"We Are The Dateless Losers"

Apr 16, 2005 22:51

Ah, thought I'd update about actual events in my life for once. Not just out of love for my adoring fans, but also because actual events have occurred in the past 48 hours.

Friday night was a fire at my place. I enjoy having fires, I mean come on. Burning things, food, and good people, what the hell else could you possibly want. It was a good turn out, but I'll spare you the list of names.

One classic moment of the night involved Sir David of Stonis. Sweet lord is this man a badass! He slept most of the time, ate chips, and in a beautiful finale, lit his own socks on fire. Genius.

So once it was all said and done, it was pretty succesful. Tom and Kulach spent the night, and in the morning, we made french toast. Yes, be jealous.

Saturday was equally interesting. The bulk of the day involved me being basically coma-tose from the party. However, around 8 o'clock Eric, Josh, and I decided to go wandering around good ol' Burbank. Somewhere around 83rd and Lorel, my nose began to bleed. Not jsut a trickle or anything, but a full on fountain. So we walked all over town kncking on doors to see if anyone would let me into a bathroom to clean up.

Somewhere around Central, a creepy lady walks up to us and asks "Can I use your cell phone, it an emeergency" Apparently she didn't notice that I was COVERED IN BLOOD!

I finally got cleaned up at Josh's, and me and Kulach went by Shannon's. She had a fire too, I got free food. No biggy.

Then we walked randomly with Vince, Hallie, and Courtney, got yelled at by a shitty red car and saw a bunch of people stabbing a gigantic statue of Magic Johnson.


Well thats about it. If I've wasted anyone's time, I'm truly sorry. But in my defense, this is exciting to me, so if you don't like it go buy a canoe.
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