Rockery - Step I

Jan 12, 2014 19:58

Behind our house was a quite overgrown heap. By now it was fully overgrown by grass, but you could still guess a few rocks here and there.
This is what it looked like this noon.

My plan is to make a nice rockery (Steingarten) there. The sun is shining on it for many hours, so the place is pretty much perfect.

Of course the whole grass and stuff had to go, before we can turn it into a real rockery. I was also a bit worried that the few stones I saw on the heap would be enough - and wondered a) where to buy more stones and b) how often I'd had to drive with my Polo to transport them.

This is already an hour or so into the process. We put some of the roots and stuff into our bags (will go to the recycling station, we can't keep ALL of the stuff here) and set the stones aside.

As it turned out, I didn't have to worry about the stones. There were enough within the heap and we piled them up.

That's all the stones we found (granted three are missing in the picture...). That should do ^^;;;
All the roots in the background of that picture? Will disappear too at some point, but that is going to take quite some effort. Carrying all the rooks around will look like child's play in comparison.

This is how it looked after two hours working on it. I'll buy new stones for the border tomorrow (depending on what's left in Max Bahr) and we can insert them next weekend (light helps when working outside ;-) )

You see that little path on the right? About 50 cm of the path was overgrown by grass too and we freed it. First I thought that only one or two rows of stones had been covered by nature, but in the end I think it was 9 rows or so ^^;;;

We are hoping now that the apparently upcoming "winter" is killing the rest of grass roots, which will save us some time


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