
Jun 08, 2009 08:30

First of all: Happy Birthday junklover *hugs*


I have some MAJOR issues with the index of my manual at the moment.
A huge part of the manual is software description. The software runs on English. I'm writing the manual in German, but EVERY SINGLE term that is software related stays in English (e.g. the name of buttons, Import = Import) and doesn't get translated into German. Translating the names of buttons would make no sense whatsoever...
There are other English words in the manual too, that can be translated though _._


My index is now a funny mix of German and English. No problem for the German version. They'll translate that into English. Still no problem.
What worries me...?

Some guy will translate the manual from German into Arabic. How do I make him understand which words MUST stay in English and which words can be translated in Arabic?
I have no contact with the translator, as this task is carried out by our contractor...

I can already foresee that the poor Arabic client will get a manual with translated software description.

Imagine the following written in Arabic only.
1. Press button "$%&*'#/?" [<-- arabic word for "Import"].

*user goes off to find button "$%&*'#/?" on the screen and can't find it* because there is only "Import" -.-;;;;;
*continues with headdesk*

EDIT: Called the main, main contractor. He took a look in previous, already translated manuals. English stays in English! (only the number of the page is in Indian numbers, when on the page itself you have an Arabic number ^^;;;)


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