LOG: Promises

Feb 25, 2009 21:03

Date: Mid-month 1, Turn 19
Location: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del runs into Rimara for a second time, and makes a few promises.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr(#276RJs)
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
Obvious exits:
Diving Cliff Lake Bowl

It's a little after lunchtime on a cold, clear day in the middle of month one. The sun reflects brilliantly on the collection of ice and snow, though a strong, gusty wind has taken away any warmth there might have been. K'del is rugged up in his riding jacket, a pale blue sweater beneath it, and wanders along the edge of the lakeshore with his hands dug securely into his pockets. There are a few skaters out on the lake, and these get his occasional interest, but he seems, ultimately, intent more on some inner thought than external stimulus.

Feeling as she does about enclosed areas, Rimara has chosen to take herself outside. After all, what's a little snow and ice when there's fresh air and sunshine to be enjoyed. She trudged her way up here in this same weather, so it's not like she hasn't experienced it before. Bundled up in her old coat---a dark blue affair often seen on fisherman in Tillek---knitted scarf and gloves, she strolls across the bowl, careful not to slip on any icy patches beneath the snow. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold, and her breath escapes as puffs of "smoke" on the air. She's obviously heading for the lake shore, her eyes intent upon the skaters until movement catches her gaze. "Afternoon," she calls toward a familiar person. "How're you doing?"

K'del glances up in surprise upon being greeted, a gesture so sharp his woolen cap nearly flies off of his head. "Rimara," he greets, after a moment probably taken to remind himself of the name; his smile, at least is genuine. Diverting his path so as to wander closer to the older girl, he adds, "And guess I'm doing pretty well. Ran messages down South this morning, and now I'm free 'til drills this afternoon. You settling on okay? Not paying for anyone else's broken mugs?"

"Oh, that must've been heavenly, all that warmth," Rimara says, smiling widely. "I should have such work!" She gives a laugh, reaching up to drag stray strands of hair from her eyes. Turning slightly, she puts her back to the wind. "I'm doing all right, I suppose, but I'm not much for being inside. I'm in the resident dorms, and they're kind of crowded. Not bad, but I'm used to being by myself most of the time. I have to get acclimated to sharing space with other folks again." Even though her coat's warm, she still gives a shiver now and then. "Ah, no, no more broken crockery." A pause. "I haven't seen you back in the Snowasis, so I thought I'd at least say hello."

As a particularly strong gust whips through, K'del lifts one hand - ungloved - from his pocket to secure his hat, laughing. "Didn't exactly get to stay long, anywhere," he notes. "And it's always a bit awkward. Leave dressed for winter, get there, overheat, and then you're off again. But. Can't complain." He adjusts his position to match hers, and returns his hand to his pocket. "Used to being on your own? Half your luck. Until we got our weyr, maybe six months ago, I guess? Never had a place of my own. Six older brothers," he adds, by way of explanation. He gives a slow nod for the lack of broken crockery, approving, then adds, "Don't visit all that often - eats up your marks, that place. And N'thei..." He pauses, then adds, "Good to see you again, though. Hope P'ax wasn't too awful to you?"

"Two older brothers, two younger, for me," Rimara replies, commiserating. "Then it was the dorms at Harper Hall, then back home," she lists. "After that, I set out on my own. I decided to see what was out here. No Thread to worry about, so..." She shrugs, turning her head slightly to look at K'del. "It's a bit pricey, yeah," she agrees, "but the quality of the drinks is a lot better than some places, believe it or not. It's good you're watching your money. I've seen too many who don't, and their families suffer for lack while they spend it on drinks and wh--women," she amends. "My mother worked at a tavern up in Tillek, so I saw a lot of that." She's quiet a moment, then, "No, P'ax was just in need of a friendly ear. He needed to work through a few things. I distracted him by asking lots of questions about his dragon."

K'del's brow raises at 'Harper Hall', and he queries, "You Apprenticed? One of my brothers is a Harper. Didn't take you for you, though, I guess." He nods quickly for her comment about the lack of thread, adding, "Did something sort of similar, myself. From home to Tillek, then the tithe train here. Though that was less on my own, I guess." Ruefully, "Might drink more, but Cadejoth hates me doing it; might as well save the marks, then. Though at least I don't have a family to support. Did he? Huh. Guess so. Yyth's - interesting. So's P'ax, for that matter, even if he is my friend. Didn't like him much, when we first met."

