Was talkin' to
xmaidelx about the humor we both found in 'Blood on the Scales'. So I decided to picspam. *grins* All pics from
black-celebration.net/caps/index.php Here we go:
So we pick up with the old boys again. Adama and Tigh are pretty frak'd up, yo. Their womanz are not going to be happy with you, random marines.
Speakin' of womenz, Hotdog saves Bill's by you know...NOT BEING AN ASSHAT....and telling Narcho he won't attack the President's raptor. Daddy will be happy wth you, Costanza. Right after he grounds your little brother.
At the same time, Gaeta realizes Mommy is going to be very, very cross with him. Tough luck for the red-headed-stepchild of the Fleet.
Lucky for him Mommy is busy dealing with her newest children, hoping for an easier time. Sorry, Laura. Cylons = Quorum with Silicon. I feel for you, dear. Maybe Daddy is having a better time with his teenagers?
......ok guess not.
GAETA: Mommy is mad, but I've already won so, tough.
BILL: I told her having another child would be a bad idea. But Nooooooo, don't listen to me the one time I'm right, Laura! I'm sure there won't be consequences! *glares*
Gaeta: *wets self* (get used to this, there will be more)
GALACTICA: omfg Colonial One! I MISSED YOU BABY! Cha bring me?
COLONIAL ONE: "President" Zarek.
GALACTICA:.......I'm filing for divorce.
Oh noez! The grandparents aren't having a good time either.
ZAREK/VOLDEMORT: *insert lame joke here*
AUDIENCE: *throws up in mouth a little*
Save the vomit for later, kiddies....................
Back on the sane side of things (wow, thats scary. Kara's scenes? sane side? WIN, show. WIN) Mommy and Daddy's main kids attempt to cause havock and save their Daddy.
KARA: *has shampoo commercial hair*
LEE: *pouts* that was my thing....
ZAREK: hahahahhahaha....No, Leemo. Just no.
The captive Cylons (and Helo) don't have time to worry about hair since they are, ya know, going to die most likely. Caprica tries to clean up her man, but he's kinda lost cuz he's sure his soul-brother is going to die shortly.
CAPRICA: Whats wrong? He's frozen all weepy n stuff.
HELO: *looks*
ANDERS: *looks*
BOTH: Bromance mourning.
CAPRICA: ?__? scuse me?
HERA: "ouch"
<3 that was cute. she actually got a line!
Back in the land of the deluded, Tom and Felix plan nefarious deeds. Evil!Zarek is Evil
Zarek: Are you pondering what I'm pondering, pinky?
Gaeta: Ya, but what if the Raider doesn't want to build a sauna?
Zarek: (aside) I totally picked the wrong half of a couple...
GAETA: wtf is he smoking?
Nothing, dear Gaeta. Thats called REGRET. The same feeling your Daddy is having about the continued existence of your red-headed-stepchild-ness.
Unexpected!Romo is unexpected! HAI DER ROMO! You look confused. So are we, frankly. Then again look who is running the Fleet right now, QQ and the Brain. Anyhow, they want you to sit there and make the little voice in Gaeta's head stop singing refrains from "Cellblock Tango".
Gaeta: Look, you are having a trial!
Bill: Eat shit and die. *glare*
Gaeta: *wets self*
Meanwhile, Mommy is trying to learn how to program the vcr get ahold of the Fleet.
Lesson? Laura and technology don't like each other. Also, hello Leoban, I see you stole Lee's red disco shirt. Party like its 1995, Y/N?
Speaking of outdated, Zarek tries to get the Quorum to support his Dictatorship.
ZAREK: So I'm in charge now, cuz your Mommy is in bed with your Daddy.
QUORUM: Uh....duh. We sorta knew. And you suck. No, go away. Or we shall fart in your general direction!
And that was how the Quorum grew a pair and suddenly stopped sucking. After, like, FOUR SEASONS OF BEING LITTLE BEYOTCHES.
*plays theme from Leave it to Beaver*
CANTRELL: You ARE the weakest link. See your ass out an airlock
ME: Dude, the Quorum is awsome, finally!
*funeral march plays in background*
Tom causes his own havock by having THE ENTIRE QUORUM SHOT TO DEATH. WTF, Tom. WTF.I join the legions of ppl who wanted to vomit during this scene. Took me an hour to not feel ill....*shivers*
NOTE: Honestly, the second the Quorum stopped being little beyotches should have been a clue....
OH, hai Chief. Is there a point to you being here?
