I was looking through some of my older CDs to wallow in melancholy and depression for as long as it takes, I just can't write substancial comments it seems nor anything.. and yeah.. this.. #。◕ ‿ ◕。#
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This should make a fanart for... something...*coughing fit*
(You must watch the video on youtube.com, I'm afraid, but it's worth it, it's very sweet,
Read more... )
And if you've understood my coughing fit in a way of me being absolutely healthy (my doctor even complained yesterday because she made a check up and couldn't find anything - I'm halfway prepared that she'll give me the results of the blood sample today, announcing that I have something very seriousy only to annoy me for a second, tzz...), but absolutely getting what you're hinting at - then you've got it right! ... And now please tell me that I'm getting what you're hinting at because if I don't, this one right here might be one of the most pointless conversations EVER. xD
Oh! That sounds like quite a creative AND productive phase you're having there! Congratulations! :) ... But take care of your hand, I think these Sehnenscheidenentzündungen (was für ein phantastisches Wort übrigens) are no funny business at all ;) ... AND HOW COULD THE GOTH DETECTIVES EVER CEASE TO INTEREST ME hehe. Though admittedly, I've given up on Luxury Comedy. But Goth Detectives? I'm ALL in. :D .... Hm and I think I don't understand your last sentence. So, what's the less real-life-like project and what's the one more fairytale-comfort-like? So football is too close to home at the moment and that's why you're settling for other Fandoms? Did you mean it like this? (It's ridiculous, my brain should clearly be able to function better than it does right now, looking at the fact that it's half past ten in the morning... :/)
Lol, I’ve always heard people complain about getting sehnenscheidenentzündung in school and at university, but I never really bothered to call it that when my wrist and arm hurt. What I always thought these guys were actually out to get was attention.
Haha! Hopefully your doctor doesn’t shock you too much. Although now that you expect it it’s a rather moot point :/ Be happy that you’re healthy, usually this is a thing that people receive positively ;P
Also… what I’m hinting at… you can’t go about it like that. You should know that I’m a total wimp when it comes to such things… like talking about stuff after someone may have developed an idea or an expectation already… Don’t you remember what a pathetic and lengthy display it was before I told you about Noel Fielding, etc? Speaking of pointless conversations… #u_u#
I always have productive phases when I am all down and trying to dodge other more important tasks, lol.
It's not football though, that thing that is too close to home. Frankly, football just bores me these days.Now that the Bundesliga is over and Dortmund has awesomely won and finished everybody off, and Aachen is going to the 3rd division. Even Real has finally won the league. Now, what remains is the Champions League. And this sorry and sad excuse for football that United is putting me through more often than not this season. And footie slash... :/ I'm up for anything that takes the boredom away. I'll be posting one of the wips this weekend, I guess, and I've drawn the Cescy b-day for lovinthefics' little celebration that I'll post here too yet, dunno...
S’not going to be slashy though, the goth detectives bit, just so you know and don’t get ideas. Drawing it has given me a bit of a feeling of betrayal deep down in my guts, like drawing Cris/Kaka or something, I felt really off :/
For about half a year I have something else on my mind that will include Russel and be really slashy, but I’m not quite as ready yet to actively draw something as deprived. Yet.
The “real-life-like” project is the Nathan Barley smallfandom bang artwork a couple of entries below. Because football… as I said above, is really not close to home at all, and, to be true, I and it feel rather weirdly estranged right now. Which is something I really don’t want and expect to fade again soon.
Thinking about it I have no fandoms that are not close to home though. It’s what draws me to fandoms and people after all, the fact that I can relate to them and feel them touch some string within me. If I can’t relate I’m not interested.
But when I say fairytale like I mean more these fandoms where stuff happens that does usually not happen in real life, whether rainbows and unicorns or abstruse, dark and rapey doesn’t really matter that much, lol. And right now this is the Boosh, and finally I feel up to it.
And the doctor wasn't even there, so no chance for her to shock me. I must have really bored her yesterday. xD ... And NO, of course I'm not complaining about this, mind you! It wasn't me, it was her. She litterally said 'Ja, das gibt's doch nicht, da kann ich ja wirklich gar nichts reinschreiben' and her voice was SO disappointed, it was ridiculous. I offered her to make something up but she laughed it off. Tzz. ;D
AH, these conversations drive me into despair, you know? :D ... Hm, okay then. So I though you were relating this to something football related again, to something with a sun and a moon? But once again this is me just jumping to conclusions based on my own stories so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. (Sometimes I really wonder whether I could be more egocentric in my thinking, at least in certain situations. xD)
*HUGS*, not wanting to jinx your creativity of course, yet I really do hope that you'll be feeling a little better soon nonetheless. Same for football. Maybe the Euros will turn out to be entertaining? /Fingers crossed! I'm actually favouring Germany to win this year and this is a situation the world hasn't seen since 2006 :D/
Yaaay, more shiny things to look at and distract me from studying. I'm looking forward to it. :) ... And with the Goth Detectives not being slashy, that is actually really fine with me. I don't know, I think we had this conversation before, but I just don't ship them in a slash sense, I just treasure the idea. So YAY indeed. ... Also, this feeling of betrayal is certainly interesting. D: And, only to a certain extent, of course, I get what you mean, though my experience is not quite comparable. I've managed to drown out the small voices in my head whenever I indulge in SerIker quite well by now, teehee.
