Weekend and Japan

Dec 07, 2008 17:46

First of all, I hope all of you who did the JLPT today, were successful (or well... that you don't consider hiding under some rock right now *hugs all of you*)

Second... Friday sucked majorly ;_; (sick and bla and duh!)

Yesterday made up for it though ^^ vc_mel and I visited the Christmas market here in Bremen and got ourselves walked over it _._
We learned that the job as tram driver in the city is horror atm. Usually it's already not that nice for the drivers, because the lines go STRAIGHT through the shopping district. There are no marks were not to walk etc.
In the same area we now have the Christmas market - and people with huge bells walking quite fast in front of the tram to shoo all the people away who are happily standing and walking on the tram rails _._;;;
In the end we got some sushi and had a delicious dinner, which I used to find out that I'm REALLY allergic to pickled ginger. Swollen lip and all -.-;;

Today... Christmas market in Oldenburg. Much smaller, not that crowded (we were there during lunch). Weather was really nice *.*

Three tickets for Japan down, too many to go _._
festivewind is SUCH a nice girl! Thank you so much again.

Jan 24th, Daiki-chan, Seat: L-2
Jan 26th, Takki, Seat: 2nd floor, K-50(something)
Feb 4th, Buchou + Shindou Gaku, Seat: N-10

I. AM. GOING. TO. SEE. TAKKI. (uhm... yeah... that is, if I bring my binoculars _._ I think I sat on a similar seat for Dream Boys once?)

I'll be away tomorrow and Tuesday. Kassel. Hotel Mövepick. Apparently wireless internet. Will find out if that works -.-;;;
Oh, I forgot... I'm there for work and not for checking out hotels and their internet connection ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

musicals, japan, daily life

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