Fanart for Erase Me - Kink-BigBang 2012

Feb 02, 2013 01:14

Oh, so late once more... I'm never on time as it is, but it's so much worse when people somehow depend on you. I was kept, my sister made me watch another Karnevalssitzung, lol. Frankly, this one wasn't quite that good.

Here is my bit for this round at kink_bigbang, artwork fo concupiscence66's marvellous Erase Me ( LJ, AO3), a story all about first times. Yeah... not knowing all that much about things has never kept me from reading and talking lots about them and doing pervy fanarts ;)

Nothing all that pervy happening this time though - in the story oh yes, there's lots - but not that much in my artwork. The thing is the topic got to me one night and since then... from one moment to the next there was no way to make it lovely and wonderful and happy. You know, when there's something sad in a story this is what I'll hang myself on.

And once again, sorry, this IS less than what you're used to from me, still with love and sadness and adoration from me. And I have at least three more pictures started inspired by this story, and they'll be finished at some point.

fanart, slash, graphics, the mighty boosh, fandom, drawing

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