Chief: *as Sean Connory* Don't shoot in the FTL drive!
( If you caught that joke, good for you.)
Back in the Hall of Justice Basestar, the Cylons have made a decision. They're going to run. Because you never go up against a terrorist when DEATH is on the line.
Actually, no. they just fail.
TORY: Um...we're gunna run. We love Daddy and all but, ya.
LAURA: " Am I going to have choke a bitch in a minute?" *glare*
Cylons: *wet themselves*
Chief, rly, where the hell are you going? And do you realize you can't crawl through a real air duct? *
* Me: And he is climbing through the air duct.
Dad: ...you can't actually climb into an air duct, hon. <---is a supervisor for a construction company.
so-not-subtle!Forshadowing is so not subtle.
*is quietly badass*
Fangirls: *quiver* Um...can we have your irl son? You know, in case he ends up with your voice someday?
BACK to the awsome kids!!
"Not funny"
"it would have been funny if you'd thought of it"
Sam: *is shot*
Romo: Frak....I'm going to have to be selfless aren't I?
So far, Romo's only uses have been to mention Jake (He's ok! <3), view Adama's badassery, and save Sam. I'm still lost as to why he is here, regardless of how much fun he is.
Admiral's Quarters:
GAETA: trial time!
ROMO: WTF makes this a trial?
GAETA's LITTLE VOICE: He had it comin', he had it comin', he only had himself to blaaaame...
GAETA: *whimper*
TOM: uh...ok...thats weird. Hey, Bill, the phone was for me, but the other half of your bromance just died.
BILL: *sniffle*..............wait, no. I don't sniffle. Fine, you killed him. My woman will make sure to pwn ur ass before she airlocks you then.
We're off to do bad things now. Note the two marines's expressions. They clearly feel uncomfortable. Hm...did we pick them like that on purpose?
KELLY: *cries* But I love my Daddy.
AUDIENCE: *gives huggles* Go save him then!
I love Kelly here. Poor baby.
KELLY: *wets himself*
O_O...well...um...guess it runs in the family? Whoever made that "ADMIRAL SMASH" icon, this is for you with love.
I feel so silly. Look what are on his collar? Yep, his pips...the ones Gaeta has.
One question: why is BALTAR having this dream?
BALTAR: um.....lets not go there.
AUDIENCE: We want to say ''thats what she said'', but we're slightly sick at the implications.
(that was just for you, maidel <3)
....ok, so theres no reason for this picture other than A. PRETTY HAIR and B. this was picture number thirty SIX when I saved it.
So IRL, Papadama IS about to get shot. He's v sad cuz he's so not making it to dinner, and he knows Laura dressed sexy for him.
..what? Oh come on, did you SEE that SHIRT? Hello, boobs!
Don't worry, Daddy, Mommy is whipping the foster kids into shape. If she can't save you, she'll bite Tom and Felix to death.
Lt. Allison totally does not want to do this. I don't think Felix wants to either.
GAETA: *totally realized he's going to kill Daddy*
....AUDIENCE: WTF, you figure this out NOW?! Wow, they really should have stopped having kids before you.
SAUL: NOT MY BROMANCE, BITCH! Hahah, thats right beyotches, ur pwned.
Saul, oh Saul. We love you. And your epic timing.
Marine 1: well, shit.
Marine 2: eep.
Marine 3: Mummy...*wets self*
In CIC, Uncle Tom (omg...rofl.) won't surrender to Mommy. Then he tells her he's off'd King Hamlet Bill.
ZAREK: oh btw, I killed your seekrit!hubby.
LAURA: *is in shock*
ZAREK: *is smug*
ZAREK: Woah..not what I thought'd happen..
We agree, Felix. Too bad your common sense just got here..at the same time Adama and his possy shows up....
BILL:"Connect me to the President"
Oh...,my heart. Laura. Her man is back!
Srsly Chief, what the fr--oh....
Oh, that can't be good. and yet, yay! You have an excuse to be in this episode! thats more than Romo can say!
Thus ends the mad machinations of Pinky, of Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRAIN
nunna nuh nun nuh.
NOTE: In all seriousness, YAY GAETA! IT may have been too late, but you at least realized you did wrong. <3 to AJ and Richard here.
ok...happy time now:
Mommy and Daddy are reunited.
BILL: *is in love*
LAURA: *is in love*
MARINES: *finally get what CIC!fangirl was so giddy about a few weeks ago.
Marine 1: Oh, Agathon owes me a bottle of ambrosia.