LOG: Naps

Sep 11, 2011 13:13

Date: Day 25, Month 9, Turn 26
Location: Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del and Emme catch up. Mostly.

Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr
Polished marble and granite surfaces, gleaming metalwork and pale woods characterize the vaulted fastness of the kitchen. Several large hearths gape red-mouthed against the outer wall of the cavern, their fires almost always stoked for the constant cooking the Weyr requires to feed its denizens. Sinks line the wall to one side of the hearths, providing ample space to wash large quantities of dishes, while to the other, cabinetry and a deep pantry provide storage space for items commonly needed on a day-to-day basis.
The remaining wall space is taken up by passageways and extra seating: swinging doors that lead variously to the main living cavern, the inner caverns and the storage rooms, a counter-height pass-through for food service to the Snowasis, and a series of nooks equipped with tables and benches for quick, out-of-the-way meals any time of day.

High Reaches' autumns tend towards the cool and wet, and this one has been no different. But at least it's not /actually/ raining today - a pleasant change, even if the weather is still… well. Cool and damp. Inside the caverns, though, it's pleasantly, cozily warm, and in the kitchens this is /especially/ true. It's early enough in the afternoon that dinner preparations have not reached a fever pitch; K'del is not /terribly/ in the way, then, as he sits on one of the countertops, gossiping cheerfully with a group of kitchen staff about… something or other.

Still not quite acclimated, when Emme arrives it's without a jacket or gloves on. And only marginally chilled. She's rubbing her hands together to get the circlation back in them though, and immediately winding her way through a few workers to head for the kettled. -Almost- running smack dab into K'del....'s legs, because he is sitting on the counter. "OH! K'del. Hi." she offers, with a vaguely confused smile for having bumped into him here of all places. "Hi, sorry, I'll get out of the way!" she assures the staff in the immediate area. Oops.

Caught up in their conversation, none of the assembled group seem to notice Emme until she's right there and apologising; the bronzerider looks terribly surprised, and, somehow, equally apologetic. "No, no, it's fine," he assures the weyrling with a hurried wave of his hand. "I'm just running away from my afternoon meetings, and the girls here have promised not to tell anyone. Can I trust you to do the same, or do I need to stash you in a cupboard somewhere until later?" He's so obviously joking, of course: for once, his tone is one of completely good humour.

"If your afternoon meetings are even half as "fun" as some of our lessons, well... I can't say I blame you at all." Emme admits, with a quirky bit of a smile. A knowing smirk is cast over at the group of girls who have promised not to say anything. She suspects she knows full well why they have agreed, all of them hoping perhaps for some future *ahem* favor from the Weyrleader. Far be it for her to say it though. Instead, she just laughs. "I don't know K'del. Being stashed in the cupboard's got to be better then some of the chores we do. I might be tempted to take the cupboard for an afternoon."

The girls titter in response to the words passing between Weyrleader and Weyrling, but an eyebrow-raised glance from one of the older cooks has them, reluctantly, turning back to their actual jobs. "Oh, they're ten times worse, at least," K'del assures Emme. "Particularly at this time of turn. If it isn't about tithes, it's people being moody and unhappy about drills in the rain, sweeps in the rain, being wet, being cold, or finding everything a waste of time." Beat. "I suppose if I put you in a cupboard, you could take a nap or something. Sounds like some of you could really use the rest."

Emme has the bad manners to look amused when the younger women are chastened and sent back to their jobs, even biting on her lower lp a bit to keep from chuckling. "I do apologize, Weyrleader. I seem to have chased away your adoring fans." she whispers, straightening to look back towards the bowl when he mentions rain. "I can't say I would enjoy doing any of those things in the rain either. But they all sound a touch more pleasant then the 20 laps I did in the pouring rain the other day." is admitted, again wry. "A... nap. Why, I do believe I would be forever in your debt if I could have a NAP. I don't even remember what it's like to get enough sleep these days. And rumor has it some of the weyrlings will have even more to do soon. Some leadership training."

"I'll live," is K'del's lazy answer to that first; he's amused, too, casting a glance after the group of girls, albeit one that doesn't linger. "20 laps? Must've done something impressively bad to earn that. As for the naps-- mm, those who end up with the leadership training will have even less free time, yeah. Think I spent the last couple of months of that sleepwalking, more or less. Fell asleep leaning up against a wall, once. It's hard - don't regret it, though." HIs legs swing, though his attention is focused faraway, as though he's living the memory even as he talks.

