Bad day?

Oct 25, 2010 08:49

Found a dead catfish in the tank this morning ;_; It was the smallest one, so we think something was wrong with him anyway, as (s)he? didn't grow like the other four did...

Then my car kind of rolled against a bollard (how do you translate "Poller"?) this morning too. No matter how tall you are, it's impossible to see the front end of my car while driving it (BAD construction idea!). I was trying to park my car and suddenly it went "boing"... have to check how it actually looks later on in daylight. Mel couldn't see anything when it was still dark outside, so hopefully it's not that bad.

I found out the name of the author of my HORROR manual = the manual that is supposed to guide me. He goes by the name of Akin S. (full name known to the editorial office ^_~ )

Oh, and I think I forgot my arm warmers at the location I was working at on Friday ;_; (would have to call our client, so that he calls them, as they aren't supposed to know we are working on that project too = I can't call them on my own _._ )

work, ranting, daily life

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