Fic: Aro/Edward: Temptation

Jul 24, 2009 14:15

Title: Temptation
Prompt: Blood
Character/Pairing: Aro/Edward
Rating: PG
Notes/Warnings: noncon (nothing explicit)

Aro reaches a hand to Edward’s cheek. Fingertips are all he requires, but his hand cups Edward’s face. His touch barely registers, but Edward’s mind runs wild through all his memories; Aro has access to each one, and it unnerves the much younger vampire to have no sense of control.

In flashes, Edward recalls his last visit.

Aro’s teeth are a brilliant flash in his mind; blood is everywhere and Edward can barely breathe. Aro’s hands are on his, and he thinks only of the blood and the temptation is overwhelming.

Edward can do nothing but succumb and Aro has won this round.

pairing: aro/edward, fandom: twilight, !fic, (community) coven_100, (user) latex_muffins, rating: pg

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