"Mmm. I suppose you could say that." Rubbing the back of her neck nervously, Emme is not about to expand on what earned her those 20 laps. No thanks. So she quite happily expands on the topic of naps and strange napping spots and the causes thereof. "Up against a wall? Really?" OOps, maybe she said that a bit too loudly. A few tittered giggles from the girls nearby confirm that, of course, causing the weyrling brownrider to just sigh. With embarrassment. Which she tries to cover by stepping to the side to pour herself a steaming cup of klah. "It does sound impressively time consuming if that's the case. It must be good training, however, if you don't regret it." she concedes, seeming rather unconcerned about her own chances of participating or not.

His attention drawing back to Emme, K'del almost certainly catches that nervous gesture, but he's polite enough not to push for answers-- although that doesn't mean he isn't giving her a curious glance. He's distracted, though, by the tittering girls; his grin broadens. "Oh yes. Hard up against a wall. Nearly killed me." His voice raises for that, letting it carry across the kitchens, though his smile, for Emme, is sympathetic. "It helped," he explains, in a more even tone. "Ended up Weyrleader something like six months after I graduated, and knowing that stuff… it made a difference. But it's intense, and it sure as shells made life pretty miserable for a while. If I hadn't been so determined to prove myself, I might not've pushed so hard to get it." After a beat, he explains, "They didn't pick me, at first. /That/ hurt."

"It wasn't my finest moment, ok? I'm not used to being on the defensive." Emme mutters, catching the curious glance just long enough that it distracts her from stopping him from... OMG making things SO much WORSE with his raised voice. She does actually start coughing on the klah she'd started to sip. Her face burning as bright a red as it seems to get when having soaked in hot water for far too long. "-K'del.-" she hisses, glancing surreptitiously towards others in the room. Ahem. "Well, I can definitely see why it was so useful for you. And apparently it was a sharding good thing you pushed so hard for it." She can empathize with being hurt that they didn't pick him at first, her chin dipping in a bit of a nod there. "I imagine that impressing to bronze made it seems likely you would? I mean, based on the stereotypes that are thrown around. Despite it being obvious after a short time they aren't quite true." Beat. "Er, not to say that... well... you know what I mean. Anyway, I try not to think about it too much. The leadership thing. I'm just trying to keep my head above water these days."

There's genuine apology in K'del's expression, but it's rather outweighed by the amusement. Even so: "Sorry. Can't help myself, sometimes. It just comes natural to me, I guess." He'll let the subject drop, at least, focusing instead on giving the weyrling a short nod. "Reckon so," he agrees. "I think… they might have been trying to teach me a lesson. I was kind of an idiot kid, you know? Sure I was going to get a bronze, sure I was going to be weyrling wingleader, sure I'd get the leadership training. It kind of made an impression." There's a beat, and then he adds, "It's not as though if you don't have the training you won't ever get promotion, you know? Concentrate on keeping your head above water first. Take it all as it comes. But I promise: it /does/ get easier."

"Mmm. I'm sure." Emme is not buying that apology. Not even a litle. "Oh, lessons. Yes, they can get a little creative of the teaching of those can't they? I guess that's why they're on the Weyrlingmaster staff." is admitted, as she leans against the counter opposite K'del. So that she cna be comfortable, and sip her caffeine, and be out of the way at the same time. "Sure, I know. That's what we're told anyway. I'm sure there are a few weyrlings already looking for that silver thread who are going to be disappointed though. No matter what we're all told." The advice, when it's given, is taken with a nod. "I'm glad. It will be nice to have some time to think about other things, with a clear head. It's hard to make plans. Or decisions. Even once you get used to making them with the input of someone else automatically..." ie, the dragons. "... it's hard to think about much except the lessons. And those just have to come first."

Smart Emme. But K'del leaves that alone with nothing more than another, unfazed smile. "They /can/, and yes, that's why. Not a job I think I could ever do; not sure I could think that way. It's different from leading people, or organising formations, or… any of the rest of it." He scratches at one thigh with an idle hand, and then at his knee, his legs still swinging. "That's usually the way. It's hard, not getting picked sometimes. But--" He breaks off from that, saying, instead, "Mm, I remember that feeling, yes. Cadejoth and I had an awful time of it, really, getting used to each other. He couldn't grasp why I didn't want to be playing with him all the time, and it drove me mad. But we got there. Weyrlinghood's tough. Had to be, back when there was Thread, and honestly, there's so much to learn that I can't think of a better way to do it. How's Rhazekth doing, anyway?"

