Wedding & a book

Jun 17, 2012 18:28

Does anyone recall me asking where to find 270 g/m² cardboard/paper in beige in a 10+ pages pack earlier this week?
We found it online (thank you, after looking Google up and down and up and down and it arrived yesterday.

Carsten and I got up quite early today - at least for a Sunday - and left home by 9 AM to go to my office (on a SUNDAY!) and print our guestbook there. Our printer at home is lousy ;_;

Our first try to print it in the normal ink jet at work was uhm... not really pretty, so we resorted to using the colour laser printer. That thing HATED me, when I wanted to print the invitations, but normal A4 size paper, even though very heavy, it can handle just fine.
We had to re-do a graphic, which made our stay there a bit longer, but we left the office around 11 AM again, with all pages of the guestbook printed :-)

There is a reason why we don't use one of the guestbooks you can buy everywhere:
At some weddings very few guests were very busy with their page and had the whole book for themselves quite some. Other guest had to hurry up then and some were kind of forgotten.
With our very special book, this is not going to happen. Every one can work on their page as long as they want - until the party is over ^^;;;


After talking to my aunt yesterday she came up with a GOOD idea and today I used this fabric to make the idea come to life.

Please go "AHHHHH!" when you recognise the fabric at the wedding location :-)
It was the only fabric we had at home that kind of works with our colour concept AND it has hearts...

A short check on the free kindle books showed this today "Religion ohne Gnade - ein Bericht aus dem Leben eines Zeugen Jehovas" (Religion without mercy - a report from one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
I'm not that far into the book, but he had opinions on their views even from the start (only joined because his wife kind of insisted) and knowing that he wrote this book later on, it's quite sure that he left the Witnesses at some point.
The author has currently three books published, all dealing with his and his families experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses.

It's very interesting to read, though scary too how some people can control other people that much and pressure them into telling lies/not saying the whole truth, just because it doesn't fit with their schemes etc.
Also dangerous to see how some people are CONVINCED that whatever they say or think is the one and only truth and they don't even consider second opinions or try to see things from another point of view.

Religion will always be a difficult topic...

books, wedding

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