Oldish challenge art

Jun 21, 2012 12:42

Since I'm partaking in this round over at smallfandomfest, I thought it'd be useful to actually post the things I've made for it the last time. ... the 'last time' was in 2010, two years ago, ages really, but wait until you get to see what fandom I've dug up (heh) to mainly play with this time around...

Anyway I posted these to the community directly back then and never here. I don't quite remember why, maybe because most others did so too, and I didn't want to make a fuss or something. Also, forgive the common faults and mistakes - the artwork is two years old after all.

Fandom: Brotherhood of the Wolf
Pairing/Characters: Mani/Thomas d'Apcher
Rating/Category: R/Slash
Prompt: writing on the skin
Notes/Warnings: Possibly Not Safe For Work

Fandom: Alexander (movie'verse)
Pairing/Characters: Alexander/Hephaistion
Rating/Category: PG/Slash
Prompt: comfort

Fandom: Alexander (movie'verse)
Pairing/Characters: Alexander/Hephaistion
Rating/Category: PG/Slash
Prompt: longing


(The quality is rather low, because I had no good caps of this scene, and it was before I learned to make my own.)

fanart, slash, graphics: icons, challenge, fairytales, graphics: wallpaper, graphics, fandom, movie

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