(Oh, I remember that artwork ... still need to say something to it. UGH, I'm not building up expecations here, by the way.) Ohhh, I see. Well, the Boosh certainly has something of a fairytale, if you have a closer look at it. Children's stories for not quite children, but the elements are most definitely there. And hey, does this mean more Boosh fanart? Because I most certainly approve. :)
Yeah, I’ve had that since I was a child, lol. Pointlessness. People always get heavily annoyed with me whenever I start a conversation and then make a big production out of nothing and trying to get out of it again, unable to actually spill what I want to say… -__-‘
Haha, and yeah, I thought you were getting at that story of yours. That’s why I was so embarrassed about saying anything. No, that doesn’t fit here at all. It’s completely different. In my head and with the feeling of the song, for me at least. The more as that story has established the threesome idea in my head in a specific context, so that really is a completely different kettle of fish. It doesn’t mean that this is not somewhere between my wips though.
I am looking forward to the Euros a great lot actually. That’s really what keeps me on my toes. I love international championships like nothing else, I think, so this yes, this may draw me in more. On the other hand, and the more football-slashy grounds, it always makes me so damn sad, because I know that there are things I will most certainly never see again as long as I’m alive.
And yay! How come you’ve suddenly re-discovered your interest for our team?! xD Not to say I’m not glad, lol.
We did talk about the slash or not slash them back then, yeah, that’s why I had such a déjà-vu feeling, lol. And yeah… In a sense it’s as I said, I’m a strict OTP person once I’m sold on an otp. Although I of course let people run free, but only if it makes sense, or if it is of no consequence for my otp or if it is in connection to it somehow.
And this is why I don’t want to slash Noel with Russel, because he is a danger (just like Kaka was a danger for my Cristyne, and just like certainly Iker is a danger for Sernando although to a lesser degree) because there are so many who are keen on that pair, and I won’t have Noel being taken away, dammit.
So… it’s a bit like the feeling when a person I worship gets into a new relationship or something. … I think essentially this is jealousy again. It’s not very sane is it?
But yeah, the picture brings out 'the idea' quite alright-ly, I'd say.
Also, lol, the smallfandom bang artwork… don’t feel pressured there. I’d have thought you’d look at it for the Noels at least ;P
Exactly that. I like the phrasing “Children's stories for not quite children”. In other words “for me”. And yeah, there is in the making. You’ll have enough of it at some point, lol. And this song, that is about it, too. Because if you're in it, the whole fandom, then this really is what it is... I actually found a very old story based on it on ff.net, lol. It's not a masterpiece, but I consider the fact of its existence alone as something awesome anyway xD
Funny thing is several of my otps go bloody damn well with that song. Not that funny really.
Also: my comment above won't let me edit, but I didn't mean 'deprived', I meant 'depraved', haha.
Ah, but now that we have this one established (and have seen another commical error of mine. how come it always ends like this? :D), now we can talk about it! ... Hm, now that you've said it - I probably would have taken a while to get it. For example the splitting up who's the sun and who's the moon, I spontaneously would have labelled Noel as the sun, but with him playing the moon and all that ... it's a bit tricky for a beginner to figure out. ;D .... But coming to think of it, I quite like the imagery. Can't wait what you've got on your plate for the two of them (and I'm honestly saying this meant in no way to pressure you into finishing something soon, I'm just expressing my general sentiment).
Yes, I'm already more than excited for the Euros, too. International tournaments are the best, they always bring up so many feelings in the right doses. I can't believe it's been two years since the WC already D: ... Also, euh, I don't know. And I'm also not sure yet whether I can really cheer them on or watch their matches fully attentive, but there's just some part inside of me which tells me that, should they play the way I expect them to play or even exceed my expectations, it would be only fair and just for them to win. That being said, of course I still want Spain to do more than well, but somehow, I wouldn't be too sad if they don't win. (This is me saying this now. Things might be completely different two weeks into the Euros... xD)
And this type of jealousy might not be very sane, but I think it's a display of very strong feelings and passion and as that's what should be the driving force behind any kind of art and way of living ... who cares whether it's sane or not? ... Of course I'm not as deep in the matter as you are, but to me, Russell could never compete with Julian. They just work on a completely different level, for me. But then again, that's me talking about (possible) OTPs I don't even invest so much in, so what's the point... xD
Indeed indeed xD and yet…. xD Truth is I always expect people can see through me and know what’s on my mind even then when there’s virtually no way for that to be possible. So much for being egocentric, lol.
