LOG: Not Looking

Oct 07, 2008 17:38

Date:Day 1, Month 12, Turn 17
Location:Candidates Barracks, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis:Kas helps Luttrell with his chores.

NB: Out of order.

Late in the day, dinner will be starting soon.most of the candidates are out taking care of their chores. But those on a rest day can often be found here in the candidate quarters. Luttrell however is hard at work, trying to finish his chores before the dinner rush starts. He carries around two large baskets of glows, one for fresh glows, and one thats he's already changed. The latter is much fuller as he is almost done. Standing at a basket near the door, he's in the process of changing them out.

With hair slicked back wet, and his shirt still partially unbuttoned, it's clear enough that Kasadel has been making use of his rest day with a long bath. He emerges from the caverns, coat slung over one arm, and in his reverie, he comes quite close to knocking right into Luttrell and his glows, swinging past without so much as a backwards glance on his way to his cot.

While Kasadel may not be concerned with Luttrell's task, Luttrell himself is more concerned with Kadadel's uncaring manner. Seeing how he was nearly knocked backwards, which would have been disastrous with the glows. "Hey! You should watch where you going." He calls out after steadying himself and the glows, closing the glow basket and moving on to the next.

In Kasadel's defense, Luttrell's words to have him swinging around, and his expression is clearly repentant. "Oh - hang it. Sorry; I wasn't looking." He dumps his coat onto his bed, then crosses back towards the other boy, slicking hair back from his face with an idle hand as he ambles. "Need a hand? 'm free until dinner, and you could be, too - will that make up for it?"

Luttrell glances toward the other boy, his thoughtful expression considering the offer. After a moment he nods, smiling albeit awkwardly. "Sure, I've only a few left in this room, Then i'll be done for the night." He reaches up for the next basket removing the lid and scooping out the glows. "It helps to be tall with this job." He notes with a grin.

"That," intones the other boy, with a grin, "Is something I have covered." He moves on to the next basket, repeating the process with familiarity - not, then, a chore he hasn't scored for himself. "Actually, I've been doing a lot of this lately. I know it isn't /encouraged/, but... I swapped. Easier for me than for, say, some of the girls. You're the trader one, aren't you? Like the weyr so far?"

Luttrell nods. "I've scored this one several times myself. Your not much taller then I after all, a couple inches maybe." He replies dropping in the fresh glows and replacing the lid. "Yes, thats right, I think I've taken a liking to the weyr, I almost dread the idea of going back to my Da's caravan after this is all over." He moves to the next basket, leap frogging as it were his helper. "I've been spoiled with the ease of living here."

Kasadel gives Luttrell an appraising look, as if measuring him with his eyes, and nods, apparently satisfied with the couple of inches estimation. He turns back towards the chore, filling the basket again as he says, "Right. So tradering is hard work, I guess? May not have to go back, though - that's the idea, anyway. From Tillek area, myself. Came here with the tithe."

"Trading." He corrects opening the basket and fishing out the glows. "It's not easy, but it's not really difficult, the hardest part is the constant traveling, you never stay in one place for very long, except through the winter. My Da would have made a trip down to nabol, then he'll be wintering in Crom, I came here when we passed close to the weyr to check on a runner being taken care of by Oysric."

"Trading, right," says Kas, accepting the correction without question, and turning to flash the other boy a smile. "Ah. I kinda liked the open road bit, on the way from Tillek. Suspect that it'd get old longer term, too. Not so many girls, too." And this, by his tone of voice, would be a great loss. "See lots of places, though. That's pretty cool. Oysric," he laughs, "He's a funny guy, that one."

Luttrell glances over as he drops in the glows, lidding the basket by touch as he says, "Funny? I don't know if I'd call him funny, but perhaps you know him better then I." He moves to the next basket. "Long term it gets very rough, I was born on the road, I've spent my entire life following those roads between Nabol, Crom, and High Reaches, it does get really old. It makes it difficult to make friends. Most of your interaction comes from learning the trade." He frowns as he works on this basket.

Kasadel corrects himself, after a moment: "Funny-strange, that is, not funny-funny. Like him, though." He, too, moves on, getting through the baskets without paying them too much attention. "Guess you'd know them pretty well. Though - yeah. I'd miss having that - stability, I guess. Friends. Girls." There he goes again. "So you don't want to be a trader, really, when it comes down to it?"

Luttrell shakes his head. "Not really no, I wanted to be a harper when I was a kid, I even learned to play the strings, though not very well, but my Da needed someone to take over the caravan when he gets to old, and I was expected to do it." He finishes the basket and moves on to the next, only a few left. "I prefer stability, always knowing where your gonna sleep at night, having friends you can see every day. Even the risk, and challenge of being a rider would be a welcome change to trading."

Kasadel's expression shifts a bit at this news, his head nodding very slowly. "That," he tells the other boy, "Sucks. No, really. Can't imagine not getting to choose for myself. Mind, my family would've preferred, maybe, if I stayed to help with the vines, but they knew I needed something more, anyway, didn't really mind me going." After a moment, as he's walking towards the next glow, he adds in, "Less risk, now. Unless there's /another/ weirdo pass thing."

"I highly doubt there would be two in the same interval." Luttrell notes as he moves on to the next basket as well. "so we would have it pretty easy I think, becoming riders in an interval. I could be wrong..." He says with a shrug following the same routine as with the other baskets. "I swear this is the most tedious chore here."

"Seems unlikely," agrees Kas, filling another basket. "Wonder what riders /do/ during the interval. Aside from obvious, basic tasks." He doesn't seem too concerned with the question, mind. "Yeah, isn't it? Still - one more each, and then we're done. And imagine how long it'd take if I /weren't/ helping."

"I would be doing this well into dinner i'm sure." Luttrell says glancing around at the emptied room. "Seems dinner has already started." He adds dropping the glows into the basket and moving on to his last one. "Thanks for the help, I really do appreciate it. Heh, they should allow us to work in pairs more often, things get done much faster this way."

Kasadel moves on to his own last one, nodding, unconcerned. "Any time," he notes, though he admits, "S'pose, if we did it in pairs, there'd be other chores /not/ getting done. Don't always have a rest day, after all. But: yeah. Easier in pairs, and more fun." As he drops in his last glow, he adds. "I'm hungry. Ready to go eat, soon as we're done?"

Luttrell nods dropping in his last glows. He turns to Kasadel extending his hand. "Thanks again, By the way, names Luttrell." After a few he looks to the baskets. "i gotta drop these off," He gestures the the faded glows. "Then get washed up, But I'll meet you there later." Smiling, he collects the large baskets and heads out.

|k'del, @hrw, !candidate, luttrell

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