My not existing crepe business

Jun 19, 2012 20:35

During our Japan trip jo_lasalle, solo____, vc_mel and I joked around about starting a crepe business over here in Germany (or rather: that I would/should).
And just recently with luin_lote too. I guess once you've tasted love crepe in Japan, you are going to miss them a LOT at home :-)

I did look up some information later and it seems to be awfully difficult, especially considering all the laws about food preparation etc. You need an extra room for the eggs and whatever _._
An easy/low level professional crepe pan would cost about 250 € (you can't go pro with the simple eBay pans for 25 €, they take TOO long ^^;; )

So... the idea kind of died at that point, but I'm still ogling the simple eBay pans.
And then I thought about the problem of WRAPPING the crepes. Of course here in Germany you won't be able to buy the paper they use in Japan, but I think normal paper lace doilies (Tortenspitze) should do?

Yes, I'm very much tempeted to buy the pan and the Tortenspitze and make my own crepe party for two at home ^^;;;;

food, daily life

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