We all go a little mad sometimes.

Jan 27, 2013 02:00

Just came back home from watching Movie 43. I cannot resist an episode movie with that amount of awesome people. (Basically this is Kentucky Fried Chicken just modern, and better. I think. With a breathtaking cast.)

You can judge me all you want, I had fun. I also had some beers, which, I suppose, helped.

Point is. There was that one segment with Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville [I dare you to type those names correctly - without looking them up! - when you're drunkslightly tipsy] one of whom I loathe for ages, and one of whom I adore the crap out of for just as long. Your guess as to what applies to which guy. It's Brian's (SWS) birthday, and Pete (Knoxville) catches a leprechaun for his buddy. He also catches something else, and then there is blood and violence and talk of blowjobs. All of that was very exciting.

For a moment there I felt strongly reminded of Scream. And you know how 90s stuff of my youth works on me, I get all mushy and sentimental. And now I'd pay in gold to see them make out. Or in bjs. Seriously, I'd be thrilled. Very.

Also saw the trailers for
- World War Z - dear me, Brad, you're not Bruce Willis, I don't buy it. You're not the regular guy who goes and saves the world, because in real he's a top universal soldier, a one man army, who just gave that up or got fired, or something, sorry. And Zombies? Again
- Into Darkness - hmm, it got me all excited because it was a new Star Trek trailer on big screen, and that's ALWAYS something to look at  (and there was McCoy, all desperate with shiny eyes), but not because it was THAT amazing somehow.
- Mama. Creeeepy. And might be especially tough since it's a "children horror movie".

but whips and chains excite me, fanart, *__*, graphics: picspam, movie

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