Something kind of closes down on her face at the second mention of Harper Hall, as if she regrets mentioning it at all. "I was Apprenticed, yes," is all she says about that. "I might've known your brother, depends upon how old he is, I guess." Her voice is a bit on the edgy side there; touchy subject. "I like Tillek, just can't abide fish." This time the shudder is for show. "Cadejoth sounds level-headed," she remarks with admiration. This's the closest I've been to dragons, other than seeing them come and go. Almost got to ride on one at a gather, once, but the rider had to leave before I got there. My duty to Cadejoth, then." As for P'ax, she smiles. "People can grow on you. Once you get to know them, your feelings can change about them." A beat. "What's the story with N'thei?" she asks, quite bluntly. "I've been warned about him. Why?"

It's probably K'del's youth - often relatively easy to overlook, given his attitude - that makes him miss Rimara's reaction to mention of Harper Hall. He continues on blithely: "His name's Ander. Guess he's a turn or two older than you are, maybe. Journeyman, now. Instruments - and he writes novels, too. Tillek's... Well. Grow up at one of the Vineyards, rather than the Hold proper. But I prefer it here." His whole face twists at the idea of Cadejoth being level headed; his head shakes. "He's not. Worries about me, sure. But... he's like a big - dog, I guess. Running, chasing, being enthusiastic. Hadn't really seen much of dragons, myself, until I got here. You get used to them. He says he's delighted to 'meet' you; he'd probably come and see, only he's found a nice spot of sun, and wants to stay." This longwinded serious of thoughts come to pause at mention of P'ax, again, and he nods, but it's N'thei that he tackles. "He's a drunk. He's violent. Devious. Don't know him that well, /personally/, but I don't trust him. Think there was some kind of shady dealings he was in once, but that was before my time; really don't know exactly. Something about Crom?"

Rimara takes it all in, and then takes her time before replying. "I think I remember the name," she says, slowly, thoughfully. "I didn't have much talent for music, though I can sing decently, so I didn't spend much time with the musicians other than to copy scores. Novels, you say? Interesting." As for Tillek. "I probably passed by your place on the way out of there last spring. Beautiful countryside. Did a bit of scribing for one of the farms. Nice folks." She hunches her shoulders as the wind shift direction, coming in for a sneak attack from the front. "I look forward to meeting Cadejoth sometime. Do you think he might let me actually touch him? They look so big and ferocious, but I guess they can't be or else people wouldn't be life-mated to them." She continues to hunch her shoulders for a moment, then straightened. "He's not the first drunk I've met," she says slowly, face a mask of neutrality. "Trust has to be earned. On both sides." That's all she says to that. "Must be before my time, too. I don't know anything about it."

K'del accepts this possible-knowledge of his brother without anything more than a nod, though he agrees, with a rueful grin, "Novels. Ander's mostly seem to be about daring Harpers doing amazing things; they're fun, though." He agrees on the beautiful countryside of his home hold with another nod, as his hands draw more tightly into his pockets against the assault of the wind. "/Let/ you? Shells, he'd be all over that. You should see him with the kids in summer - he'll dive into the lake, and let them climb all over him, use him as a diving board. Crazy embarrassing. They're not ferocious. Not most of them, anyway. Yyth, maybe." He gives her lengthy consideration as she continues on the subject of N'thei, putting in only, at the end, "Few turns back now, I guess. Crom made trouble, and-- but I don't know the details, so that's about all I can say. Something to do with Telgar, too."

"They do sound fun to read," Rimara agrees regarding his brother's writing. "I'll have to see if I can find one someday." A kind of rueful face is made. "Not that I can afford books, but some of the larger holds have libraries." Of course he knows that, so it's kind of a dumb remark. But it's his description of Cadejoth's summertime fun that makes her grin. "Oh, that sounds like fun." As if she might like to do that herself. "Like I said, I don't know much about dragons but what we learned in the teaching ballads, but I guess I'm in the right place to learn. You tell him to enjoy his sunshine, and come spring, I'll be looking forward to meeting him in person." As for the Weyrleader. "I don't think I have much to worry about with him. Like he said, I'm not his type." Her meaning is clear on that score. "Thanks for filling me in. I'm not trying to get you to talk bad about the man. I just want to know what I'm facing here. Fore-warned is fore-armed."

