Five things ficlets, parte the first!

Sep 12, 2006 09:54

For sjhw_tolerance:

1. When he first saw her, his breath caught in his throat and his mouth went dry and he didn’t have the ability to say that she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. During the year that they lived on Abydos, he told her it to her in thousands of different ways nearly every single day, but it still rankles him that he couldn’t say it that first time.

2. The morning that Colonel O’Neill came back into his life, bringing along a bewildered and feisty Captain Carter, Daniel had slept badly. Sha’re took pity on him and let him sleep late, so she was already up and about by the time he woke, and Daniel didn’t follow his usual ritual of telling her he loved her when they woke.

He didn’t realize this until they got back to the SGC where he wound up punching a wall hard enough to break the skin on his knuckles. Of all his failures that day, that’s the one that cuts the deepest.

3. He wishes he’d promised to not let her go back to Apophis when he found her on Abydos a year later. Telling her he loved her and he’d never stop loving her was simple. It was a relief to say that again. But he was afraid to make a promise that he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to keep.

But Daniel had always believed in the inherent power of words, and he wondered if saying it and really meaning the promise would have made it real.

4. He’s glad that he told her he loved her one last time, but he wishes he’d been able to ask her forgiveness. He knows, deep down, that Sha’re never blamed him or hated him, but he never got to hear her say it and it’s a persistent ache inside him that has never really healed.

5. Another woman entered his life who was the complete opposite of Sha’re in so many ways, but Daniel still began to realize that he could potentially love her just as deeply and he started to panic. He wished he could talk to Sha’re and tell her that he still loved her and loving Janet would never change that. He wished he could know that it was okay to move on.

He had a dream one night where she was there, looking exactly as she had their last night together on Abydos. She smiled and touched his cheek, saying nothing, but he knew.

The next day, he quietly asked Janet out to dinner.

For gryfindormia:

1. Han Solo immediately struck him in his similarities to O’Neill. The sense of humor was largely the same, as was the sarcasm. And certainly, the two of them tended to have the same attitude towards firearms. However, Teal’c couldn’t see his friend voluntarily wearing leather pants for any reason. When he mentioned this fact to Daniel and Major Carter, Daniel turned an interesting shade of red and Major Carter excused herself to step out in the hall, where the sound of muffled laughter emanated for the next few moments.

The main reason Teal’c decides that O’Neill cannot be Han Solo is simply that being Han Solo would make Teal’c Chewbacca and Teal’c is not amused by this idea at all.

2. Teal’c has decided that he would much rather be Mace Windu, given that Mace Windu is, as Cassie put it when they saw the movie together and he promised not to tell her mother, “a total badass.”

He is, however, secretly pleased to note that his hair is much better than Mace’s.

3. He admires Leia’s courage and resourcefulness, but he feels that Samantha Carter is, by far, the more resourceful of the two. After all, Leia has never blown up a sun. And, after the Shavidai incident, Teal’c believes that she would probably kill anyone who tried to talk her into the gold bikini in some horrible and extremely painful fashion.

In some ways, it’s too bad. Teal’c really thinks she could put Leia to shame.

4. When they first met Thor in his true form, Teal’c had seen The Empire Strikes Back only two times and had to sternly remind himself to not call their new alien ally Yoda.

5. Bra’tac was amused when Teal’c explained Daniel’s half-joking reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi that the two of them had overheard one day. However, he believes that his fighting style is far better than Obi-Wan’s.

Teal’c agrees. After all, Bra’tac hasn’t died yet.

geekery, stargate, fanfic, meme

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