I played a bit of the D&D Online Stress Test Beta over the weekend. In and amongst the other work and play I was up to. In general, I think it can be a great game. However, as it stands now, I don't see how it can be great at release (Feb. 2
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do you still play tabletop? some of my friends are starting a new game, and we only have three players right now. the DM is running his first ever campaign, so wanted it to be small, but we are JUST starting up and could probably use a fourth if you are iterested!
players already: half-orc barbarian, human druid, and i'm a dwarven cleric (ha!).
But have fun!
the thing is, this game is specifically, and by design, "we will schedule a session when we can." three of the four of us play shadowrun also, and the other two dudes play another D&D game, so we wanted this to be a pretty floaty not-crazy-committed schedule.
lemme know if that sounds good to you!
lemme know if you guys ever want someone new.
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