I've been working out, intentionally and unintentionally, more this past week than I have in months. So - a recap!
- Monday: Forty minutes in the company's fitness center: 20 minutes on weight machines and 20 minutes on a stationary bike.
- Thursday: Ninety minutes of moderately intense yoga.
- Saturday: Two hours of intense sword fighting. Running around, losing skin to the wrestling mats (OUCH!) and generally having a blast. Now if only I felt that confident in hand-to-hand fighting. I suppose I would have to get back into practicing that.
- Sunday: Two hours of helping install insulation in Damon's new nursery. Seventy-five minutes on a bike ride along the Columbia river. Also some nocturnal activities. ;)
In any case, I am definitely sore today.
I went and saw Silent Hill on Friday night with a good crew - Damon's friends and
robyscots. Elizabeth bailed between dinner and the movie as her pregnancy is really slowing her down at random times. Oh well - soon I won't even be able to hang out with Damon either because of their kid! Silent Hill was a great movie. Creepy as hell, with sound effects and visual effects that were just amazing - brilliantly executed.
moriarty6 makes some good points in his recent discussion of it, but I am going to try and avoid analyzing it so I can just bask in its wonderfulness.
I went out and grabbed Godspeed You Black Emperor! and Mogwai the other day for some intensive instrumental post-rock (as apparently the genre is called). Long, minimalistic rock melodies. Good stuff. This song is two hours long.
Good weekend - watched Capote and saw Phillip Seymour Hoffman being amazing. My roommate bought the first season of Lost a while back but never watched it because it was too suspenseful for him. Rachel and I have been watching it and are hooked - fortunately we don't have to wait for cliffhangers to resolve in the next week as we have them on the next disc! That will end eventually.
Beautiful weekend. My relatively untended garden beds are flowering and looking amazing. Tulips are bright and colorful around the yard. Lena has taken to gardening in the vegetable garden - perhaps we will have some home grown food soon!
I get to run Exalted on Tuesday. That will be so badass - we're thinking of making it an every-other-week event.