"Got one of Ander's in my weyr. Hasn't been properly published, yet - it's still brand new - but I bet he won't mind be lending it around. I'll bring it by sometime," offers K'del, instantly helpful. "Know what you mean about affording them. Gave my - a friend of mine - one for her turnday, and I reckon I'll be giving Ander free rides until I'm thirty to pay it off." His nose wrinkles, but he doesn't seem too disgruntled about the idea. "Probably is, but... had this idea about bronzes, you know? Dignified, regal types. He's not." At all. "Bet you'll meet him before then. He's not usually this dozy, but I guess he was pretty active, earlier." One of his hands withdraws from his pocket to push a curl away from his eyes, blown there by the wind, and he shakes his head. "No, absolutely. I know. Makes sense to keep an understanding."

"One thing good about being at Harper was the accessibility of books." There's that far-away expression on her face again. "I miss that a lot, especially when traveling. Not much to do but sketch or jot down updates to the maps I have. Comes in handy, but get's tiresome after awhile." As the wind shifts so does she, until she's facing K'del. "Lovely gift. My parents gave me a book for my turnday once. Pictures mostly, but it was my prized possession." She grins. "That's a handy trade off, 'specially for a Harper." As for K'del's visual image of a bronze... "He'll probably gain all that dignity as he grows up. Give him time. P'ax mentioned his Yyth and Cadejoth were hatchlings together, so he can't be all that old. Takes people awhile to grow into their own, probably works the same with dragons."

K'del's nod is enthusiastic: he can imagine that, and the gleam in his eyes suggests it's something he probably would've liked for himself. "Intend to travel more, or stick around here for a longer while?" He looks pleased for her compliment of the gift he gave; he adds, "It was for her twentieth - special turnday, figured she deserved something special. Mm, he seemed pretty amenable. Only, I would've charged me less, if I were him. It's getting tiresome already." His merry laughter, and a deft shake of his head, reacts to her last. "Used to think he might, but I'm not sure. They're full grown and all, now. Reckon he's just like that. But... love him anyway. So. Guess I'll deal."

Rimara smiles. "I'm not certain," she replies, looking thoughtful. "I'll be here for the rest of winter, that's for certain. No way am I trekking back down those trails and roads until they thaw!" She laughs. Night before I got here, I'd made camp beneath this out-cropping of rocks. Nice clear space, plenty of room for a fire. I suspect it's used by caravans. Anyway, I woke up the next morning and had to dig my way out through about six feet of snowbank. Brrr!" She laughs again. "After that, it depends on what I find here. If I like it, I'll stay. If not--I'll head down to Fort." She takes ehr hands out of her pocket to adjust her scarf. "I was on the road for my twentieth. I think somewhere near the coast. Treated myself to a good meal and lost every mark I had left in a card game." She shakes her head. "I could use a conscience like Cadejoth to keep me from gambling."

K'del's whole face wrinkles at the idea of that much snow surrounding you; he shakes his head. "Sounds pretty awful to me. Was autumn, when I arrived - no snow yet. Made it easier. Spring sounds much better for travelling." A few of the skaters wander past, laughing about something; K'del's head turns to watch them as they head back towards the caverns, though as it does so, he continues, "Makes sense enough. You don't have - I don't know, a greater plan?" Then, turning back, grinning, "Might get along with N'thei well enough anyway - gambling, I mean. He plays. Lots around here do. Not my kind of thing; imagine you're right, Cadejoth wouldn't really like me doing it, either. Not sure of the appeal, myself, though."

"It's my one vice," she admits in a kind of ashamed tone. "I picked it up when I was little. Not much else to do when you're a child in a tavern. The old guys who hung around the place taught me card tricks, and I picked up the games. Got to be a habit. My parents tried to make me stop, but I was hooked." She looks down at the ground, shuffling the toe of her boot in the snow. "It's the thrill, I think, no other way to really explain it. Don't get started in it, K'del. It can lead to trouble." She doesn't say what kind of trouble. "Oh, I don't have money enough to play, now. Just for fun, maybe, but I doubt N'thei plays for funnsies, and I'm not certain I want to be indebted to him. 'Sides, plenty of other things to do around here that won't get me into that kind of trouble."

