Watching "The Hobbit" is expensive ^^;

Feb 02, 2014 17:56

And with the title of this post I mean that we spent money on a Blu-Ray 3D player, a HDMI cable and well... the 3D blu-ray DVD.
Luckily we already had the TV _._
With the amount of money spent on those three items we could have bought approx. 9 tickets for the movie in the cinema. Which means, we'll have to watch it often now ;-)

We somehow didn't get around to see it in the movie when it was running and Carsten wanted to see the first part before seeing the 2nd part (which is hopefully still running...).


On Thursday we went to see "47 Ronin" in our cinema. German dub. We've checked the cinemas around here and non shows the English version. So we had to deal with what they gave us (at first Jin's voice is quite, uhm, you need to get used to it... but it gets better). Overall the dub was pretty good.
I did like the pace of the movie and didn't really have a moment where I wondered "how far in the movie are we now?". Usually I get to that point sooner or later, but it didn't happen here. Though I only notice the "we are now in the epic battle" moment when said battle was half-way through. Not sure if something is wrong we me or whether I'm simply too used to Hollywood movies where they use neon-bright arrows pointing out "FINAL BATTLE THIS WAY". Here the movie just moved along, things happen, battle is there and over.
Personally, I can't say why the movie is missing visitors. The pace is different okay, but apart from that the story is well told and I think there is enough action. We know that they show many of the best scenes in trailers and it's the same here, people shouldn't be upset about this.


I just watched this on YouTube and I think it's very nice. It's interesting that the voices don't differ THAT much.

image Click to view


This parcel arrived on Friday.
The shower gel (orange) is my reward for the best ranked test report in December.
The nail polish and the hand soap are the two products I'll test for the next few weeks.

We bought volume 1 to 5 as paperback after we saw the movie last year. Carsten started out with reading vol. 2 and I let the books rest for quite some time. Until I picked them up maybe three weeks ago and now we both kind of fight over vol. 4 as Carsten was busy with the 5000 pieces puzzle (should be finished today) and I kind of ATE the volumes so far (finding delight in the horrors of Clary and Jace and their complicated relation ship _._ )
I did spoiler myself though by searching for fanfics and simply reading the header, ah well... I should have learned by now that you always, always spoiler yourself by looking for fanfics.
Also, I can't get over "Clary + Jace" = "Ginny + Draco".

Now... "The mortal instruments" come from Harry Potter fanfic, "50 shades of Grey" from Twilight fanfic. Anything else I should know?

books, movies, product test

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