Of food and mice

Jul 07, 2012 20:00

Today was kind of busy :-)

As usual on a weekend you try to get all the things done you can't do on weekdays. Like getting rid of broken printers, monitors, and old TV and a carpet. I'm yet not sure whether I should be amazed or scared of all the trash that you see on a Saturday at the recycling centre a few minutes before closing time. Saturdays they are open for four hours and the containers are full. If you consider that they'll have only a little bit less on weekdays... I'll go for being scared with all the trash a city of 450.000 produces on a daily basis.

Afterwards Carsten and I went to MediaMarkt - to produce some more trash - as our mice were close to broken and needed replacement.
About three years ago I bought a mouse that sounded good. The surface of that model was rubberlike, the case basically closed and the scroll wheel hidden replaced by a white bar. Sadly, the rubber surface started to tear badly a while ago and by this week I was worried that some part of the rubber would tear off ^^;;;
Carsten's mouse gave him troubles as well, so off to MediaMarkt it was and we got us new mice :-)

This is my old one. It looked better when I bought it *ggggggg*

And that's the new one. Somewhat bigger than the old one...

And this isn't a mouse, but matcha-strawberry cake :-)
The cream has a quite nice matcha taste. I think I've added enough powder *ggggggggggggggg*

shopping, food, daily life

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