Our tank

Aug 29, 2010 19:56

As mentioned before, we got a tank about two months ago - and as promised now you'll get the pictures.
(I've stolen the pics from Mel's LJ and just changed the text a bit ^^;;;)

That's the tank. About 80 cm in width. Including a bit of real mangrove root (the mountain-like thing) and some "cute" things like the wooden barrel (made of plastic). 

So far we have 5 different types of fish.

9 x Roter Neon, Kardinaltetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

7 x Kardinalfisch, Gold (Tanichthys albonubes gold)

4 x Zebrabärbling (Danio rerio)

5 x Marmorierter Panzerwels (Corydoras paleatus,

1 x Zwergschilderwels
(Sadly the pics are a bit dark or overlighted, because he LOVES to hide in the mangrove. If you catch him outside your are lucky, because he usually spends not more then a few seconds outside of his beloved mangrove. _._)

Fishies in action...

Yesterday we found a dragonfly nymph in the tank and went "o.O Just how did it get in there???" We assume it's from the dried food and somehow got "resurrected" in the water.
Sadly, most (99%) dragonfly nymphs found in German tanks are of very foreign origin and thus... will have to die. We need to protect our own local species and just can't risk that one single dragonfly will bring chaos over them _._
Though somehow that's hardly likely. If we were to set it free now in some pond, it would surely freeze to death. With 12-15 °C at the end of August. Hmpf.

tank, picspam

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