K'del, solemn-faced as she relates her story, punctuates his response with a sharp nod. "Don't plan to," he promises, in an even, if slightly sad tone. "Doesn't sound too pleasant. Suppose if you're working in the Snowasis, you'll be too busy to join in, anyway, right? Even if you did have the marks. But," he continues, more spiritedly, with the enthusiasm of the teenager he is, "You're right: heaps to do around here. The skating is good, plenty of interesting people to talk to - and if you like, I'll take you up on Cadejoth sometime. For the experience. We like flying."

It takes a moment for Rimara to meet his gaze, and when she does, it's to smile at his kindness. "I'd love that," she says. "When I was at Harper, we'd see the dragons coming in and out, and most of us would boast we'd be the next Masterharper and get to ride dragons all over the place." She laughs, shaking her head. "Not very practical of us, but we were kids." She glances at the lake. "I never learned---unless you consider trying to keep your balance on the deck of a ship skating. I'd probably break my neck!" There's a hoot of laughter. "Or another part of my anatomy! Two seconds on that ice and I'd go splat!"

"It's a promise, then," K'del assures her firmly, returning the smile with one of his own. "Remember how it felt, my first time. And the time after that. I /knew/ I wanted to do it again and again - conveniently, that was all after I'd been Searched, so I was pretty confident I was going to get to. Knew I was going to Impress bronze, too; wasn't even a kid, so I've no excuse." Though he was right. And, given how old he must be now - well, he can't have been /much/ more than a kid. "Hadn't learned, myself, 'til I got here. It's fun - should try that sometime, too. I still fall, but... still fun."

"Good for you," she says, and means it. "Believe in yourself and what you want, and it can happen, so they say. Me?---I won't deny having all those little girl dreams of being another Moreta. Lots of time to daydream when you're mending nets or cleaning fish." The shudder isn't from the cold. "Shards but I hated that. I knew I'd done something wrong when Da came toward me with the scaler and a filet knife. Horrible." Arms are wrapped around herself and she mades a scrunched up face. "I'll never do it again if I can help it." After one last shiver, she says, "Enough of that. So. I'm gonna hold you to that promise, but I'm not certain about the skating. Maybe." She looks dubiously out at the lake, watching one of the last skaters on the lake. "Maybe not. Sledding, on the other hand..." And there's a deliciously wicked glint in her eyes now. "I was pretty good at that. Beat my brothers all the time sledding."

"Not many told me that at the time," laughs K'del, though he's clearly genuinely pleased by what she has to say, standing up just the slightest bit taller - as if he weren't tall enough already. "Never even considered it, I admit, until I got searched. But--" He breaks off, making a face. "Neither of those two activities sound like much fun to me. A bit like me and wine: can't stand the stuff, after all those grapes. Not that we /made/ the wine, of course, but the grapes were enough." His gaze follows her out over the lake, feet shuffling idly against the cold, and he nods. "Well. If you wanted to, bet someone'd be willing to teach you. Sledding - mm, grew up doing that, too. More space for it, in my part of Tillek, than skating." There's a pause, as his gaze shifts in the other direction again, and, reluctantly, he adds, his eyes focused upon a group of assembling dragons and riders, "Time for me to head to drills. But: I'll catch you again soon, mm? For that ride."

Rimara's eyes track to where K'del looks, then gasps. "Oh, shells and shards, I bet I'm late. She glances up at the sun, judging the time. "Yeah, and that means I'll be stuck working the tables tonight." She laughs. "Well, good thing I'm quick on my feet." She nods enthusiastically, though, at the mention of the ride. "I said I was going to hold you to that promise, and I meant it, so just be warned. And ... maybe I'll let somebody teach me to skate before the ice metls." Her eyes sparkle a little, and she turns her own feet toward the cavern. "Yes, we'll definitely catch up to one another at some point. I do get a day off now and then." With another grin, she gives K'del an almost flirtatious wink. "Time for me to sling some more ale." And she's off toward the Snowasis. "Give Cadejoth my best!"

In response to that almost-flirtatious wink, K'del gives a /distintly/ flirtatious flutter of his lengthy eyelashes, and then he, too, darts away, towards the pale bronze, and the rest of his assembling wing. Time for work.

!rider, $n'thei, !avalanche, @hrw, rimara, $milani, |k'del, $p'ax

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