is given to Kasadel, a faintly appreciative smile surfacing, "How courteous of you. Thank you." With a duck of her head, she claims a chair of her own.

"Sure," Hali replies to Kasadel, ignorant to any possible subtext his offer might imply. She sits the drink down on the table near Sunniva's cider. "Mostly the stumbling comes from me wanting to look at the stars and walk at the same time, which is hard enough without the buzz. I'm really not that bad," she raises her voice so Anvori can hear, "I'm really not that bad, honestly."

Not to be outdone by the tall boy, judging by a quick down up appraisal, who is at least half his age, Anvori comments aloud, tenor idle coupled with a boyish tilt of his dark head, "And should that fail, I'd be more than happy to carry you over my shoulders to wherever you'd like to be, miss. No?" At Hali's remark. "Pity, that." But then his ears tweak to the mention of barracks, however belated that might be. "Ahhhh," exhales his breath of enlightenment. "I was going to comment that you all seem to know each other," the master deducer begins, "But candidates." That explains it. He looks from sable-haired Hali to the formal Sunniva then back to Kasadel. "As the interloper- Anvori."

Kasadel looks - not smug, exactly, perhaps just well pleased - at the acceptance of his offer, necessary or no, but that fades rather quickly as Anvori manages to outdo him so easily, and his smile stiffens. "Wouldn't mind if you were," he tells Hali after a pause, as if he's stretching to find something more impressive to say, but failling at it. "Though perhaps it's for the best. Big heads make chores - harder. And Sunniva's probably right: it might not look so good." Transferring his glass from one hand to the other, letting the first hand take a turn in the warmth of his pocket, Kas nods. "Candidates, right. I'm Kas, and this is Sunniva, and Hali."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Anvori." Sunniva straightens in her chair, hands folding temporarily in her lap as she cranes her head around to regard him. As Kasadel gives the introductions, she inclines her head, then settles back to take a sip of cider -- then another, slightly deeper swig. The mug is then held in both hands, to soak up the meager warmth. Off-hand, "Hali, I did finally finish that pouch for you. I can give it to you later, if you would like?" Apologetic, even.

Hali's brows raise at Anvori's comment, and she shakes her head. "I definitely will not need to be carried, on shoulders or otherwise, at any point tonight." Her tone is definite, her expression hard before it softens to a brief joking smile with Kasadel. "It wouldn't look good," she agrees with the both of them. "So no underhanded attempts to try and make me that way, either." She's briefly confused as she addresses Sunniva, eyes narrowing before she remembers: "Oh, that. Don't worry about it," she senses the apologetic tone, "just give it to me later. And if you don't see me, just drop it on my bed."

These are the victories that should make a man of Anvori's age embarrassed, particularly as it's at Kasadel's expense. Should being the key word. But a lack of repentance brightens the already brilliant smile flashed Sunniva's way, particularly when she cranes her head to find him. He even rises from his seat briefly, hand to forehead in a tiny, mock salute for the young woman. "The pleasure, miss, is all mine. Kas. Hali." Each name, even a belated, "Sunniva," is committed to memory with the careful repetition.

"I promise," swears Kasadel, not without a grin, in response to Hali. "No drinking you under the table - not tonight, anyway. But we'll keep you contentedly merry, I hope." As the two girls take up a topic of no real interest to him, the tall young man casts Anvori a sidelong glance, measuring him up as if even a glance would give him some advantage over superior turns and much practice. "And what is it that you do?" he asks of the man, at length. "Since you know already our current status."

A smile is directed to Anvori, genuine if brief. "Of course. I do hope you like the colour; I had to make do with what I could find." That to Hali, as Sunniva reaches to snag a pastry and then nudge the remainder Hali's way in wordless offering. Of course, as Kasadel continues to talk to the man, the Holdbred lass falls momentarily silent while she nibbles on her treat and lifts her gaze briefly to study the sky, lips teased into a cryptic line. Listening, of course, though unobtrusively so.

Hali raises her glass to Kasadel's comment, "Contentedly merry I can agree with," before drinking down the bubbly cheerful cocktail. "Right," she turns Anvori's way with remembered pleasantries, "Good to meet you. Your name sounds familiar," though why, Hali has yet to realize. Sunniva's offered pastry is greedily grabbed and gobbled, a nice compliment to her drink. "I'm not picky, I'm sure the color is fine. Unless," her face contorts, "it's bright, bright pink. It's not bright pink, is it?"

Interest, a genuine type rather than the passing approval of an older shark for a possibly burgeoning one, lights Anvori's hazel eyes back onto Kasadel. "I'm here under the auspices of the Weyr's hospitality. In return for some services in the Snowasis. A humble bartender if you will." The slight flourish of one hand about his face, falls to return a gesture back to the bar. Pushing the line of teasing humility, he continues with, "Among my other, few, talents." As for the familiarity of his name, he's blissfully unaware, except to flick his attention back to Hali and then the conversation of pink.

"From Tillek." Not a question. Perhaps Kasadel has picked up a Tillekian note to Anvori's voice, or perhaps he's now placed the man in some mental schema, based on pre-existing information. Impossible to know. "But: beer? Ale? Something else? Not wine, I hope." The amber liquid in his glass is disappearing at a steady pace, drunk without apparent comprehension of the act, the glass transferred from hand to hand as each chills with the cold air.

