Othrus no Inu

Jun 16, 2009 20:10

I did a very happy dance after reading the enhanced cast list.

滝沢秀明, 錦戸亮, 水川あさみ <-- yeah, yeah... those names we knew already ^^;;;

八乙女光 (Yaotome Hikaru) <-- aha? Okay, then the poor kid is in too ^^;;
山本龍二 (Yamamoto Ryuuji) <- older guy
原田夏希 (Harada Natsuki) <- can't remember her very well
忍成修吾 (Oshinari Shuugo) <- aha? nice ^_^
波瑠 (Haru) <- can't remember her very well either

柴俊夫 (Shiba Toshio) <-- another older guy
六角精児 (Rokkaku Seiji) <-- yet another older guy

佐々木蔵之介  (Sasaki Kuranosuke) <--- THERE!!!!!!!! amamiyarin, are you going to watch it too? (I mean, I will be watching it for Takki in the first place. Everything else is just the cherry on top _._ )

高畑淳子 (Takahata Atsuko) <- older lady and I might have seen her face around. or not. will find out ^^;;;

Today I noticed a pic that seemed totally wrong. I knew the pic should show an "impression", instead I saw an "elevation".
We figured out it's due to the shadows, turned the pic 180° and suddenly we all saw the "impression". Sadly, I simply can't turn the picture around in my manual, because then the letter "T" and "C" (see pic below) would be upside down. If we photoshop the pic quite some, it might work, but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle ^^;;;
Actually, the pic below only shows a small part of the whole object <-- there it's no problem to see the "impression" ^^;;;

Have fun trying to see the "impression" in the first pic ^^;;;


Hmpf, I wish I could retake this picture. Sadly, said object is in Kassel -.-;;;

j-dorama, work

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