And why wouldn't you label him as the sun, I was not talking about that moon. To be honest it has taken me several listenings to figure out what the sun was doing/saying and what the moon, and even now I’m not completely sure. Like who is having tea, and who is barely hanging on. I mean I take it as the video shows it and it works, but in the end that’s not necessarily the only way to understand it, what with the English syntax and overall grammar.
Isn’t it true?! WCs and ECs always make me so enthusiastic about football. It’s like every time I forget how much I love these tournaments during the two years of absence, and then once one is coming up, I get all ecstatic xD It’s simply so much more than leagues, club football, national tournaments, a completely different significance.
Well, that sounds good enough ^^
… I’m just waiting for Sergio to take his shirt off in the summer heat and you’ll be singing a different tune… x) *cough*
Of course there’s no competition, but unfortunately I'm eternally and desperately insecure about things and people that are somehow important, I mean really, I'd feel threatened by a piglet. And while it is problematic, because it does put me in situations where I can get very bitter and slightly hateful… I wouldn’t ever give up any emotion that is as strong as that, because you’re right, it can be a powerful driving force, too.
(Also, of course I wouldn't want to bore you with my otps, lest you lose all interest before time, lol x)
Heehee, oh dear, we make quite a match, don't we? But really, when I'm face to face with someone I'd like to think of myself as being rather able to look through a person, at least in most cases, but again, the Internet makes everything more difficult ... So really, don't expect me to see through anything around here, this way you're only positively surprised if I do and not constantly annoyed because I don't :D
Hm, daring to jump into the dark here on most levels, I'd agree to Vince being more the sun-ny type of person, so when it comes to Howard/Vince I'd rather agree ... but then again. I don't know. ... I really don't know. "-.- And when it comes to Julian/Noel ... I'd know even less.
It's exactly like this for me, too. :)
AND UHM EXCUSE ME?! :D ... Seriously, I wish you could have seen my face when I read that Sergio comment. My mouth was literally hanging open and my eyes went wide and I found myself unable to make a sound for something like 5 seconds. And then I started giggling like crazy. That's so mean of you to say! :P ... Being honest with myself, though, you're probably closer to the truth than I'd like you to be, too.
And you don't bore me with your OTPs! Never! D: ... It's just that I don't really know half of them, which makes it a little difficult to express my thoughts on them, but in general, I'm really interested in them!
Anyway, it's good that you enjoy yourself and are well and everything, especially the crazy good stuff :)
This about looking through person, that is a much deeper issue than you think. There is a big space between one person and the next, always, like that novel says, every man dies alone, some people also live alone, that's why I'm looking for otps in fanfic so desperately, otps that are like one whole person. But in reality, one has to consider that the next person truly has no clue what goes on inside you, even if it's some simple things only. That's remarkably sad.
Howard and Vince are so much more easier to place really, although they have clearly moments that show they're not 'flat' and one dimensional. Heh, i just recently read these meta pieces 51 Questions Answered About Vince Noir and 51 Questions Answered about Howard Moon. They were utterly entertaining and at some points even enlightening, lol.
With Julian and Noel, it often goes so twisted and really weird, I mean obviously, since they are real people and not just figures, and even though, as they say themselves, they're similar to these characters, still, you know they're real people with many more, uhm, layers... and layers of two unusual people at that.
Oh, you're so easy with your Spaniards *shakes head* x)
Also, I wish I had time to really appreciate all the crazy good stuff that has happened last week but there is none :/ I went to a First Aid workshop and got handled by the boy/man I had the biggest crush on when I was 14/15 and NO TIME TO ENJOY IT because as soon as I come home ... well. ... Anyway, I'm trying not to let this get to me at the moment. Not until I'm eventually done with my exam on Friday.
And, surprisingly, I think I have never heard the connection or the meaning of an OTP phrased like this before, but I find it's very true and absolutely appealing. That's what OTPs should be about! ... And yes, everything's different in reality, of course. Which I'd like to think as quite good, though, I wouldn't really like it if people could tell how I feel and what I'm thinking from the distance. But it turns us into loners, eventually, too, I agree.
Must come back to these metapieces on Friday, then! ;)
Exactly that.
And I guess I am. ... I'm not sure if I mind, though. ;D
I think maybe people would also pay more attention to other peoples feelings and try to act less often like jerks and be better if they could see what their behaviour does to others.
I just had to communicate something.
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