"Yeah. I don't think I could do it. Being a Weyrlingmaster, that is." His anecdote about Cadejoth has Emme thinking, apparently. Her brow furrowing a little bit. "Really. I... is it unusual that Rhaz and I just... we haven't had any of those problems. I've seen some of the others struggle with it. But we just mesh. We have from the first day." Which for some reason seems to be making her uncomfortable. "There really is a lot to learn. Rhazekth is good! Fantastic. He is into *everything* though. He's so incredibly nosy. Amusing, but probably a pain in the ass for everyone."

"Not everyone can," agrees K'del, cheerfully. Her reaction to his anecdote draws a pause, but only a short one: he's quick to assure, "No, not necessarily. Every pair is different. Some fit together in an instant, perfectly balanced. Others-- take more time. No idea why it is. No idea what it is that makes them right for each of us, you know? Cadejoth's nothing like the bronze I imagined myself with, but I can't imagine, now, being with anyone else. We worked things out. Honestly, makes things easier if you just fit like that, I think." He seems well pleased - if not surprised - by the rest of what she has to say, at least. "Reckon he'll grow out of that? Or is it just… the way he is?"

Emme is surprised by K'del's surprise at the end of her statement. "Oh, I doubt he'll grow out of that. It seems like... an obsession of his rather then an impulse." she explains, trying to draw the distinction clearly about why she thinks the way she does about it. "But I like it. His being so curious gets me so much information I wouldn't have otherwise. It's good. It will help us." At least, she figures it will. And she is obviously relieved that there isn't something weird or mutational about how well she and Rhazekth seem to fit. "I have a question actually. How many of your riders still learn things from their craft once they're not weyrlings?"

"Sounds like a perfect match," says K'del, in answer, as though that hadn't already been covered. He seems amused; pleased. If he's unsure what she means by 'help us' - or, worse, concerned about it - he's careful not to show any indication of it. Instead, his brow furrows and he considers her question. "Well - some. Not many. A few who were really close to walking the tables kept studying. A few take classes here and there, for interest. Riders have more time, these days." He scratches at his ear. "G'brion studies pretty heavily, but he's got a specific path, you know? Asked and received permission to Stand so that he could become a first aid rider kind of thing. Most, though… tend just to keep up with their old craft for fun, I think? A hobby."

It's pretty easy to tell when Emme is hiding something. Still. She hasn't yet gotten the knack of the poker face. That will take at least another turn or so. So if she does mean anything by 'help us', other then just help her and Rhazekth... she has mastered the art of self-deception! Which, actally, is probably easier to believe of her. Ahem. Perhaps her guileless expression serves to cause even more suspicion though! "Well, that's interesting." See? A scrunched brow of concern shows. "I suppose I'lll just wait and talk to the Journeymen here to see what they think. For fun, or a hobby... I'd rather do much more then that. But at least there's a bit of precedent in G'brion." is concedes, with a murmur. "But enough of that! Has my stipend covered the cost of those windchimes yet?"

K'del's brows raise, but that seems to be more of a reaction to Emme's response to his words than a further query about that earlier topic. "That's probably the way to go about it," he says, evenly. "I mean, it's not really anything to do with the weyr as such? If you intend to follow up with the harper stuff. Only… I guess as much as you being our rider, anyway." He's not making complete sense, somehow. "Guess you can see what happens. Oh - the windchimes. Nearly forgot." is he teasing her? He's smiling. "You don't want to wait until you have somewhere to hang them? I mean… /I/ wouldn't trust having something like that in the weyrling barracks, you know, and it's not so many months 'til you get your own places."

"Well, I mean... I assumed it wouldn't be a problem for the Weyr. Based on the conversation we had when I became a candidate. Will it be a problem?" Because it being a problem would definitely be a problem! "Lessons are lessons, right? If a rider happens to be sitting in on them and doing projects, it can't be too much of a problem. Rhazekth seems to like the idea of helping write music. And apply what knowledge we have. I would never neglect him." she hastens to add, recalling all too clearly Leova's threat. Plus, he is making fun of her and her windchimes, and she has to respond maturely: by sticking her tongue out at him. "I guess you have a point there. I can't imagine who would *steal* them. But with so many growing dragons it's bound to be damaged." Pout.

