Sano Mizuki picspam

Jun 29, 2008 17:04

Recently, I got my hands on a whole batch of Sano Mizuki shop pics (kindly scanned by vc_mel)
23 pics, 4 of them are unofficial ones.
I think all of the pics are from the 90s. Luckily he looks so much better now ^^;;;;;

Just a small preview pic... (yes, I couldn't resist...)

Download links for the pics MU | MF

Feel free to tell me who those other two guys are on the two pics... because I surely don't know them.

I'm still slightly spazzy about all the posts in the Samurai Mode blog today. The costumes *.*
I really, really want to see this play on DVD, even if I know it will be almost impossible to understand anything. But heck, I watched 49 eps of Yoshitsune, I can deal with strange Japanese (if someone subbed the stuff, that is... _._ )

Oh 1) Can someone/anyone please give a column to Mizuki? Even if he says he's not a blog-person, he clearly loves to write ^_~
Oh 2) I finally got myself a Mizuki-icon. So please remember his name ^_~

佐野瑞樹, *pnish*, picspam

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