Kiara to the rescue ^^;;

Jun 05, 2009 22:15

Today after work I first went to the post office, then some groceries, went home. Pondered over food or jogging. Figured that I was way too hungry (only very tiny cup of cup noodles for lunch - and now it was five hours later...) thus dinner won.

I just wanted to start with the "preparations" (aka turn the oven on) when my phone rang and my boss called me. He had forgotten his keys and now wasn't able to lock the office. Turned the oven off again. and went back to the office, said "hi" once more to my boss, locked the doors and left together with him. Went home again. Turned the oven on again ^^;;;
The whole thing didn't take more than 35 minutes. Good thing I'm living quite close to our office.


Just watched "Hetalia" ep. 1-19 and... it's quite cute. I love how they portray each country and can't stop laughing about Germany. He really won me already in episode one, when everybody was talking and he made them shut up and explained the rules ^^;;;;;;;;
Can't get enough of Italia and Roma, so cute together ^^;


For those who play "Pet Society": Could you please check if you can still access my house/pet, because... uhm... I kind of abolished the door ^^;;;

work, games, anime/manga

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