"No," says K'del, firmly. "You're exactly right. /I/ won't have a problem with it; the weyr won't. You've just got to get the Harpesr convinced that having you in their number - officially - would be a good idea. Sure you can be… lateral thinking enough to come up with something there." He shrugs, adding, then, "Seems to me having more of that kind of thing going on'd be a good a thing." He doesn't seem to have any concern about Rhazekth being neglected; he nods along, easily, unperturbed. He doesn't stick his tongue out in return, but he /does/ grin when she does. "Unfortunately, yeah. Young dragons're not always known for being careful. So. Soon as you've moved in to your new place, I'll bring 'em over. Fair?"

"Yes, it's the official part I imagine would be a problem. But I'd like their help with other things, so perhaps I could slide that in there along with it." Emme reasons, looking somewhat wry. "Leova mentioned to me that some riders still give a part of their stipend to the places they came from. To help out. Is there.. is there any sort of fund set aside to help the exiles who don't really, uhm, fit anywhere. Yet?" she wonders, following that train of thought for a bit longer. Not long enough for it to dampen her smile at the prospect of having her own place *plus* the windchimes. "I've never had my own place. Even when we moved out of our parents place, it was in to communal dorms. And then, you know, off to marriage and popping out kids. So I guess it's a bit like an apprentice that way? I hope there's some kind of checklist of things we should get for these weyrs."

Nodding, K'del doesn't seem to have anything further to say on the harper thing, though at least he seems encouraging. "Why…" he hesitates. "Why would they need a fund? The weyr provides all basic needs, so long as they're contributing to /something/. And they'll get-- everyone who works gets a stipend. Not a big one, but enough. Promise, Emme, everyone's taken care of. It's different in the holds; some families are poor, there. There's no storeroom full of clothes and food and whatever." More cheerful is his added, "I never had a place of my own 'til I had a weyr, either. Too many older siblings. It's /amazing/, that kind of privacy. You'll get shown through the furniture stores and that kind of thing, when the time comes. And some weyrs still have… stuff in them." Mmmm, dead former inhabitants.

"I know. But... but some of us have more. Maybe more then we should. We've been luckier. And it doesn't seem fair not to help somehow." Still, Emme bites a bit on her lower lip and nods; she seems to trust that things are all taken care of for them. At least for now. Because she readily moves on to the more cheerful topic. "I guess it will be pretty amazing. Just how big are these places? I mean, there can't be that many good spots to pick from." She can't get her hopes up or anything, which is why 'stuff' is examned. Carefully. "... stuff? What kind of 'stuff'? Is it like the kind of stuff I would make someone else shove off the ledge because I don't want to touch it?"

"You'll get a bigger stipend, once you're graduated. If you want to help people out then… well. You go right ahead, okay?" K'del's not actually going to try and talk her out of anything. "They… vary. Some're bigger than others. Some even have private baths. During the Pass, there'd be lots more riders, so there'd be less choice; these days, well, there's some. More, anyway. Meara'll probably take you around, show you a bunch to pick from." He looks, it may be said, mildly awkward as he says, "Well… not most of the time? Mostly, places get cleaned out afterwards, but sometimes not so much. Sometimes, it's really useful stuff. So it's fine."

Emme knows when there is something she's not being told, and her eyes narrow just the litlest bit. But she deosn't dwell on the cleaned out vs. not places. No, she totally gloms on to... "Private baths? -Really-??" It's said with the amazement of one who has never, ever heard of such a thing. Which is probably believable. She would probably be in rapture if she found one of those and managed to claim it for her own. "Right, show us around... " she agrees, managing to keep a bit of skepticism still. "Rhazekth is about to come looking for me if I don't hurry it back out to the barracks, so I'd better go. He's stills mall enough to fit through the entrance, but big enough to break everything in his path." is related, with much amusement. "Pastries. I need to grab pastries first.." Which was probably her original goal. "Was nice talking, K'del! I magine your fangirls will be pleased to have you back." she jokes, before going to find the dessert items and dash back to the barracks.

K'del watches all that with some genuine amusement, but in the end, only nods. "Have a good one, Emme," he says, seeing her out with his eyes. Alas, he, too, should probably move on to other things before too much longer - the girls will have to wait.

!avalanche, @hrw, $cadejoth, !weyrleader, emme, $meara, |k'del, $leova, $rhazekth

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