Interviewed for a temp job this afternoon. Start tomorrow at 6:00am. Pretty snazzy, get to work on ferry boats and talk to strangers. Totally not the kind of job I was aiming for, but it's only a couple weeks, and it still brings in monies. but, did I mention, I need to be awake in four and a half hours and I totally can't sleep. I'd been doing such a great job waking up at 6:00 every morning, but today I slept in until 9. What terrible luck. At least I have a rockstar in the fridge, leftover from my crazy late night class run.
Oh, and I found the crazy awesome coolest language vocab study site. like, the most awesome shit ever. It's similar to Genius for Mac, but on some crazy expensive crack. Seriously. Lists are premade for the core 2000, core 6000, etc as well as vocab lists from each chapter of the text books I use to study. I even saw some reviews about how the study method is similar to Rosetta Stone (sans the $1k). It's super awesome for Japanese, but they have lists for all sorts of other things also, like SAT, GRE, and capitals of the world. You can also make your own lists of stuff if there aren't any that are useful. On the downside, I'm pretty sure you have to make an account before it will let you see how awesome everything is. But it is free.
Check it. I should at least try and get some sleep. but....