Jul 12, 2014 20:17
:tis the object of feeling, not reason."
-David Hume -A Treatise of Human Nature (1740)
People have different opinions, but where morality is concerned, there are no "facts,"and no one is "right". People just feel differently.Ethical Subjectivism is the idea that our moral opinions are based on our feelings and nothing more.
With that being said,there is no "objective" right or wrong, it will always be subjective. Right and wrong cannot be proven objectively it is only our subjective opinion supported by our personal reasons why something is right or wrong.So there are homosexuals and there are heterosexuals that is a fact, but it is not a fact that one or the other is right or wrong that is subjective. So if someone says homosexuality is wrong, they are not stating a fact but just their feeling towards it.
Pretty much every argument you can have with any person reasonable or not is subjective.
I realized that pretty late in my life and wasted arguing with worthless people.
Are there any moral facts?
If someone gives me their moral judgement,they will support it with reason and in the end they are not facts and I will either agree or disagree. I always check myself in the end and differentiate this from personal preference. If I say I like anal sex, I don't have to have a reason because I am just making a personal preference about my sexual nature. This does not require back up so to say. Moral judgments however, do require reasons if not they are just as arbitrary. Giving reasons can be taken further. If i say my father is a bad person and one of my reason is because he is a liar,I can go on to explain why lying is bad.
1)Lying is bad because it harms people.
2)If I give you false information and you rely on it, things go wrong for the person being lied to.
Trust is another topic.
Trust is leaving yourself completely vulnerable and unprotected. Can your partner really love you if he doesn't trust you? Edgar did not trust me at first and he had good reasons. I wish I was certain he trusts me now, but I doubt it. I trust him and love him, but somehow I feel there is something deep deep down inside me that wants to protect myself from him and not be completely vulnerable. I think I am past that point though, because the though of him leaving me makes me feel terribly sad. Either way I always tell myself no matter what happens, Love is beautiful and while it last it is good medicine, and after that you have nature. It sounds cheesy but the sun will keep you warm, the waves at the beach will wash away the bad, the moon will look over you at night and the wind is natures voice letting you know you are connected to earth and earth to you, you won't be alone. This is better than rushing to another mans arms that only wants your flesh.
Anyway.....back to being subjective
I definitely don't think something is right or wrong because authority says so. i.e Leviticus in bible obviously says homosexuality is wrong among other things. If the precepts in a sacred text are no arbitrary, there must be some reason for them-we should be able to ask why is homosexuality wrong and expect and answer.