To answer Hali, Sunniva shakes her head. "No, it is not pink. It is green, with a bit of fine, brown lace around it and a matching piece of ribbon." Another piece of pastry is broken off, nibbled, and then a look askance is sent to Anvori. Like as not placing the name with some other detail, which prompts: "Oh? That is interesting. As a bartender, I am sure you have quite a few fascinating stories to tell." It's as much statement as slight query, brows arching just a touch. Curious.

"Green and brown, sounds nice," Hali genuinely smiles, and takes another drink. "Oh." The recognition of Anvori clicks in this candidates head, and her genuine smile becomes a knowing one. "Right, fascinating stories." Her attention is suddenly focused on Anvori where she wasn't particularly interested in him before.

From Tillek. It's accepted with a tip of his head and hands held up -- as charged. As for what his other skills are; be it beer, ale, wine, or telling fascinating tales, Anvori responds with relish rolling over the r's, "Rotgut. Moonshine. The stuff your ma probably told you was poison." Then a beat passes, a hesitant curiosity knitting his brows as suddenly, all attention appears to be on him. "Hi," punctuated with a sheepish wiggle of his fingers. Hello? "Ah, what stories would you like to hear?"

Satisfied, Kas nods, once for Tillek, and once for the rotgut - though he seems on the verge of asking about the latter when the question from the girls takes Anvori's attention, and he stills. His eyes roam back towards Hali and Sunniva, then to Anvori again, brows raised - interest here, too. "Is it true, that people tend to spill their guts to the bartender when they're too deep in their cups? Hear anything really - salacious that way?"

Latching onto the tail end of Kasadel's words with a nod to the other candidate, Sunniva slides in, "Or any especially interesting tales about our Weyrwoman?" as if it were an afterthought. There's a slight pause, then, "Of course, that is if you do not mind indulging us." To Hali, a smile; discrete acknowledgement given to allow Anvori space to speak, as it were.

"Yes, about the Weyrwoman," Hali repeats Sunniva, her inebriation hampering her ability to be inconspicuous and discrete. Finishing off her fruity drink, she sets down the empty glass and leans back in her chair, crossing her arms in expectation of tales. "Kasadel, I'm surprised you haven't been drunk enough to spill your own guts to the bartenders here."

Anvori turns his head halfway to one side, his lips quirking as crookedly as the wrinkles that claim just one eye corner. The other is wider in askance of Kasadel and then a low laugh expels, "Ah, barkeeps, we never kiss and tell. Tell you what, if you don't Impress, I'm looking for a handful of good ole' boys to learn some thing abouts distilling. You swing by, do a few turns behind the counter and then we'll talk. Share." Tellingly, those hazel eyes swing to those lower caverns girls, still bundled up across the ledge, still chatting, still incredibly easy on the eyes in all ways. That is, until Sunniva pipes in, and his attention is swinging back. "Oh, ho ho. Ho ho. You don't value a man's ba-, head, do you?" There's ladies present after all.

Kasadel says, "Not about the Weyrwoman," Kasadel groans, eyes flicking skywards in a rolling gesture. "You girls and that stupid scavenger hunt! But - anyway, Hali, /I/ spill my guts without a drink, not that I've secrets to spill anyway. Nothing hidden, not here." Though disappointed with Anvori's refusal to share, the young man's interest is clearly piqued by the offer, his teeth resting upon his lip thoughtfully before he nods: "Maybe I'll do that. Though I do expect to be - occupied." There's no arrogance as he says this, just a quiet confidence, calm and self-assured."

"Mm. Hence, my dearest Kas, is why it is an /indulgence/. Something to occupy the time, just as ogling those girls' assets," a chin is sharply directed toward said girls, "occupies yours. Now." Back to Anvori, then,"If you do not wish to, that is your prerogative, sir." And throughout, Sunniva's tone is simply conversational; casual and nothing more. She smiles, noting, "Of course, I do not sleep well and a good story might be incentive enough to hasten me back to the barracks so you would not need to concern yourself further with what I do and do not value."

"Do you?" Hali's interest has been briefly diverted, and she raises her eyebrows at Kasadel. "Perhaps another day I'll take you up on your claim of 'no secrets'. If you truely do, I'll be amazed." Her smile broadens nearly ear to ear as Kasadel blirts out their reasons for asking, and turns again to Anvori. "Now, if I were to hear a good story, I might just be prompted to get another drink to accompany." Hopefully one of their tactics will work.

"My dear Sunniva," to the slender green-eyed woman, Anvori's head tips, his smile pleasant and polished. "For another of your unstilted smiles, I'd share my world." His sister's, that might require a little more effort, but mention of the scavenger hunt draws his smile crooked, smirk-like, and his eyes glittering bright. "I see." But it's Hali's tactic that works. "You promise to see yourself home straight after that drink," yes, that one she has in her hand now, no more, "And I promise your efforts will be rewarded tomorrow morning. All of yours. Even you. Brrr," he fakes a shiver and stands, stomping his feet. "Good night, kid. Ladies."

"Oh, I do more than /ogle/," Kasadel assures Sunniva, amused enough that his eyes dance. "But I'll take your point. Seriously, Hali," he continues, arching his shoulders into an easy shrug. "Not much to know about me. But do it anyway - might still be fun." Is there another meaning implied there? Impossible to know; his expression gives nothing away. "Don't call me kid," he tells Anvori, tone suddenly defensive. "I'm not that young." A pause. Then: "Oh, whatever. I'm going to get another drink. Back in a minute." He's not, though - but if the girls are lucky, he'll be back in time to walk them home.

You head to the Snowasis.

$satiet, anvori, @hrw, sunniva, $milani, |k'del, hali, !candidate

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