VIGNETTE: The Right Thing

Sep 12, 2011 11:56

Date: Day 1-2, Month 10, Turn 26
Synopsis: The leadership program

It wasn't really a surprise, finding that little silver thread on her cot that afternoon. It felt a little egotistical, but Quinlys had sort of expected it: if she'd been considered a likely candidate to Impress gold, then she was probably a likely candidate to lead, later on.

To be honest, she was rather more surprised by the inclusion of some of the exiles in the group-- that she had not expected. Not that she considered either E'gin or Riorde bad choices, per se, just... she hadn't thought Meara likely to do that kind of thing.

It didn't surprise her at all about Iolene, but it did worry her. Things happy, Olly, she told her blue, as she oiled him, later that afternoon. It's not impossible that she could end up as senior Weyrwoman one day, maybe even sooner rather than later. What if Tiriana never, ever wants to train her?

She didn't much like the idea of an exile as Weyrwoman, but being practical...

<< Ysavaeth will know what to do, >> was Olveraeth's response. << But it's not enough, is it? Learning is always important. Do you think we will learn everything and everything and everything, in our new classes? >>

Dunno. Lots of stuff, anyway. It'll be good, won't it? Maybe we could be Wingleaders one day, or something.

<< Wingleaders, >> considered Olveraeth. << Perhaps. First, though, we need to visit the stars. As close as we can get. And see your brother. >> It fascinated Quinlys, how he never forgot that: she'd never be able to get out of taking Olly to visit her brother at the Starcraft hall, so that they could look through the enormous distance viewers.

Well. As if she wouldn't take him, anyway.


It was the following morning when Meara called her into the office - another surprising thing. She knew she wasn't in trouble; she knew she hadn't done anything. It was sort of engrained in her to be tense, though, as she watched the weyrlingmaster close the door behind them, and sit down across from her.

"Quinlys," said Meara. "I trust you're pleased about your silver thread?"

"Very much," Quinlys assured her, firmly. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to it-- we both are."

"Mm, not surprising. I'm glad, though. Now. You're friendly with Iolene, aren't you? More or less."

"Well-- yes. Sure."



Quinlys had never been asked to do something sneaky and underhanded before; to be honest, she wasn't entirely sure how comfortable she was about it. Someone in charge, someone with responsibility, asking her to... hide something? To do something and not tell anyone?

It sat strangely.

And yet-- she couldn't bring herself to fault Meara for it. It hadn't been a long conversation, but even the things the greenrider hadn't said made an impression.

Help her. Be friends. Show her things that you're learning. Talk. Meara had said. I'm not asking you to train her yourself; nothing so big and flashy, nothing so obvious. But if she's interested in hearing... it couldn't hurt, could it?

Could it?

Like any weyrchild, Quinlys had a healthy amount of respect for Tiriana's position... and a certain amount of wariness about the woman herself. The idea of doing something that clearly - even if Meara hadn't said as much - would not be approved of was... concerning.

But it's the right thing to do, isn't it? Olly?

<< Learning should never be a bad thing, >> said the blue, firmly. << Learning should never be forbidden. >>

And so it was decided.

$riorde, $exiles, $tiriana, |quinlys, |meara, $e'gin, olveraeth, ~vignette, $iolene

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