Packed ^^

Jul 26, 2009 18:38

So, should have packed everything I need for the trip. Business-related trip and not holidays -.-;;;;;;;;;;

Then, I've got myself a new toy yesterday. Cute and tiny Asus.

Buying went like this:
I went to check MediaMarkt on Friday and they didn't have it. Then we went to Saturn on Saturday morning. No luck there, only the sample model was left and they didn't want to reduce the price. Went to check out the Electronics department at Karstadt, same situation - but they offered to reduce the price by almost 10%, so I bought their sample model. Staff-san said it had been their since Monday only... Now, it's up to you to decide whether to believe that or not, but the battery hasn't been in use yet (still wrapped ^^;), so that's pretty much okay.

I'll see how good it is in the next few days ^_^


Oh, and I entered new dates for my holidays into our schedule at work Aug 27th till Sept 5th. Now, let's see if this works out or not. If I don't get those few days off, the next chance is in mid-October -.-;;; Isn't it wonderful when you are the only person able to do some stuff, because this IS your project and nobody else got a clue? *hmpf*
I wonder if I should try that blind-booking again in late August and visit friends and family in Unna, Dortmund and Cologne before going abroad for a few days...

holidays, work

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