Graphics: Golden Oldies

Dec 05, 2011 21:57

The 5th Day of December.

... I blame the shows and movies I used to watch as a child for my fixation on OTPs that consist of folks that are basically the two opposing poles of a magnet. Extremes that try everything to make each others lives a living hell, but who really can't do without each other.

These are my graphics for challenge #22 at landofart. Golden Oldies.
I do have about a ton of other graphics I started for this theme, but I didn't finish them on time. I used to watch A LOT of TV when I was younger. The following are barely a handful, just so much to get the maximum of points, lol. If I had finished more you'd get the full meaning of the above paragraph x)


And in order to end things on a lighter note:

[The Muppet Show]

fanart, love is, challenge, graphics: picspam, tv, graphics, graphics: banner, movie,!, graphics: misc

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