religion and morality the repurcussion

Jul 20, 2014 08:14

The divine command theory says we that "morally right" means "commanded by God", and "morally wrong" means "forbidden by god.
this theory would then make anything in ethics objective.
Ethics would no longer be "subjective" or a matter of personal feeling or social custom but the idea that whether something is right or wrong is because god either commands or forbids it.
Platos Euthyphro
in dialogue with socrates (his student) says as I have mentioned before
"right can be defined as that which the gods command.
socrates then says "is conduct right because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right."
Exodus 20:16 -"god commands us to be truthfull"
so the reason we must be good is because god commands it not so much because of the divine command theory saying truth is neither good nor bad its god command that makes truth right.
this is arbitrary because god could have easily commanded us to be bad.
the problem i have with people citing me scriptures from the bible is that their moral views are only derived from their religious commitments.
this is what my mom does sometimes
1)makes up her mind about the moral issues
2) interprets the scriptures or church traditions in such a way as to support the moral conclusion she came to reach.
when i miscarried last year, my partner tried convincing me for an abortion before that happened.
I could not come to a conclusion as to what is right or wrong.
I felt deep down inside if i aborted I killed someone and I would be judged and not get to live eternally in heaven, because murder is wrong.
though the bible really does not mention anything about abortion ( I mean why would it, abortions were not possible back then, maybe only by herbal doctors)
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
this COULD...could be interpreted as the unborn, as well as the born are "consecrated"to god.
abortion is not objectively defined here not fetal life
Jeremiah more like exaggerated the fact that god inteded him to be a prophet even before Jeremiah was born.
point made that
in the scriptures,
words are lifted from a passage that is concerned with something entirely different from the issue at hand, and molded in the way that supports the argument.
so when people cite the bible as to what is right or wrong to do with your life, are thy following the moral teachings of the bible for searching for scriptures that support the moral view he or she subjectivly concluded for themselves.
Exodus 21:22
"Si algunos riñeren, e hirieren a mujer embarazada, y ésta abortare, pero sin haber muerte, serán penados conforme a lo que les impusiere el marido de la mujer y juzgaren los jueces"

Obviously murder does not seem to be a category that includes the death of a fetus brought by anybody performing the abortion or the woman herself.

However, I cannot explain if its of social custom and being raised a seventh day Adventist that I disagree with abortion ..selectively ( I always supported it, in cases of rape or severe fetal defects leading to a short or long painful life for the person, as if i were in an accident that would have others suffer around me and myself suffer to i rather not be resuscitated)I wish I would not be selective though its hard to be firm on points if situations always make a topic selectively good or bad. I know I felt stronger against it after I miscarried.
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