May 02, 2011 01:24
Part of me is glad that Osama Bin Laden is gone because, let's face it, someone who can order the deaths of so many people in the name of ideology and be gleeful about it is, if not actually a monster, pretty much well on the road to it.
But the rest of me is fearful of the fact that the organization is still out there and we're soon going to have another leader pop up from the wings and demand vengence against the world because we killed the last leader and we're corrupt and decadent and godless and hate and vengence can only be appeased with the deaths of as many of us as possible because we The Other and therefore evil by our very existence and the fucking cycle never ENDS.
And I have no earthly idea how to stop the cycle. I can personally choose not to respond with violence. To try and understand others. To forgive and choose to heal instead of destroy, but that only works for me and there are a whole hell of a lot of other people in this world aside from me. And, c'mon, it's pretty obvious that a lot of humans seem to have this ingrained need to destroy each other. How do you break that?
I truly hope this turns out to be a good thing and a turning point to something better for us all, but I have a sinking feeling that it's only going to get bad again. Good things rarely come from killing in anger, and violence met with violence usually only produces more violence.
real life,
my evil liberal leanings,
dread politics