Not right at this moment b'c I'm leaving fairly soon, but I'd love to snatch a few as opposed to going thru the motions of finding icons which can take fucking-forever (excuse the English...)
I wasn't thinking straight when I sent off the icon altho TRULY I was writing about a Klaine love scene, but you're right; no matter what crap I'm talking about, I should never, ever send such a horrendous thing to your eyes. Your poor, poor eyes...
I have, as I mentioned, literally hundreds upon hundreds of Kurt icons but as you've mentioned, you're more into the concept of Dave having someone, and just liking him as opposed to really liking CC.
However, just say the word and we can trade at some point...
(I am almost NEVER serious. I DO, however, get into crappy moods, more recently as I'm dealing w' ridiculous, annoying family members that bug the shit out of me... Being the sweet, loving angel that I am, I don't understand where they are coming from... *swoons delicately at sight of something that would make an 18th century woman swoon* ... Okay, you got me, I'm as bitchy as they are, but I try to hide it better so I just find this whole thing annoying...)
I wasn't thinking straight when I sent off the icon altho TRULY I was writing about a Klaine love scene, but you're right; no matter what crap I'm talking about, I should never, ever send such a horrendous thing to your eyes. Your poor, poor eyes...
I have, as I mentioned, literally hundreds upon hundreds of Kurt icons but as you've mentioned, you're more into the concept of Dave having someone, and just liking him as opposed to really liking CC.
However, just say the word and we can trade at some point...
(I am almost NEVER serious. I DO, however, get into crappy moods, more recently as I'm dealing w' ridiculous, annoying family members that bug the shit out of me... Being the sweet, loving angel that I am, I don't understand where they are coming from... *swoons delicately at sight of something that would make an 18th century woman swoon* ... Okay, you got me, I'm as bitchy as they are, but I try to hide it better so I just find this whole thing annoying...)
And now I am ranting.
Let's talk when I am not. Ranting, that is...
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